Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Symptoms

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Symptoms.

Vomiting to poop 🤢🤢🤢

8w5d. Is anyone else so nauseated and stopped up that their body can’t figure out which way to vacate things? For the last day or so I’ve been eating a ton of ice (I’m too nauseous to actually keep food of any nutritional value down) but the only way I can actually poop is when I’m vomiting. Whoever says pregnancy i...


Food aversion

Nothing tastes good I don’t know if it’s just me but I’m tired of spending money on food just to take two bites and it becoming repulsive


Back pain

Anyone experiencing severe back pain in early pregnancy? I’m 10 weeks along and I literally can’t move or the right side of my upper back goes up in flames. Doctors said it might be a kidney infection but no symptoms so seeing if anyone else has this


All Day Nausea

Just wondering how anyone else might be coping with morning sickness that can actually occur at any time of day. Nurse told me to take 25mg of Vitamin B6 3x daily but that hasn’t helped at all. My cousin who had severe nausea was prescribed zofran. Not sure if this is the next step. How do you ladies cope — I have a...


Reduced Movements

I’m 36+2 and haven’t felt little one all day. I’m about to ring triage and he’s moved about 4 times in the last 10 minutes? Do I still ring as he is moving just not as much as before? My partner works nights so he’d have to leave work to take me…I’m stressed as we need the money and I don’t want him leaving work off...


Lower back pain

My back is killing me currently I’m in my 3rd trimester and my lower back feels otherworldly, I can’t stand in the shower too long I can barely work or walk around my job I’m literally in excruciating pain


Am I in early labour? First pregnancy HELP

I am 37+5 days - today at 5.30 got really bad period type cramps lower back ache and tightenings that were really painful I had to breathe through them they lasted about 20 minutes on and off. Then throughout this evening I’ve had belly tightenings coming and going, dull lower back pain period type cramping and tigh...


Is this normal?

So I always knew I had PCOS growing up but it never bothered me enough to get it checked. My period was always every 6-7 weeks and 3-4 days long, had heavy flow the first day and it slowed down after. After I had my son, it was super irregular in terms of how often I got it and how long it stayed. December of 2023 w...


Due date

I’m due on Tuesday and no real signs or niggles that baby is on the way, just the occasional period like cramps. Was anyone else like this?



Has anyone gotten pregnancy while EBF?


Made it to 1 year - what is your postpartum skin care routine?

My LO had her first birthday yesterday. Looking through the pics made me realize how my face has gotten pretty wide and droopy. I’m still breastfeeding and I am aware that my body is nowhere near pre pregnancy. But seeing the photos from the 1st birthday party made me realize I need to better take care of myself. I ...


Jumping on it!

How old does my baby look


Should I get some chocolate?

Chronic comfort eater here. Should I get a chocolate bar? I'm not hungry. I eat it every day. Just want a happy feeling. And chocolate is the best substitute I've got right now.


Morning sickness and IVF medication

Hi All, I’m really struggling with the sickness at the moment, are the medication making worst? I’m taking cyclogest, proginova and aspirin


Leg cramps

This is kinda weird but both of my legs have been cramping intensely the last few days. Just was standing in the kitchen and almost fell to the floor, the pain came out of no where. Anyone else? What does this even mean…


Period cramps!?

Anyone else getting period like cramping? I'm slightly worried,I'm not in agony but keep getting sharp cramps really low down!


When to use the bouncy ball?

This is my second pregnancy but I’ve completely forgotten when’s the best time to start bouncing on the ball? I haven’t blown mine up yet but wondering if I should or is it too early.. And does it help with pelvic pain?


Pregnant & scar pains ?

Hi ladies. I’m very early pregnant (like super duper early) but I keep getting twinges / pains across my old section scar (nearly 3 years post C-section!) I’ve always had the odd twinge / pull pain if I stand too quick or move awkwardly but it’s more prominent the past couple of weeks. I am overweight so I’m sure th...


Slow labour or Braxton hicks

So for the last 30 minutes I have had really bad what I think is Braxton hicks, withing that time I have had around 6-7 of them, an I have got bad pressure pains down below also really bad back ache. Could this be the start of labour or is it just really bad Braxton hicks?? I am 37 weeks today


pelvic pain

has anyone at all got any advice or recommendations on how to help pelvic girdle pain (PGP) i’m in constant agony all the time, doing simple things like walking, going up n down stairs, turning over in bed etc. i’ve had a look on NHS website and everything they recommend im already doing but nothing seems to work! i...


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