Community Posts, Tips & Support on Postpartum Care

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.

I found out

After everything I've been through I found out I have mild depression after all the physical abuse and mental abuse


FTM To a Preemie baby

Hello moms , Just looking for some support and encouraging words. My daughter came 9/15 at 34 weeks she’s been in nicu for now 2 weeks and it’s getting harder. My postpartum is making things harder I know she’s in here for a good reason but my mind and body says it’s something missing. She was due October 27th and t...


Cheating partner

I’m 3w pp and just found out my bf has been cheating on me at week 1 pp whilst I was in hospital fighting an infection. He cheated whilst I was pregnant by begging another woman to start a family with him which I was broken by but I stupidly decided to give him a chance. Where do you even start? How do you transitio...


How should I respond?

My MIL says this every-time I see her and it annoys me because she makes it sound like she never holds my child or spends time with him which is far from the truth. She says, " I haven't gotten to build up my baby muscles". My son is 2yrs old and doesn't even like being held for long periods like that anymore. Wh...


Must you ladies have a baby with every man you get with ?

No offence to anyone though I can see how this can be taken offensive… I’m just generally curious how some of you have multiple different BDs like why do you keep repeating the cycle and getting mad that the man doesn’t want anything to do with your or your kids ? Do you feel like you HAVE to give a man a baby to s...


postpartum hairloss

so my boy is four months old now and my hair is coming out in CLUMPS, i’m having to clean my hairbrush every single time i use it and my hair is SO thin now. plus there’s hair EVERYWHERE. it’s all over the bed carpet sofa changing mats car seat EVERYWHERE😭😭😭 and im constantly pulling hairs off my baby and worried…


Ever felt awful for snapping at your toddler?

Guys I feel awful. It's been a long day and my mental health is awful atm (currently in the middle of a medication review ect) and I just snapped at him. Right before his bedtime too, so definitely didn't help as he likes to do anything and everything he can to stay awake🥲 I just feel awful


3rd degree tear..

Did anyone else on here suffer third degree tear? I am 4 weeks postpartum and have had diarrhoea (sorry for the info 🤦‍♀️) pretty much the whole time since. Did anyone else experience this? I'm so worried it's my muscle and I'm not going to go back to normal 😢



Anyone feel guilty for leaving 5 month old to go to church or shopping?


super depressed

narcissistic, emotional abuser, gaslighting bd, broke up with me the day we made a year. i am relieved in one way, but i and super down the other way, how do i get over this. of course i did love him that’s why it’s hard but it’s so relieving knowing that he’s not here to tell me everyday im not something after i’ve...


I swear my husband is bipolar

I made a post the other day about my husband wanting me to have an abortion and how I'm completely torn on what to do.. well, a few nights ago, we had a "talk" which was mostly him talking and me not really giving much. Somehow that was enough for him to just be happy and feel satisfied again and me feeling the same...


Mental health- anti depressants?

Just looking on some advice really. The past few weeks have hit me like a ton of bricks mental health wise, I don’t really know just everything seems to be getting on top of me. I’m still happy and smiling whilst out and about but as soon as I get home I get in such a rut. I’m not bad bad, don’t worry. I just keep ...


Baby Mama Drama

Anyone else see posts from the bm on her story and stuff and feel like it's directed at you? I swear she'll post about people being fake on social media and bad mouth RIGHT AFTER I post pictures of the family. It's stressing me outttttt. She's been so mean and argumentative lately so I finally muted her stories and ...


Constantly Crying Baby!

Hello, I’m sure people are going to say it’s normal but here goes anyway. I have a 5.5 week old little girl who cries and whinges ALL DAY with little sleep and when she does sleep, it’s for 30 mins at a time. It’s making me not want to be near her and I dread spending all day with her when my husband goes to work, ...


Advice on child smacking! please help a mama out…

I am a firm believer in gentle parenting and so far I haven’t hit many major hurdles in trying to achieve this in the way I want to…. Until my little girl realised if she smacked me she would get a ‘snap’ reaction, my immediate reaction to smacking is an instant very firm ‘No!’ Followed with a softer (but still firm...


MY BIGGEST HATER…. is my mom. Or am I tripping???

My mom makes snarky comments like “you don’t feed your baby” or “just take care of the baby” in a very sarcastic tone. I got groceries and she yelled “you barely take care of her, you didn’t even get any milk”. Whole time I had 3 cans of formula and I breastfeed anyway. I have a dramatic baby and when she cries my ...


Any words of wisdom for someone preparing for grief?

My mom, who I am incredibly close with, has been diagnosed with terminal cancer. She was diagnosed 4 months ago, the same time I had my first/only child. She finally got a grandbaby and now we are preparing to lose her. It sucks a ton and I'm struggling to balance being a new mom with the sadness. I worry about how ...


Postpartum hair loss

Any else’s hair look like this postpartum? 😅🙈😆 My LG is 16 months and it’s looking absolutely mental!!! I must’ve lost more hair than I realised! Ps I don’t have a fringe by the way but apparently do now! 😂


Pregnant FTM

I’m a first time mum and I’m 28 weeks now. Every time I think about my baby I just want to cry. Happy cry of course but like I just can’t wait for her to be here. I feel like crying every time I think about her. Idk if I’m just hormonal my partner thinks I’m just being sensitive but I feel like I’m always crying


Droopy pouch under scar

During pregnancy I swelled up quite a lot, including my pubic area. Now after my c-section 3 weeks ago it looks very saggy down below and I'm worried it will never go back. I was prepared for the loose skin above my incision but not below. It makes me feel really unattractive and self conscious. Has anyone else expe...


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