Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Scans

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Scans.

Kinda scared 😨

I took a SneakPeek gender test at 10 weeks and the results were girl. I'm doing my NIPT test next week. I'm hoping it's a girl. If it's a boy that's okay too. I have a 2 year old son and I think I only want 2 kids. So I'm praying this is a girl so I can have my pair 😭 Any guesses? 💙🩷



Hi I had sex on 11th august so 2 days before my 5 day period. I am measuring at 6 week 4 days on my scan. I then had sex on all of those other days with the heart on. When did I conceive??


When is “too early” to scan?

I’ve got a private scan booked for next Friday. I will be 7+3days (from my own calculations), this will be my first scan but I want to make sure everything is ok (peace of mind an all that) has anyone else been for a scan this early? If so, were they able to give much info? TIA 😊 x


🩷 or 💙

This is my 12 week scan and family are divided on whether or not it’s a girl or a boy 😂 I don’t mind either but what do you guys think? I find out in a few weeks


What are the chances of getting told you're having a boy but it actually turns out to be a girl?

We went to our anomaly scan last week and the technician said she thought it was a boy but couldn't be sure and said she actually regretted telling us because of how uncertain she was. Baby's been in a difficult position the entire time and that was actually my third anomaly scan as they haven't been able to get all...


36 week growth scan

Has anyone had their 36 week growth scan estimated weights? Baby’s measuring 7 lb 9 oz, told she’s big but haven’t had any follow up on it at all or extra scans booked. Just wondering on peoples experiences and whether baby has actually been born really big as I know they can be very inaccurate!


Large yolk sac

Hello, I had my early pregnancy scan today and noticed the yolk sac looks a little big! Is this normal? I have read it can cause a MC and I’m stressed as I have already had a loss! Any help will be so appreciated!


Incompetent / short cervix

Hi Has anyone got an incompetent / short cervix? If so what were your early symptoms of this ? I will be starting progesterone pessaries next week and having 2 weekly cervical scanning to monitor my cervix due to a previous preterm birth! I really hope everything is ok with my cervix but I have been experiencing ...


Large yolk sac?

Hi I had my early pregnancy scan today, the midwife didn’t say anything but is this yolk sac a normal size? I’ve read about how a large one can cause a MC and I’m stressed out! Any help is appreciated thank you! X


Early scans

I had a 7 week scan, all looking good and dates accurate 🩷 For others, did you have more than one early scan? I want to have another one now to see everything is progressing as expected.


Low lying placenta

We had our 20 week scan today and are so happy our miracle baby girl is healthy🩷 They did tell me my placenta is quite low down, so I'm to have another scan at 30 weeks to check it has moved. I'm feeling really anxious as she said the low lying placenta can cause bleeding. Has anyone else been told they have a low…


Early scan

I had my early scan today expected to see 7 weeks but baby measured at 6+4 should I be worried. we seen the heart beat also baby measured at 7.30 mm


3/4 D scans

Hey mommas!! Are any of you planning on getting a 3D / 4D scan? If so when are you booking it for? I’m currently 24 + 1 and know it’s recommended after 28 weeks ( I have anterior placenta) Unsure whether to book it when I’m 28 weeks or 30 👀


Screening results

Has anyone else had delays on receiving the results back from the Down’s syndrome and Edward’s syndrome tests back? They said I should get them in the post in 2 weeks but it’s now 3 weeks. I saw the midwife today and she said she couldn’t see them on her system so I’m going to phone the ultrasound department tomorr...


Very early scan - different sizes

Hi there. I was referred by the GP to hospital yesterday with a suspicion of ectopic pregnancy. I’m only 5weeks + 6 days, so had my very first scan which confirmed the pregnancy is in the womb, but there are 2 embryos! What a surprise! The doctor told us it’s way too early to confirm a twin pregnancy and that one he...



What do we think? X 🥰🥰🥰


Polyhydramnios (too much amniotic fluid)

Has anyone else been diagnosed with this? I’ve just had my routine 36 week scan and have too much amniotic fluid and been referred to the fetal medicine doctor. I have no symptoms, no risk factors / not a likely candidate for gestational diabetes (they don’t bother testing for it after 35 weeks anyway) - but the me...


Baby measurements

I’ve noticed on my 20 week scan notes that my baby is on the large side! they didn’t say anything at the scan but is this something to worry about?


Growth scan

Went to my 34 week appointment and measuring 32 so has dropped from last time. I’ve been referred for a scan, anyone else had this? Slightly worried that something is wrong with him.


Change to due date

On my badger notes app my due date has changed to the 22nd November. I imagine it is because my baby boy was measuring big at my last growth scan. Is this normal?


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