Community Posts, Tips & Support on Parenting

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Parenting.

Bedroom help!!

I’ve only ever slept with my husband so I’m not sure how normal this is- I find him a little selfish in the bedroom and not on my behalf either. It’s like all he really cares about is me enjoying myself and he gets a bit carried away with this (it’s almost like an obsession) we’ll sometimes use toys and any clit st...



As a stay-at-home mom, do you receive a weekly or monthly allowance from your husband, or do you need to request funds as needed, potentially leading to financial discussions, or disagreements/argument?


Is my husband neglecting our baby?!

So it’s my daughters first birthday today and I had to be in university this morning (i’m doing a professional degree where I can’t have time off) so i got her up and changed (she’d leaked out her nappy in the night and into her sleeping bag) I put the sleeping bag and vest on the side and said to my husband that ne...


Do people jump to leave their partner too quick??

I've noticed that on most posts about people venting about their s/o, there's at least one (if not multiple) comments saying to leave, even if the poster says they dont want to or its not an option atm. I believe there are things a relationship can't come back from, but theres a lot that can be solved through commun...


Is it possible to just not remember your childhood? Or is it likely a trauma response?

So I didn't know what group would be best for this.. so I went here. My husband claims he doesn't remember anything about his childhood. I can ask really stupid questions like "what character bedding did you have as a kid!?" And he never has an answer for me. He remembers old TV programmes and discontinued foods. Bu...


My baby doesn’t smile at me in public…should i be worried?

I’m a first time mum and my LO is 4 months on Friday. At home he smiles at me all the time but when we’re out he just doesn’t smile at me. He’s a super chill baby and will go to anyone. He’s comfortable with other people and doesn’t appear fazed if I’m around or not. Well that’s what i think anyway. I guess I’m ju...


Exhausted mama 😩

Call me insensitive but I’m so tired of being the “favorite” parent. My 10mo literally for the last 10 months has only wanted me and I know it’s a beautiful thing but it seems for the past 3 months he’s been waking up at 2-4am which he’s never done not even since birth but for about a week or so but now it’s like he...


In law drama

My heart is heavy tonight. My fiancé and I had a falling out with his family today. It started out because we did not quickly let them come see my newborn baby. She was in the NICU for a week and I had a c section so I was recovering at home. Two weeks postpartum, I had to have another surgery due to a vulva hematom...


Managing with 2

How do you do it with two? I’ve got a 3yr old who is in preschool tues-Friday and a 7 week old. I’m back at work 4 days and every other Saturday. Just feel like when I pick up my 3yr old from school I don’t get to spend quality time with her as the baby needs attention aswell. How do people manage?


School Uniform

Since my husband separated with SD mum he’s paid maintenance (private agreement), half of school uniform/trips, swimming lessons etc, and we provide everything at ours. We have her 2-3 nights per week and half of holidays, her mums never had to send her with anything. She comes in the shoes and coat we sent her in. ...


Leaving baby overnight

I have no desire to leave my baby overnight unless it’s with his dad (I haven’t yet done that either). So essentially I’m saying that for the foreseeable, my husband and I won’t have a night away from baby together. I’m sure I’ll feel differently when he’s older and understand it will eventually be important for h...


Husband always on his phone or iPad

I have been with my husband for 16 years married for 7 year we have 3 kids (7 months old, 4 years & almost 6 year old) I am a SAHM & my husband is the provider & I’m so grateful I can stay home with my kids. I am just very annoyed that every minute from when my husband gets home he is constantly sitting outside smok...



So my little boy is nearly 22month old and he's been moved to the bigger room in his nursery because the staff think he was ready for it as he was getting bored with smaller babies not really doing much. So everytime I drop him off since moving into that room he doesn't want to let go of me and absolutely strikes wh...


mainly a rant but just want to see if anyone can relate / advice?

so my partner is a gym goer and it’s something he really enjoys and also does competitive weightlifting so he’s good at it too. i didnt mind him carrying on once the baby was here (i did ask him to cut down and he did by 1 day a week) but it is hard work on my own. he leaves for work at 6.30am, then comes home at 5p...


Advice please 🥴

I’m not respected, valued, appreciated, supported, loved in my marriage and I’m ready to get out. The only thing holding me back is I feel I’m hurting my kid we share together. 🥹🤨😏😒😞😔😟😕🙁☹️😣😖😫😩🥺😭🤯😱 Don’t see it getting any better because he believes nothing is wrong 😑 I’m exhausted through this all.…


Not liking nursery

Anyone's LO not enjoying nursery? He only goes 1 day a week which I think has made it harder to get used to it but they say he spends a lot of the day sad and unsettled which real upsets me. I wouldn't mind the drop off crying if it meant he was quickly distracted and okay but the fact he's sad most the day really u...


Sandpit in winter?

Do I just leave it be in the garden? It’s got a tarp over it, but it’s not tight fitting and water etc can probably get in. Or do I shovel out the sand and bring it into the garage in a box or something to keep it dry and clean(ish)? Or do we just let it get gross and then replace the sand every year once the wette...


I HATE men today

I love my father, he’s an amazing dad but he is also a man 😖 I gave birth 6 months ago and I went through rounds of IVF to fall pregnant and my body quite obviously is not what it used to be and I have extra weight. I’m not in denial about that I am really sensitive about my body and my weight and it’s a big…


Husband doesn’t listen

I feel so rubbish this morning, my oldest has been unwell with all weekend and my youngest the last few days so I’ve not slept for days so running on empty anyway and now I’ve woken up with the same illness…… I feel absolutely terrible…. And also think my 2nd pp period is starting, after I had my first the periods g...



So my partners family live away down south and we are up north. We had a shower at the weekend and his mum came. There were multiple things that happened that I felt were rude and have been told by friends since things she has said about us and our relationship that I've chosen not to tell him about. She went throug...


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