Community Posts, Tips & Support on Child Development

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Child Development.


My girl will be 12 weeks this Thursday and I've noticed she is dribbling LOADS and sometimes she starts to choke on her spit and her eyes go red (only lasts about 5 seconds) she's always got her hand in her mouth sucking on it. Is this teething? I know the hands in the mouth is common at this stage as they are learn...


Toilet trained 🚻

My eyes widen when I see that people have or are starting toilet training 😅 they seem super young 🤷🏻‍♀️ would love to hear if anyone has been sucessful and would recommend it now??


Potty training

Looking for advice/tips for potty training my little girl, she’s 22 months and knows how to say/ask for potty and sit on it but doesn’t actually go toilet, she tells me when she’s pooped or sometimes takes her nappy off if pooped so how do I make her understand to go on the potty before actually going?



does anyone think this is teeth cutting through if so how long until they do?


Toilet traning

Hi looking to start our toilet training journey she’s none-verbal and tips or best way to do it ? New to all of this thankyou !



I’ve got two 4 hour exams today and am not allowed to use the toilet during. Thought I might be able to get a toilet exemption or something but nope 😭 On average I pee every hour atm… wish me luck 😭


Standing to poo?

My little girl will always stand in corner of the room and hold onto the sofa to go for a poo, she’s done this for months. Is this normal and how will I ever potty train her? 🤣


Struggling with dirty nappies

Anyone else have problems with their baby pooing. My baby is getting so angry and upset from straining and nothing is coming. I’ve been told to bicycle his legs and massage his belly, I also give him infacol. Is there anything else to help him? As I think it’s hurting him trying. First time mum here!


Potty Success!

So proud of of my daughter. It’s so late and I was frustrated and tired. She keeps telling me and signaling to me that she has to poop. But every time I let her sit on the potty nothing happens. I knew she wasn’t going to sleep with the discomfort so it was a battle because she’ll hold it. I finally put my frustrati...


Anybody else’s baby…

Trying to take their diaper off after they pee? My daughter started tugging at her diaper a few weeks ago and has recently started unfastening the sides. I put her on the potty every morning for the past three days and she peed in the potty ✨ but cried and held on to me the entire time 😩 Anyone have tips or advice…


Toilet training

Hey just needed advice Toilet training my autistic son, who is slightly verbal. Sits on the toilet happily, I just need to remind him every hour. Hasnt actually told me he needs go at all. Sometimes he just wets himself and doesn’t even tell me. Also, do I teach him to pee sitting down or standing up?


Potty Training

My little one is 2&1/2 and it seems like potty training has been the absolute bane of my life right now 😩 she seems scared of her potty anyone with tips???


Teething 😭

Little one has a tooth about to cut through (you can see it just under the skin). He’s had two days of not being himself and today had just cried all day, constantly dribbling, biting, red cheek, temperature and I mean really really crying. He’s had teething granules, teething rings, I’ve massaged his gums and we’v...


Potty Training Treats/Rewards

What kind of reward are you giving your toddler during potty training?


Cutting teeth

Hey my 4 month old is cutting teeth. I want to go the medicine free route because he hasn’t been overly fussy and no high fevers while this process is happening. What are some alternative treatments to get him through this ?? 😊 He has started eating “solids” BLW and some purees, his pediatrician gave the all clear…


Toilet training

Hi all! With our babies growing big and getting into a pattern, has anyone thought about potty training? How will you do it? Straight on the toilet with steps or without? Portable potty? Is there any other method? I saw someone putting puppy pads everywhere in their home in a video.


I do brush my LO teeth. But the top two front ones have white marks on.

I don’t know what to do


Potty training

Has anyone started potty traing yet? Or has successfully trained their baby? Any tips or tricks?


Potty training

Hi I would like to start toilet training my 17 months daughter any tips I’m a FTM and have no clue


Potty Training

We’ve been trying to potty train my son for over 5 weeks now. He’s done many poos and wees on the potty but never gone a full day without an accident. Now he’s just not interested and we feel so deflated. Should we just stop? He literally does not seem interested in the slightest and we’ve tried everything. 😢 since…


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