Community Posts, Tips & Support on Postpartum Care

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.

Anterior placenta

Anyone else struggling so much with an anterior placenta? I’m 35 weeks now and had weeks where movement was seen on the outside and it’s gone completely backwards. I’ve been seen in triage numerous times and had scans and baby’s always behind the placenta which is reassuring. Some days the kicks hurt and others I ba...


Everything feels wrong today

Hi, more of a rant I guess. Everything today just feels so weird and wrong, I'm slowly losing my mucus plug, I have a weird squeezing pressure in my groin that comes in waves, baby is so so wriggly, everything hurts and I feel nauseous and awful. I've had a horrible feeling of dread and anxiety all night and day. I...



Feeling very emotional, crying all the time and just want to be hugged 24/7. Feel very needy towards my husband too. What can I do to help myself?


Struggling 6 weeks pp

I guess I am just really struggling today. I have a lot of stressful stuff going on at home with my mother in law as, unfortunately myself, partner, and baby are living with her, and she's a really hard person to live with. But currently, we're saving up to move out. I do have a great support system with my partn...


After birth💗

how long after birth did everyone start their period?


Stuck between one and done and 2

I have the most beautiful LG. I love her with my whole heart and she takes up most of our time just her. We both work and she goes to nursery 4 days. I have been saving all her things since she was born just in case we have a second. When I think about having a second, I worry about everything my LG will miss out ...


Postpartum fringe

I’ve always had baby hairs however after having my baby I’ve developed a mini fringe!! Please say it grows out 😅


6 month rut

Since becoming a mum, I’ve been told how calm and content both me and my baby are. My LO was always fed and put to sleep on time and we had no real issues. Since hitting the 6 month mark, we have suddenly found ourselves in the depths of darkness. This is definitely leap 5, but I’ve not experienced anything like it....


Feeling guilty

Is it normal to feel guilty to leave my kids with their dad while I take time for myself to think due to ppd and ptsd?


Coparenting (step chid)

I REALLY need advice. Been coparenting for my step daughter for 5 years now. Her mother is so hard to deal with. Changes her mind on visitation like every month. Creates so much unneeded drama and stress I’m actually on anxiety medication more often now from it. How do step moms deal with this. I need help I want t...


Feel like a bad mum

My Baby Girl is just so much hard work at the minute and I feel like I’m just not enjoying any time she’s with me and it makes me feel so bad at the end of the day. But i’m really at my wits end. She wakes up and cries and carries on crying til she falls back asleep in the night, every single thing in the day is a f...


Help! 3 month old had started crying!

She’s been fine with people till recently - had an event to attend and she was crying non stop - inconsolable so we had to leave early. Not sure what came over her as she’s been ok going to people. She’s crying with some family too. She had her imms recently but not sure if that’s unsettling her?


I don't want anything else besides my baby

I lost my baby girl seven days ago. I can't believe it. My heart has shattered into pieces, and I'm lost & empty. I don't know how to go on. That day was the worst day of my life. I'm currently waiting on her remains to bring home. I was told it gets worse before it gets better. I blame myself and those close to me ...


Mom rage

When does mom rage end? Will it ever get better? My daughter is almost 8 months old and my mom rage is bad. I try so hard not to be angry but it just happens. If I accidentally snap at her I feel terrible mom guilt after.


C-Section Day Tomorrow

My elective is happening tomorrow, and I really am feeling such a weird amount of emotions! I'm excited to meet my baby Scared of the recovery and how I will also manage with a 4 year old. I had such a pleasant vaginal birth with my little girl and was back on my feet basically straight away Overwhelmed - know...


Is this normal? Is this mom Rage?

I have two babies. One just turned 10 months and the other is 2.5 ( toddler but still a baby to me) Im having a lot of trouble with the older one. She wants to constantly beat the baby from dawn till night. Pushing her and laughing, we’ve tried everything To Make this stop . Its extreme jealousy and we are giving he...


Feeling sad

I had a baby in Dec 2022. I love my husband and he loves me too but our relationship hasn't been the same since our baby was born. We don't get intimate, been to one date night without the baby in 2 years. If we argue it takes time to resolve even if we try to openly communicate. I love my baby, my husband but I get...


Over bearing mothers/MIL’s

Guys. What the heck. My mother and MIL are not respecting my boundaries. I’m struggling really bad right now with staying cool calm and collected. I cant even be around my mother without me getting super stressed out and angry. Any advice?? Examples are they don’t agree with what my husband and I want. My mom thin...


MIL calling my baby a fibber

Hey girls, please tell me if I’m overreacting, but I’m getting annoyed by my MIL repeatedly calling my 9 month old baby a ‘fibber’. It’s mainly when I’ve left them in a room alone together and as soon as I come back my baby looks at me and cries for me to pick her up. My MIL instantly says ‘oh you’re such a fibber’ ...


PP Pain >_<

I’m 3 wks pp and I’m having crazy back pain, pain when peeing and struggling to pass a bowel movement. Are y’all still going through this at the stage?


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