Do people jump to leave their partner too quick??

I've noticed that on most posts about people venting about their s/o, there's at least one (if not multiple) comments saying to leave, even if the poster says they dont want to or its not an option atm. I believe there are things a relationship can't come back from, but theres a lot that can be solved through communication or therapy. Most things can be worked through, or you should at least try to work through them before jumping to leave. I recently tried to get advice on my relationship, and all the comments are just telling me to leave when I asked for advice on how to make things work. He isn't abusive or an addict and he's never put me or our daughter in danger. I just feel like too many people jump to leave their partner when things get tough instead of working them out.
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People tell everyone to leave their relationship on here over the most ridiculous things instead of just giving realistic advice but I can guarantee they wouldn’t leave their own relationships. Really annoys me.

I mean, you don't know how long they've been trying to make things work, potentially with a partner who isn't matching their effort. I've never seen a woman jump to leave without trying to fix things. A lot of men are cool with letting their partners be in a perpetual state of unhappiness. It might not be abusive, but it's really shitty

What people say they will do online vs what they actually do is very different. It is very easy to tell someone to leave or say you would in certain situations. But real life is much more complicated and relationships are complex.

@Raqi I think my wording was misleading, I mean people asking advice about their relationship and the comments are just telling them to leave. I'm not judging people who do leave, just the ones who always tell other people to leave

I only tell people to leave when people say they're partner is abusive because I think there's zero excuses for that but most other things I feel like can be dealt with by talking like adults

It depends how people are treated, if the person tries over and over and over with the person and they’re so unhappy I’d advise leaving them, but if not I’d advise them talking to their partner and trying to work it out or even giving their partner time, because if they love their partner so much and they haven’t harmed them and they just have fights and get upset with one another I’m not gonna tell someone to leave because I know what that’s like, I get upset with my partner and vise versa, but there’s no one I would rather be with and we always get through it in the end

Honestly, the majority of people I see make the “just leave” comments are people who have failed relationships with their kids dads. I think it probably comes from a place of bitterness.

I don’t say leave to anyone I just say what I would do in that situation. But it really depends what it is I could never forgive cheating and I wouldn’t tolerate disrespect either

I see this often too. Relationships take work whether it’s a few months or years into one. You owe it yourself and relationship to explore any path that can lead to success in the relationship and if nothing changes or works then leaving is the last option. Unless you are in danger with your partner I don’t think just leaving is always the best solution.

Generally there are tiers. The first tier is people confessing to wildly dysfunctional relationships that are often abusive. Everyone says leave because it’s scary and the right thing to say. The second tier is relationships with the title boyfriend. Like the point of dating is to determine if you want to get married and if it isn’t working and you aren’t married why bother? You are losing the one perk of not marrying at that point. Just choose a better match, that’s what dating is for. People say leave because it’s an optional arrangement and all other options are looking better so it’s what makes sense. The third tier is relationships that really aren’t. They know, they are just looking for that validation and men with a deeper connection to video games, substances, or a workout schedule than you is not really a dude in a relationship with them. Or they are closed off and secretly want out and push him away so it will happen eventually.

That’s true on this app but in real life I think people usually do the opposite, stay way longer than they should & put up with unhappy or toxic situations they shouldn’t be putting up with

Yeah you kinda have to take internet advice with a grain of salt but in general I don’t judge women for giving that advice, I think most of the time it’s out of similar personal experience, empathy and knowingly collectively as women we deserve better than most of the crap we have put up with. Also highly agree with Haley though, what people say they’d do online in someone else’s situation is often different from what they’d do in their own lives because of all the complexities that we aren’t privy to in a simple post

I disagree cuz life is too short to deal with low bar relationships. Like there are plenty of reasons to leave someone that isn’t just abuse. Like why settle for a relationship that doesn’t have your needs met. And since becoming a lesbian this year I see how much bs straight women deal with just to save the marriage but like look at today’s society. It’s shit. And it’s shit because we don’t hold men accountable. We let them do the bare minimum and pat them on the head and say good job hunny when most men could not operate a household without their wives. They just want a mother not a wife. Not to say women don’t need to be held accountable they do. Especially the women who settle for men who don’t even like women but pretend they do. Like it’s so depressing seeing how many women bend over backwards trying to save their relationships and you can tell the men do not care and don’t deserve it. And to be clear it’s not all men but the many out way the few.

And sometimes people just need to hear they can leave or be told they deserve better. Why coddle someone and be like on its ok just go to therapy and it will be all better. Like no- the real world don’t always work that way. Sometimes people need to hear reality. And like if someone really loves someone they won’t take an internet stranger’s words seriously and destroy the relationship. But if it has cracks that are meant to break than it will and that’s how it was meant to go. No one outside of a relationship can break the relationship unless it’s already flawed. And I treat people how I want to be treated and I would want someone to be real with me and tell me to leave if they see something I don’t. Cuz for a long time I was blind in a relationship and I wish someone would have helped me see things differently.

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I feel like people are only getting one side of the story, and it’s ONLY the negative bits. So of course ladies that only get the negative part of the story and have no personal attachment to this man will not hesitate to think of leaving them. I try to advocate for people to stay together, but I wouldn’t stay MYSELF if my husband were to ever cheat or abuse me. Cheating and abuse are the main reasons I’d tell someone to leave. So I wouldn’t tell someone to do something that I wouldn’t do in the same circumstances. Some of the stories are so wild on here though

i’m late to the post but- i think it’s a good thing. while i think when it marriage and “for better or for worse” is different- if it’s a boyfriend etc i will absolutely leave and the first red flag. i think women put up with too much and have rose tinted glasses on, or maybe they think they can fix a man, or just low self esteem, but me personally- if a man isn’t my dream man or isn’t as put together as i am i don’t want him and he has no business trying to waste my time. when it comes to marriage though i think it’s different because at that point i know you for who you truly are, and if we do have our ups and downs i know you well enough to know you/we can both become better. but a boyfriend..better prove to me you’re a good man or just get lost, im not a therapist so i don’t see why i should try and make a man better and if a man has issues he should go see a therapist and work on himself before wasting someone’s time.

as for on peanut though, it’s hard to say because we see one side of the story and we don’t know how long and how many times someone has tried making it work with their partner, maybe they’re venting on peanut because it was their final straw etc

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