Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Scans

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Scans.

Growth scan

Went to my 34 week appointment and measuring 32 so has dropped from last time. I’ve been referred for a scan, anyone else had this? Slightly worried that something is wrong with him.


Change to due date

On my badger notes app my due date has changed to the 22nd November. I imagine it is because my baby boy was measuring big at my last growth scan. Is this normal?


Antibodies M

Just got a call from midwifery unit saying they found some antibodies in my blood and I need to come for further tests… read about it and I’m really stressed now.. anyone was in similar situation? What happened? 🙈


12 week scan 🥹

Measuring 12+5 all looks good! Any fun theories on gender? 🫣✨


Finding out tonight! Any guesses?

No visible nub I don't think but could maybe try from the skull?



I have a low lying placenta which is close to the cervix and have a scan next week to see if it’s moved, has anyone else experienced this and did it move?


Early gender scan

Anyone had a gender scan at 14 weeks at a clinic near chesterfield? I feel so impatient need to find out 😂


Twin growth🤍

Hi Mama’s! I am currently 22 weeks with my boy and girl twins🩵🩷 We had our 20 week anatomy scan and babies are both measuring 11oz each at 20+3 weeks. Is this within the healthy range? I am 5’2 and quite slim build so do often worry that babies aren’t going to be very big… anyone else similar to my frame and have…


4D scans

Anyone going to book for a 4D scan? I didn’t get the chance for one with my boy nearly 3 years ago but the woman at our gender scan said about it and mentioned the ideal time to book one in for and now I can’t stop thinking about it. So we’re going ahead with it🥰 Anyone else planning to have one too?


Is this right?

So I was sent for a presentation scan at the hospital when I was 37 weeks 2 days and they confirmed baby is in breech flexed position. I asked if I would be seeing someone after the scan and they said no and to wait for my midwife appointment at 38 weeks 6 days. My midwife wasn't impressed yesterday when I arrived w...


Could this be twins?

First scan done at 9w from lmp baby measured 7w5d. Was a very rushed scan and done abdominally instead of TV, I am convinced they missed mono twins… see pic in comment too!


10w 1d in this scan, any theories or guesses on gender please? ☺️

Thank you


33 week ultrasound growth scan

Goodness. I shouldn’t have googled it after I left, I’m a little stressed out. I wish I would have asked more questions but I was thrown off guard I guess. After getting my scan, the doctor told me my baby girl is measuring a big belly and to watch how many carbs I eat. That’s literally all he said and I didn’t ask ...


Contraction monitor strip/notes

Im not sure how to explain this but when in labour in hospital they put the monitors on your belly to monitor the contractions and babys heart rate. Is it possible to get those notes? Looking like a contractions monitor strip like this photo.


Got my 4d ultrasound🤭🤭

I got my 4d ultrasound this was the 2nd time trying to get his face he had his hand and foot n his face the whole time sadly so the pictures were a little eh😭 but it’s crazy just seeing this and I fall inlove with him more and more everyday !! I’m about 32 weeks pregnant and he’s 5lbs already I’m a bit scared he’s…



Anyone planning to have a private scan between their 12 week and 20 week scan? Feels like it’s soooo long to wait


Private scan cost

Could someone advise how much the private scan costs ?


Measuring ahead

I just had a routine OB appointment for 23 weeks and they said my belly is measuring at 28/29 weeks and they want me to come in for an ultrasound to confirm. Just wondering if anyone has had something similar. Did it turn out to be a big baby or did they just really mess up conception date?


Getting a cervical check

I got my first cervical check for the first time and idk if I am just super tight and tense or my doctor was just aggressive for no reason but her whole fist was inside and was scraping around and it was like the most painful thing I’ve ever had and I am terrified to get checked again what should i do


Cervical stitch

My cervix was measuring 41mm at 15 weeks, I just had my 20 week scan and it’s shortened by 17mm and is now measuring 24mm. I’m having the stitch tomorrow. Any positive stories? I lost my firstborn at 23 weeks and I believe it was due to my cervix shortening.


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