Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Scans

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Scans.

Rude staff at RPH ultrasound

Has anyone else experienced rude staff in the ultrasound department at RPH? I went for my 34 week midwife appointment today and she referred me for a scan as I’m measuring on the 95th percentile. When I went down to ultrasound they basically refused to do the scan saying I didn’t need it and they won’t do growth sca...



so I’m a ftm and my baby boy at 23 weeks is measuring in the 37th percentile. I’m just a little worried even though the Doctor said everything looked great. I’m just a worried mom!!


Baby measuring small

I just had my 28 week midwife appt and my midwife measured bump and said they seem to be on the 10th centile which is quite small. She said they will measure again at 34 weeks and put me forward for a growth scan if the bump is still measuring small. She thinks it may be because the baby is currently transverse (lay...


Small babies

Does anyone know if smaller percentile babies are more likely to be early , on time , or late? Just out of interest! At 20w scan my baby was 10th percentile. I got a growth scan today (first scan I’ve had since 20w) as bump was measuring a little small, and he’s perfectly healthy , 15th percentile so just a littl...


12 week scan tomorrow

Super excited but also anxious at the same time I'm hoping when I go and see little one on screen and they say yes I see a healthy heartbeat 💓 my anxiety will start to ease off this is my rainbow baby 🌈👶 after loosing twins last year


First midwife appointment!

I’ve got my first midwife appointment tomorrow, do we get a scan? What can I expect? My husband is anxious about it so want to try and prepare him for what might happen! Xox


Over 90th centile - 34+4

Had my appointment with the midwife and baby was measuring over the 90th centile so she referred me for a scan. However, when I got to the ultrasound department they wouldn’t scan me and said they don’t scan for growth unless you’re 37 weeks. Has anyone else experienced this? Feeling a little deflated as I have no i...


Concerning Growth…

Has anyone’s baby measured really low and they’ve turned out ok? My baby is measuring under the 10th percentile so they’ve booked me in for a scan in the morning. Her heart rate is strong and she kicks 24/7 so she’s at least alive 😅 I’m very stressed over it not knowing what this means because under the 10th is SO…


Anyone else measure small??

Went to my last OB appointment (32weeks) and they measured my belly and it was only 28cm. My OB said this was smaller than they’d like to see, with their “small” for 32 weeks being at 30cm. Anyone else have this experience? I have an ultrasound at my next appointment to make sure baby girl is growing okay but wanted...


First multiples scan

At which scan appointment / how far long were you when it was confirmed twins I had two scans before they found the other baby at 19 weeks 🙈 Just wondering how common this is I assumed twins were found at first scan 8-12 weeks


20 week scan

Who’s has their 20 week scan already? I’m so nervous for mine tomorrow🥹🥹


Anyone's dates different to what they expected?

I've had my scan today and am really happy to have seen our baby. It's just I was expecting to be almost 13w from my period tracking app but the baby was measuring 10w5d. It's another 3 weeks till our rebooked scan, which just feels like such a long time away! Has anyone else had this or date differences when going...


Ultrasound reports

Hey mamas, Just wondering how long it typically takes for your OB to send you the ultrasound report or share feedback? Everything has been normal so far, but my OB receives the report and never sends it to me. When I called the receptionist, she said my OB will discuss it at my next appointment or will reach out...


Baby weighing 5lb at 33 weeks 🫣

I had a growth scan yesterday and in 4 weeks, little boy has grown 2lbs, meaning he's estimating at 5lb now I'm 33 weeks. He's well within the lines of the graph and nobody is concerned but has anyone else experienced this and can tell me what their baby weighed at birth? I feel like he's going to be huge! 🤣


12 week scan today - experience ruined by sonographer

Had my scan today! Thought I was 11.+4 from a private scan (should have been 12+3 from period dates) but got measured 12w exactly. I hate the 12 week scan (2nd baby) as I’m not slim so they really push to see the best they can and I have to lift my slight overhang. Today was the worst ever though! We got asked to ...


Consultant and scan

I have just been to my 28 week midwife appointment and every time I've went to any appointment after my booking appointment they ask if I have seen a consultant yet, I've said no and haven't been told the reason. So today she said right well I will book you in for the clinic for your 32 week and when I've looked it'...


Should I tell me in laws I'm pregnant

I'm 10wks pregnant but my 1st dr apt/ultrasound is a few days after our visit to see them this weekend. Hubby is dying to tell them, but understands why I wanna wait till after the apt. I also am excited to tell them, but I feel so weird and anxious bout telling them without having had a dr apt /ultrasound. It s...


Gender opinions?

This is from my private 12 week scan, I am currently 16 weeks and can’t wait to see baby again


No scan date?

I’m 11 weeks and still not had a date through for nhs scan. Did anyone else wait this long?


Has anyone started buying baby things?

I'm due 24th march and I was wondering if anyones bought anything early or if they waited for the anatomy scan. I haven't bought anything yet because I'm a high risk pregnancy and terrified of something going wrong but idk I want other opinions of if its okay yet now I'm 15 weeks or to wait longer just in case


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