Community Posts, Tips & Support on Labor & Birth

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Labor & Birth.

Amniotic fluid or discharge?

Once yesterday and twice today I’ve leaked enough for it to go through to my pants. It’s not a ton any time, just enough to make a circle about 1.5-2 inches in diameter. It’s not leaking between times, which I read is a sign that your fluid sac has ruptured, and i definitely don’t think it’s enough to be my water fu...


Induction? Elective C Section?

Hi ladies, I am currently in hospital as I have been offered an induction for tomorrow. (Well later today!) This is due to my health issues (All pregnancy related, I am severely anaemic, my pulse has been rising to the 200 mark at times) and baby’s movements have reduced. I have read the booklet that they have gi...


She's here!

After a traumatic 72 hours in labour and not progressing, our precious little girl was delivered very safely in 3 mins via emergency c-section at 8Ibs. Due 5th October and arrived 14th. She's had to go into the NICU ward for breathing help and it turned out the reason I wasn't progressing was there was an infection ...


Elective Induction: Scheduled Yet?

I’m planning to get an induction, but my OB said it’s still too early to schedule it, even though I’ll be 39 weeks in just 10 weeks. For those of you choosing to have an elective induction, have you already scheduled yours? I feel like it would be helpful to have the date in hand. Mine would be the last full week of...


Amniotic fluid leaking?

Has anyone experienced what they think is amniotic fluid leaking? I’m at l&d right now because I thought I felt a gush of water earlier. They did a swab and it came back negative. They then did an ultrasound and my AFI was 9.1 but three days ago it was 12.9. Doesn’t that mean I’m leaking? I’ve been here waiting...


Induction with first baby

any positive induction stories for me please? I’m due to be induced due to moderate polyhydramnios tomorrow at 37 weeks with my first baby and I’m terrified. Any positive stories or words of advice would be welcomed 🤍


City hospital experience

Anyone had a baby at Nottingham city hospital. Having my first baby and not sure what to expect when I go there for labor. Do they provide milk if my milk hasn’t come in. What kind of personal products to they provide me after labor? Midwife has not been very helpful


Anyone else finding sex too painful to stand for more than a couple of minutes?

We’ve used a water based lube & gone really slow but I’m still finding it too painful and there’s a few spots of blood afterwards. I had a C section 14 weeks ago and felt healed really quickly. Always rested , didn’t do any lifting and gently got back into walking. We didn’t start trying to have sex for 10 weeks a...


Does cervical sweep hurt?

Does a cervical sweep hurt? I'm 39 weeks and 4 days, and this week my midwife recommended having a cervical sweep. Could those of you who have had a cervical sweep please share your experience? Did you go into labor after the sweep? How was your experience? Did it make labor harder, etc.? I’m quite nervous 😥


Getting induced.

So I’m getting induced in a couple of days. What should I expect?


Discharge or mucus plug

Help! I’m a ftm and I’m not sure if I’ve lost part or all of my mucus plug, I’ll be 36 weeks tomorrow.


Stocking up

I'm due to have a c section, this will be my second c section so I'm aware recovery may take some time plus with having a toddler and newborn to look after on my own after my partner's paternity leave ends and with no close family living nearby. I've decided to stock up on the following: Size 1 - 3 nappies Baby wi...


The Waiting Game

So I’m currently 4w5d and is it just me or this waiting to see your doctor killing you my doctor says they can’t see me until I’m at least 8 weeks. I hate waiting I want to see my little baby now and know that everything is going fine


These November babies are WILD

Why am I contracting at 35+4😂😂😂 Hospital asked me to stay in for the day and night to keep an observation as they doubt they’re braxton hicks due to consistency but I managed to discharge myself 😅 hoping she cooks a little longer!


Keloid scarring

This could be a niche question but has anyone experienced keloid scarring and proceeded to have a 2nd c-section? If so, did they cut the same incision or make a new one? Also, what’s the scarring like 2nd time round?


VBAC success stories

I'm interested in hearing success stories about VBAC. How did you prepare your body? Any general advice?


Oxytocin induction with no epidural?

Any mamas here received induction and the pitocin drug and delivered WITHOUT epidural? What was it like? Feel free to share your experience as well if you used an epidural. Thank you ❤️


VBAC 3 Months PP

Anybody have a Vaginal Birth After C Section. Getting pregnant 3 Months PP ?


Advice on getting a membrane sweep

We scheduled an elective induction next week at 40 weeks. Today I’m 39 weeks. Been trying to read and get insight about a membrane sweep and if they actually work. Mostly I’ve learned they hurt like hell and don’t work. Have you had a membrane sweep? What was your experience and did it even work? Is this something I...


pessary induction

hello i got started of with the pessary today just wondering how long from having the pessary did you guys give birth


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