Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Symptoms

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Symptoms.

Morning sickness and IVF medication

Hi All, I’m really struggling with the sickness at the moment, are the medication making worst? I’m taking cyclogest, proginova and aspirin


Leg cramps

This is kinda weird but both of my legs have been cramping intensely the last few days. Just was standing in the kitchen and almost fell to the floor, the pain came out of no where. Anyone else? What does this even mean…


Period cramps!?

Anyone else getting period like cramping? I'm slightly worried,I'm not in agony but keep getting sharp cramps really low down!


When to use the bouncy ball?

This is my second pregnancy but I’ve completely forgotten when’s the best time to start bouncing on the ball? I haven’t blown mine up yet but wondering if I should or is it too early.. And does it help with pelvic pain?


Pregnant & scar pains ?

Hi ladies. I’m very early pregnant (like super duper early) but I keep getting twinges / pains across my old section scar (nearly 3 years post C-section!) I’ve always had the odd twinge / pull pain if I stand too quick or move awkwardly but it’s more prominent the past couple of weeks. I am overweight so I’m sure th...


Slow labour or Braxton hicks

So for the last 30 minutes I have had really bad what I think is Braxton hicks, withing that time I have had around 6-7 of them, an I have got bad pressure pains down below also really bad back ache. Could this be the start of labour or is it just really bad Braxton hicks?? I am 37 weeks today


pelvic pain

has anyone at all got any advice or recommendations on how to help pelvic girdle pain (PGP) i’m in constant agony all the time, doing simple things like walking, going up n down stairs, turning over in bed etc. i’ve had a look on NHS website and everything they recommend im already doing but nothing seems to work! i...


Anyone having cereal cravings?

I haven't boughten cereal since I was a teenager. But I craved cheerios so much in my first trimester with my son, and now again with this little one. Anyone else the same?


Caught Her!

Little Missy decided to show off her game winning soccer kicks at 3 am. I have an anterior placenta so I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to feel her move or kick, let alone see her move and kick so visibly as I do sometimes. Clearly, she’s determined and stronger than she looks. 28 weeks and two days roughly, mi...


period PP

hey moms , i had a c section almost 4 months ago i believe this is my second real period is it normal to bleed for over a week?



Hiya mummy’s in my phone! I need some help. This is my second baby and I’m around 9 weeks right now but the nausea is knocking me off my feet! It’s constantly coming in waves all day every single day for the last 3 weeks!! I’m not throwing up which I suppose is a bonus but I’ve lost my life, I can’t do anything wit...


Brown Discharge

Sorry for the over sharing - I am a bit lost on what to do! I have had some really brown gloopy discharge, and I’m 9+3 weeks. Never had it before and didn’t with my first. Anybody else had this?


Quieter moving days without panicking?

My baby girl is mostly very active. I’m 24 + 2, and her movements aren’t exactly regular but there is a lot of them. However today she’s been a little quieter. I’ve had this before a week or so ago and the next day she was back to being a big old wriggle - am I just being paranoid?


Severe back pain

Is anyone getting severe back pain- like all over? This is excruciating! 😖


Major pelvic pain!

Does anyone have major pelvic pain? I’m 33wks and doing any type of exercises especially walking hurts so much. When I asked my doctor about it she says it’s normal. However it’s starting to hurt so bad I can’t lift my legs to even put on pants 😢 Anyone know of any relief tips?


Baby Congestion.

My baby seems to be a bit congested, sounds like phlegm in his lungs, but I only hear it sometimes. Sometimes kind of chokes because of it. He is breathing fine and has no fever. Should I be worried?


18 weeks tummy

Has anyone else experienced that in the morning their tummy feels soft and flatter but as the day goes on (towards evening) it tightens and looks more of a bump? If so, what is happening 🙈


Anyone else… tummy hard most of the day?

My tummy feels hard as a rock and like I have Braxton hicks 90% of the day, I’m drinking 100pz of water per day or more…. And Skin is so so so tight anyone else like this?


Back aches?

I’ve been told back ache is worse with twins. If anyone suffered with back ache when did start ?


Very strong cramping

Today in the morning I woke up to extreme cramping that lasted like 10 mins. I was ready to go to the hospital when they stopped all of the sudden. I’m 38 weeks. Has this happened to any of you?


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