Community Posts, Tips & Support on Postpartum Care

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.

Pregnant FTM

I’m a first time mum and I’m 28 weeks now. Every time I think about my baby I just want to cry. Happy cry of course but like I just can’t wait for her to be here. I feel like crying every time I think about her. Idk if I’m just hormonal my partner thinks I’m just being sensitive but I feel like I’m always crying


Droopy pouch under scar

During pregnancy I swelled up quite a lot, including my pubic area. Now after my c-section 3 weeks ago it looks very saggy down below and I'm worried it will never go back. I was prepared for the loose skin above my incision but not below. It makes me feel really unattractive and self conscious. Has anyone else expe...


Sex Life after a Baby

Has anyone else's sex life got better after having a baby?? I'd heard so many negative things before having my baby. But it has honestly been the best it's ever been since. Not sure if it's a fluke or something 🤣


Should I have said something??

Background: my MIL and me used to have a great relationship. Then me and hub got pregnant and we moved into her house to save money for our own. Baby came early due to preeclampsia and she was in the NICU for almost 3 months. When she came home she had a lot of medical needs as well and ended up having surgery at 6 ...


Postpartum bleeding

I know it can be different for everyone but just wondering how long did everyone bleed for afterwards? I’m currently almost 3 weeks postpartum, natural birth with episiotomy that’s healing absolutely fine, can’t even feel it anymore. Still bleeding but very light. Like the end of a period. Just curious as it’s the o...



I have a 3 year old and almost 1 year old. Ive been with their dad about 5 years. And im going to be leaving him soon. I dont really have a support system. Mentally im struggling bad i hate to do this because my kids love their dad but the mental abuse is unreal and he always play victim. Always argues in front of ...


Trouble with toddler after bringing home new baby.

Hello. So I am 5 days postpartum. My 3 yo daughter was difficult before the new baby was born. I expected some problems but what I am going through is completely insane. I had a difficult pregnancy and I was checked out for a lot of it. My husband helped as much as he could but he was working. I was alone with her a...


Feeling guilty of Co sleeping/ bed sharing…

I am exclusively breastfeeding and it was the only solution to keep my newborn happy and my sanity during cluster feeding… I am feeling guilty though that we are putting him in danger…


my postpartum psychosis story 💗

hi everyone this is my first post and possible tw for contents of what i will say but i hope for anyone who is possibly struggling for it to give them hope and know they aren’t alone :) i had a very traumatic child birth..i was in labor for a week and was sent home every time i went to the women’s center due to no ...


2 month old ‘baby girl’ forehead hair.

Hey mums! (I know everyone says it’s lanugo and will fall away itself but it’s not falling away) My 2 month old has forehead that is entirely covered in hair. It hasn’t fallen away yet and it’s been 2 months. I am worried since she is a girl and has on her side burns and ears also. Dis anyone else faced the same ...


3rd degree tear..

I'm currently 3 weeks & 5 days postpartum and suffered a 3rd degree tear.. was just wondering if anyone else had this & how long it took for them to recover?


My marriage is in a very rocky place but it seems like it can be fixed (going to start therapy) and I'm starting to regret having our 14 mo baby and i honestly just want to run away from everything and disappear

Y'all please don't leave hate, I'm really struggling but i won't actually run away from my family. I'm not sure really what to do right now i just want to feel better so I'm trying to get to the source of the problem


Please help😭I am very fed up with my daughter.

She’s 11, in year 7. We have to nag/remind her of everything like turn off the light, put your coat on, flush the toilet, wash your hand, bed time, brush your hair etc etc. She wears thick hoodie in the summer but a thin top in the winter as she says she can’t feel the heat/cold. She’s extremely messy and forgetful....



Ladies my baby is 3 and I still don’t completely feel like myself,often have high anxiety days and very sad weeks until I snap out of it then im suddenly better. What is that?I feel like my emotions aren’t controlled by me and always emotional



I’m holding my nephew, he’s so calm doesn’t cry just sleeps , he is almost a month old. Then there’s my baby he’s almost 2 months and is colic and crying 24/7 this makes me so jealous 😭😭😭😭 and mad and wondering why my baby is this way and just wish I had a baby that wasn’t colic or had acid reflux .


VENT: Mental Health

Hi everyone, I’ve been struggling with my mental health lately and just need a place to let it out. When my husband and I found out we were expecting, we were overjoyed. Everything seemed to be falling into place, and we were excited to find a home to raise our family. But when things didn’t go as planned, we ended ...


Struggling very badly

For the past week my baby I think is teething she will not stop crying all day and night I’ve had to remove myself multiple times and just breakdown I can cope anymore all she does it cry lately I’m going to call the doctor tomorrow but is anyone’s baby just non stop crying????? She’s nearly 16 weeks now I feel lik...


Constant state of anxiety

I’m a FTM to a two week old baby girl and I am constantly anxious that there is something wrong with her. I am googling absolutely everything which I know isn’t the best idea. I cannot seem to get myself out of this constant state of panic, it’s making me so emotional and exhausted.


Anterior placenta

Anyone else struggling so much with an anterior placenta? I’m 35 weeks now and had weeks where movement was seen on the outside and it’s gone completely backwards. I’ve been seen in triage numerous times and had scans and baby’s always behind the placenta which is reassuring. Some days the kicks hurt and others I ba...


Everything feels wrong today

Hi, more of a rant I guess. Everything today just feels so weird and wrong, I'm slowly losing my mucus plug, I have a weird squeezing pressure in my groin that comes in waves, baby is so so wriggly, everything hurts and I feel nauseous and awful. I've had a horrible feeling of dread and anxiety all night and day. I...


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