How are people leaving the house with babies?

Feel like I’m doing something wrong at this point but it takes me so much planning even to go out a walk with my 4 week old. However I remember when my friends had babies they would be out here there and everywhere with no issues. Been asked to meet up with a friend at a cafe halfway between us which is like a 15 min drive only but if I don’t time my babies feed and nap correctly will just scream. I don’t know if I just have an unsettled baby but if he is not sleeping or eating he is crying 24/7 looking for more food. Got so much anxiety about leaving the house as I will just have a screaming baby!!
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Mine is 4 weeks on Monday and I have completely the same experience!! I’ve just tried to make sure I do it, so I started just going for walks where it didn’t matter what time of day I left so sometimes we didn’t get out til 4 Then if I’m meeting someone for lunch or got to be somewhere for a time, I’ve aimed to get there an hour early after doing change feed change feed on repeat a few times, then when I get there at least I can sit and feed him again and if I’m late then at least I’m not actually late for the time I’m meeting them if that makes sense. People say it gets easier though as their tummies get bigger and they get more predictable with their feeding/napping ☺️ I also take a dummy out because he’ll let me fob him off with that for 10/15 mins so buys me some time to get back to my car or to a cafe or somewhere convenient to feed!

I feel the exact same. We have about an hour or so where she will be settled so straight after her feed and burping I will make a move. Usually I will wear her in the sling first so her milk is settled then we have a good hour in the pram or slightly longer if she's in the sling. I always take a made up bottle of milk and some spare RTF in her baby bag. It's not long but it's slow and steady steps to get back to normal xx

It’s still really early days so don’t pressure yourself. They won’t always be eating this regularly so it all gets a bit easier. My daughter also hates the pram/car seat unless she’s asleep so I feel like we have to time everything with precision but unfortunately, these babies are unpredictable. My first born was such a fuss pot, I eventually accepted she would probably be screaming and I’d spend the whole time feeding her or jiggling her, if not, I’d never have left the house. That been said, it was definitely later than 4 weeks I started getting out more. The more you do it, the easier it gets ( I promise). There will probably be a few tears along the way (baby’s and yours 🥵)

You’re not doing anything wrong. Same boat here 🙈😩 My baby had an appt at 2 weeks old and I fed her right before we left home (5m walk away) and she screamed and cried through that whole appt and the dr said u need to feed her she’s hungry and I went home and cried and wouldn’t show my face outside for a week 🤣 because I did feed her before we left!! but it made me feel so ashamed, did it look like I don’t feed my poor baby?!? Then I went out for a coffee at 3 weeks with the pram for the first time and I felt worried about her being too warm indoors lying sleeping in her pram so I took off a layer of clothing which woke her up screaming and a group kept looking over which made me so embarrassed and upset because clearly I was disturbing them. I learned right if she’s sleeping in the pram just leave her and maybe unzip a layer and remove the blanket rather than take it off any clothes and wake her up and she slept for 2 hours - I could enjoy a meal in a busy restaurant at week 4

But yeah ur doing nothing wrong and it’s totally normal to me. I still get a very very anxious about it

As a third time mum I no longer care what people think of my raging baby in public. As long as you have a bottle and feed, nappies, wipes and a spare change of clothes it’ll be fine. You’re never gonna see those people again and babies cry. It’s normal!!

It's hit and miss. My boy is 5 weeks old and if we are going out I'll time it for around 30 mins after a feed and take a bottle and dummy with me in case he gets unsettled. I've had some nice walks in the pram and carrier where he's slept and some where he's screamed and I've come straight back. Likewise we've had some successful outings to the supermarket and coffee shops but today he scream cried in Tesco and I had to rush to the car and give him a bottle. I think you just have to do it and not panic or care what people think if they cry.

Have everything you need already packed and left in a nappy bag in the pram / car. Then always feed and change baby before you leave the house, and I always feed and change baby before I head back from wherever I am. It gets faster when you’ve got bags ready already in the car and pram!

First time round I barely left the house, this time round someone is always crying or whinging, either the toddler or the newborn! But I care much less, you have every right to be out even if your baby screams - stuff other people mama needs a coffee!! ❤️ sometimes I pack a bag the night before and stick it in the car, and time the drive so they might sleep. Xx

Don’t worry. It took me until week 5 to leave the house with my little one on my own. It took me ages to prep the bag, prepare the pram, and get changed before he woke up. Then fed, burped and changed him before going out. I was exhausted by then. Managed a short 30 minute walk to the local park and back. It does get easier each time. I’m still making sure pram, bag and myself are prepped beforehand now and I’m nearly at week 7.

I have a 10 week old and I’m still mega nervous leaving the house .. the feeling does get easier with time but I still find it a stress! I have to just accept that he’ll need a feed whilst I’m out so I make sure I’m always somewhere with a place to sit and toilets with baby changing facilities xx

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