Toilet training

Hi all! With our babies growing big and getting into a pattern, has anyone thought about potty training? How will you do it? Straight on the toilet with steps or without? Portable potty? Is there any other method? I saw someone putting puppy pads everywhere in their home in a video.
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We started a few months ago and it’s going pretty well. He does wees all the time and atleast one poo a day. I didn’t get a potty, didn’t see the point as then I’ve got to get him used to the toilet aswell after. So just got steps for the toilet. The idea that a child is ‘ready’ to be potty trained is a myth. You can start them whenever. We started with putting him on straight in the morning, and after his naps, and then before bed. We also have a potty box with books & toys that stays in the bathroom that he can use after the toilet. Sometimes he goes to the bathroom and grabs a toy. We put him on the toilet when he does and then he’ll go. We’re starting to see his toilet ques now x

We've got a potty and been using that for about five months. She'll poo and wee in it but she can't communicate that she needs to go yet and doesn't know to wait to go. I put her on it first thing too and she normally goes and use it as much as I can do practically. The age of potty training has got so much older than it used to be. I'm hoping she can be trained earlier than the norm in the UK but even if I don't achieve that I'm helping reduce nappy usage and getting her used to going on the potty early. I have tried her on the toilet but she doesn't like it, think it feels a bit big and scary for her!

Thank you! That's a good idea in the morning, she always has a morning poop. Do they cry when you sit them on the toilet? Or do you entertain with the books and toys? I saw elimination communication, but never managed it before. I hope to catch the poops, the pee is a lot less obvious.

The same as @Angharad We’ve been using the potty/EC since our little one could sit. He doesn’t cry when he sits on it, no. I sit on the floor in front of him and do a mixture of reading to/with him and fiddling with toys together. We offer it after every nap and it’s the only way he does his poos. Happy to answer any questions x

We've been using the potty since my LG could sit and we catch most poos (occasional misses are usually if we're out and about) We put her on before/after naps and after meals. We have toys we play with and she's more than happy to sit there unless she doesn't want to go then she'll try and get up. We're also trying to introduce some sign so hopefully she'll be able to communicate she wants to go before she's verbally able to communicate. So we do the sign for potty when we put her on/when she poos and wees and we use the sign for all done when we get her off the potty. We used a mix of potty and the toilet seat just make sure it's quite stable so they feel secure. Highly recommend as cleaning a poop from a potty is so much easier than a nappy so any catches you get are a bonus! 😊

So proud to see so many of us giving it a go before the current social norm! ☺️

Thank you so much! I've put her on the toilet twice, on her seat, but she just cries and bats her toys away. She normally poops after her meals, so I've been trying this, but I can't seem to make her comfy. She never liked nappy changes either. She peed on the floor today, as I thought I'd leave her free until she starts doing her squeezes. It usually obvious when she is about to poop, but the upset made her stop. I'll try the sign for poop and finish! That's a great idea!

It would be great to catch the poops! Cleaning the poopy nappies is difficult, and I wasn't confident with EC at first !

@Annalise try to think of it as giving her the opportunity to use the potty. My little one will get off of the potty straight away sometimes so I let him have a whizz around for a minute and then pop him back on it. I do that once or twice dependant on whether or not I think he really needs a poop or not. And if he keeps getting off, I just say okay not this time and pop his nappy on. I never hold him on it or make a scene. If you keep offering the opportunity at the same times consistently (after naps/after meals - whatever is most convenient for you) they’ll learn to hold on until then bc they know they’ll be given the opportunity. Stick at it! Try to ignore wees for now too and focus on poops. I’ve found that the wees follow naturally

Yeah just keep the pressure low and keep giving her opportunities I'm sure she'll get there 😊 It may be worth checking she's feeling secure/comfy on the potty. We tried one type early on with my little girl and she hated it and I could sort of see why as it didn't have much back support to feel secure. Switched to the IKEA one and we've never had a problem since. Agree with @Sophie poos are much easier to catch and they learn to wait to go if they can pretty quickly!

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