Community Posts, Tips & Support on Children's Health & Nutrition

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Children's Health & Nutrition.

Breakfast Ideas

Morning, I've always given my LG Wetabix with Milk and Fresh Banana but she seems to be getting bored of it - The reason I've always gone this option is because, it's quick, easy and she gets her dose of dairy, grains and fruit in the morning. I was just wondering what everyone else feeds their LO's for breakfast ...


Breakfast meltdowns

Anybody else’s little one having absolute meltdowns at breakfast when previously enjoyed eating solids at this time!? Do I keep trying to feed him or just miss the meal all together ?



Do we still feed on demand? My LO is 5 months now and he rarely has any sort of hunger cues and will go 5 hours without a feed. I don't know whether I should be feeding at set times now or still just waiting for him to tell me when he's hungry



I ebf my 6 month old baby girl and our pediatrician said i can now feed her purées too. I asked her how long for and she said until she’s about 9 months old to stick to purées then start chunking it up and trying solids. What did your peds say and how long are you doing purées for?


Did I take it too far bc they're kids?

Hubby thinks so but I don't. So I make my son lunch which was kimbap his favorite & when he came home I checked his lunchbox & he only ate 1 piece. My son eats damn near as much as me & he's 7. I asked him why he didn't eat & he said the kids kept asking him questions. I sad what does that have to do with your food....


Does your baby eat dinner with you?

I'd really love to eat dinner together as a family, but she eats around 5 every night and goes to bed at like 7:30. My husband and I don't usually start cooking for ourselves until after she's in bed. I would love to eat earlier, but I also don't want to spend the little time i get with her after work cooking dinner...


Need reassurance pls

I’m a first time mom, my almost 6 month old started purées about a week ago and it has been going great but today, I’d say about an hour after having avocado & banana (she’s had at least 5 days each now) she vomited A TON. I swear she emptied her stomach of all food and milk. But she is acting totally normal and unb...


3 meals a day?

Hi ladies, just wanted to ask, is everyone doing like proper 3 meals a day for their baby? I'm only giving small bits for her to try, but reading that people are doing meals, I'm starting to panic, whether I should be doing that too!


How many meals a day is your 7/8 month old having?

How many full meals a day is your baby having? I mean like a few tablespoons of say porridge for breakfast, purees or veg/protein for lunch and/or dinner? Or more? I started weaning late after 6 months, and even then it wasn't food evrry day. I'm worried my baby is behind as he doesn't really eat 😕 I do mainly…


How do I start my 7 month old on regular food?

How do I start to introduce regular food with my 7 month old? She is eating purées and still has no teeth, should I wait till she gets teeth? What should she eat if I should start her with some food.


Son not eating

I’m stressed, my son has been a ‘fussy’ eater for well over a year (despite eating everything when he was younger), nursery have been substituting his meals with an alternative (toast or crackers) & are saying soon they’ll need to stop this as it’s making the other children want that food too. It’s possible he’s com...


At my wits end !

Tonight I literally felt like getting up from the dinner table and just walking out, my little boy is just not great with food at all, he will eat anything sweet and completely loves fruit , he will almost eat any fruit I give him but he can’t live of bloody fruit !! He used to eat a roast dinner which I done yester...


Refusing to eat

My 12 month old all of a sudden decided she hates food. She was eating just fine a few days ago and now she doesn’t want anything near her mouth. But she’s drinking loads of water, what’s going on?



I know that a lot of moms say "solids for fun till they're 1". But my son absolutely loves food. If I don't share my food with him he will scream and cry and try to snatch it from me/try to climb up my legs. I feed him purees 3 times a day but he won't eat them like he use to, he loves chewing his food. Am I okay to...


Baby feels skinny!

My 18 month is such high energy he doesnt stop running around etc but lately he doesn’t eat his dinner, just refuses everything except snacks, he’s now starting to feel really scrawny and abit skinny!! He doesn’t seem phased by not eating, but worried if he’s going to be skinny Anyone else in the same boat?


Baby Dinner Ideas

What’s everyone’s top 3 meal ideas? I’m feeling stuck in a rut with what I’m making. The plan was for my boy to eat what we eat, but we are often so rushed for time we have quick fajitas… not something for baby 😅🤦‍♀️


LB will only eat chicken nuggets and chips for dinner…

Need some advice as I’m at my wits end… my lb will only eat chicken nuggets and chips. He used to be such an amazing eater, then one week he suddenly went off of everything. He used to love pasta bakes, then the following week he wouldn’t touch it? He went a whole week without eating dinner so I gave in and made chi...


Baby hates the taste of Nutramigen

My 11 week old baby was just prescribed Nutramigen and today had his first bottle but wouldn’t even drink half an oz! He cries the moment he tastes it.. what can I do to enhance the taste? Any help please!


Fussy eater

My 19m old refuses most new foods I offer him. Most of the time he won't even touch it, occasionally he will touch it to his mouth and then spit it out. He used to eat everything now barely anything. He eats a big quantity of food that he likes so he definitely eats enough it's just not good foods like veg etc. We w...


Garlic Bread

Hi All, has anyone gave their CMPA babies garlic bread yet? I through the bread was in garlic butter so I’ve never tried it with my little boy but after looking at the ingredients nothing mentions butter or milk or any dairy so I didn’t know if anyone has actually tried it with their baby yet?


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