Potty Training Treats/Rewards

What kind of reward are you giving your toddler during potty training?
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We do a sticker on one chart for each time he tries going. On a separate chart, we give him a more exciting sticker + 3 M&Ms or skittles each time he actually goes in the toilet. Once that chart is filled up, we'll get him a reward that is a bit bigger, like a matchbox car or something.

Iced animal cookies and colorful rocks in a jar

@Mei @Julia just reading your comments as I’m currently introducing the potty to my toddler (21 months) How old are your toddlers? And how do you initially encourage them to actually use the potty to begin…

None! We treat pottying on the toilet as a personal achievement! Not a goal post where there’s a huuuge celebration. We acknowledge the actions they took to get there (even if we did most the work) “Look at you listening to your body! And making it to the potty! High five buddy” 👍🏼 “Yaaaaay you went potty on the toilet 🥳🍪" 👎🏼 making a bodily function every human should be independently able to recognize & respond to contingent on a reward is setting you up for a longer journey than if you just used gentle acknowledgment that identified their internal bodily functions! Language matters so much to kids tiny lil brains

We did not use rewards. The Dr. Becky guide was very helpful and worked well for my son.

Verbal praise. The goal is to listen to her body, not hope for a treat

@Kailie x My stepson is 3 years old. I think we started by getting a Bluey toilet seat, and going through the steps with him (pulling pants down, etc.) and taking him as often as I've remembered to. Every so often, he tells us he needs to go, but I also haven't been incredibly diligent with it, because him living in two places makes it hard. I do try to consistently have him go before and after bedtime, and before/after his nap.

it’s different for each kid. Tried the 3 day method with my oldest son and it was bad for him. He’s now 4 and we’re just now getting him trained in underwear. My younger one is 15 months and sitting on the potty with big brother. My younger one is exited to do it and interested in bodily stuff so no reward other than high five needed. My older son has been struggling with this for 18 months. It’s been a long road to learn his body sensations and develop enough language to tell me he is wet or has to go. This plus his extreme anxiety over failure, peeing himself and more left him with toileting fears and anxiety. He is motivated by cookies. He needed rewards to motivate him to try again. We’re reducing rewards now as he’s experiencing success. Every kid is different. At 21 months it’s early so you could start teaching the potty routines without pressure. If he’s willing to sit, you could bring him with you and see if he can put any pee in the potty while you’re going

Most methods I read about don’t recommend this, just make pottying in the toilet a normal thing, not a special event.

Small cookies for pee and a soft candy for poop. But, I think rewards are more for younger babies. If you are starting later, talking about feelings and your body is more important.

Books about pottying and songs could help.. we used the reward system and my daughter was potty trained in a week it works for us.. I used to and little necklaces and bracelets bc that’s what she likes.

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