As a stay-at-home mom, do you receive a weekly or monthly allowance from your husband, or do you need to request funds as needed, potentially leading to financial discussions, or disagreements/argument?
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No we have joint bank accounts and always tell him when I'm buying something

Same as @Skyraven! Joint bank accounts with open communication. We have never had arguments over money because we discuss things and make decisions together before the money is spent. We also both encourage each other to treat ourselves. ie lashes or nails for me and his hobby things for him. We rarely if ever go without something we’d like but we still communicate first and check with each other

Joint account plus he gives me an amount for me personally monthly

I have a credit card and he just tells me if we need to cut back a bit. Just because he earns the money doesn't make it his in our house. He always says I work just as hard as him for our money just in a different field 🥰

@Nathalie same

What does your men do

We have one joint account plus our two personal accounts. He splits his paycheck between our joint savings and his own checking account. I'm able to withdraw from the savings as often as needed, as much as needed. I try to scrape up my own funds for personal splurges, but he has never ever shamed me for getting a coffee or something with our joint card. For Amazon purchases, we use his card, and I have to send him links. But it's actually good because it makes me think "do we really need this" before I send it to him. Honestly I get on his case more financially because he doesn't have that same screening process lol

We have a joint account that we both use but we budget pretty tightly so if one of us wants something that's not necessary then we talk about it.

I m weird then cos I have allowance lol 😆 I don t have my own money so he is sending me every week same amount to spend how I wish. For rest he have to pay cos as a stay at home mum have no income 😅

He gives me an “allowance” each month and then if I need anything extra or it’s a big purchase I’ll stick it on the card. I always tell him before I use the card 😊

not really, we don’t have much extra after bills. but if i need to buy something for the house or our daughter i just ask. we don’t have a joint account yet (not married) but i have one of his cards i can use

We have a joint bank account. My husband doesn't really want or need anything & I manage the budget anyway so we joke he makes the money & spend it. I might get little things, mostly clothes for the toddler without talking to him first but anything big or special we discuss it first.

All of our stuff is joint. I manage the finances and physically pay the bills because my husband can't keep track to save his life lol. I rarely do anything for me, but he doesn't question any spending because any big purchases we typically discuss first

I have credit cards I use and my husband pays them off. I don’t have to ask or run anything by him unless it’s over 500

Joint accounts, but I do get a fixed monthly amount sent to my own account for things that are for me, however the rules around that have changed over the years so I really just have the fixed amount sit without touching it and use a credit card that gets paid off every month from our joint checking

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My husband and I are naturally both frugal, so we start with a lot of trust. I spend and he pays at the end of the month. Occasionally (once every 2-3 years), when he gets mad at me for some other reason, he'll start asking for financial reports, but there is never anything out of order, so that trust is upheld and we get back to fixing whatever is actually the problem, haha. He did initially blame me for inflation, but after the news reports stated to roll in, he forgave me. 😅

no i usually hold the money, in case i need to go to the store or the kids need something

For man works out of town so when he gets paid I get the entire pay sent to my account and then send him $ for groceries as needed and then I'm free to shop for anything we may want or need at home.

No, we have a joint account. He owns his own business so each week he puts in the wage and that’s what I use to buy everything I need or want.

My husband likes to put most of our spending on a credit card we pay off every month so he can get points. I have a card for that account for gas, groceries anything I need or the kids need. And I get about $750 a month for anything I want.

My husband just gives me money throughout the week, when he gets paid he sends me money, if he has extra money he gives it to me, he puts gas in the car cause he knows I don’t have money for it

Ooof. 😅 We have everything joint, no side cards!! And we each have cards to those accounts to make purchases. I actually pay the bills and manage the household budget 🤷🏽‍♀️ it’s easier than having a million stupid daily discussions about purchases, especially when I am busy with the kids and he’s busy at work. He trusts me and values my ability to manage the accounts/budget. It allows him to focus on his job completely and allows me the freedom/financial support to do what I need to do to run the household. We do discuss personal and high dollar purchases! We approach it as a team and each play their position and it works for us. We never argue about money.

An allowance? What is he your dad… just that word “allowance” alone gives me the ick… you guys are supposed to be partners. Allowance seems as if he has some major control issues. Like men like this feel they should control the money which makes it so much harder to leave if you need too. So it’s such a red flag.

Joint account and his business account is all we have. I spend as needed. I can treat myself without asking. I do let him know about big ticket items but it’s never an issue. He knows I have a hard job and am not paid but in hugs and kisses. So he figures not paying for childcare and having our child raised how we want is top priority.

We have a joint account and everything that goes into it is ours. We get a special guardianship allowance for our grandson which we use for things for him and also top our bills. Neither of us ask if we can spend money and after bills are paid we split it between us for things we want or need

I have his card. I use freely off it. Having said that- I’m not an overspender. I don’t go on thousand dollar shopping sprees. My daily expenses consist of entry to kids places, lunch, petrol, parking. Every once a month I’ll put in an order for a dress and new shoes or my hair and makeup or skin supplies to DIY self care at home - I don’t get those services done (only massage and facials) but I do them at home so I need to keep on top of supplies. My hobbies and gf outings are a reasonable not absurd amount. He’s never mentioned for me to spend less. He pays my car rego and insurance yearly and has for the last 5yrs. He does all finances, he does the grocery shopping also. I spend on my kids and the house-needs and myself.

Everything is joint. My name is on everything. I spend as I want, I don’t have to ask permission or tell him.

Neither. We have a joint checking and savings account. We normally have an agreement to discuss any purchase over $50, but right now all purchases needed to be discussed & agreed on as were trying to tighten our budget & save for a move.

Im a SAHM but I get 1700 monthly from the VA from my time in the army and I use that to spend on whatever I want since my husband pays all the bills with his income. I save some of it in my own savings account but most goes to gas, coffee, outings etc. that’s just been how we’ve done it since we’ve been married, but I also do all our budgeting and stuff. We have a shared account and both have our own savings accounts too. If there’s ever larger purchases I want to make with his income instead of my savings I just tell him and he complies lol

I need to ask him if I need something 😔 He does the groceries. (And dinner sometime)

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I request the funds as needed. Mostly he give without question. Sometimes its like that's too much spending for this week/month. But still gives the fund.

@Cristina same for me just like you said but our roles are reversed. My husband is better with budgetting, and saving. I trust him greatly, and is one less thing i have to worried about. We do communicatr constantly about big purchases and have budgets for each other to spend on watwver we want.

@Mayra that’s awesome!

My husband is my life partner so joint everything. We only discuss if it’s a large purchase like expensive jewelry, large appliances/electronics or potentially buying a vehicle or something. Other than that, we each have credits cards that we pay off out of our joint account.

We have a joint account & I just manage the money. We're both a bit rubbish with money, if I'm honest, but I try my best. My other half trusts me & for that, I'm grateful. I don't have to ask permission to get anything, although I may run large purchases by him (like if we need a new household appliance). I would feel really awful if I was given an allowance to be honest; it would make me feel like a child. Our jobs as SAHMs are just as (if not more) important than our partners'. We shouldn't be diminished because we're not bringing in money. I hope everyone's partners understand their value 🙏

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