
I’m holding my nephew, he’s so calm doesn’t cry just sleeps , he is almost a month old. Then there’s my baby he’s almost 2 months and is colic and crying 24/7 this makes me so jealous 😭😭😭😭 and mad and wondering why my baby is this way and just wish I had a baby that wasn’t colic or had acid reflux .
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First of all you cannot compare babies they are all different and second reevaluate those jealous feelings some women can't have babies at all so think twice about talking about your baby that way. I'd talk to my doctor about the colic and maybe they can help you resolve that issue.

@Brooke yes every baby is different, but it's her feelings. If she's jealous about it, then she is. You shouldn't make her feel bad. I'm tired of seeing women say, "Some women can't even have a baby, so you should mind what you say or feel." It's bullshit. We can feel some type of way. This app is supposed to be judgment free. So we feel free to ask for advice or get told information. I had a shitty pregnancy. I vented every day. I know some women can't get pregnant. But that doesn't take away from my experience. I had a shitty time. She is experiencing something hard. It's hard not to compare our situations to others. Instead, uplift or give her advice. You don't need to add in the other parts. She's valid in how she feels.

@Storm okay so it's her experience but also those types of feelings lead to resentment and hard feelings towards kids. Better to seek help about those feelings instead of it possibly leading to taking it out on the kid...comparing kids isn't right or healthy they are all different and just like all of us go through growth differently. I'm so sick of playing the feelings game with everyone once you choose to have a baby your kid matters more than you or your feelings. If you have negative feelings about your own kid go get help because you are not doing you or your kid any favors if you don't. Being a mom is hard. There's no giving up or backing out so you gotta buck up and do whatever it takes to give that kid the best life possible and if that means seeking help with hard feelings you gotta do it. Period.

@Brooke you should get off this app. You don't get the point of it.

@Storm riiiight okay 👍 feelings over facts 👌 💯 👏

@Brooke I’m aloud to feel This way! It is very hard when you cannot soothe your own baby, I feel helpless sometimes! I have done everything from gripe water to mylicon drops probiotics acid meds baby Frida windi. I am going to try a chiropractor and talk to my dr again. In no way am not feeling bad for people won’t have babies I feel for them I do but it is very hard with a baby with colic and to be around other baby’s that don’t act this way. I would NEVER hurt my baby because I am jealous . I love my baby VERY much and I feel so bad that he cries all The time and seems like he is in pain but it doesn’t mean I am stressing out and wondering what it would be like if I had a baby that wasn’t like this .

@Brooke I’m not talking negative about my baby all I’m saying is I wish he didn’t have colic that shit is hard!!!!! It’s harder than when you have baby that isn’t colic . Maybe you should do your research about how difficult your life can be with a baby with colic but you wouldn’t understand bc you don’t have to go through that!!!! So go bring ur judgement somewhere else smh

@Storm thank you :( I don’t feel like I’m talking negative about my baby it’s just hard seeing other baby’s being content and being able to sit in their moms arms without them crying . They are able to cuddle with their babys and hold them and take cute videos and take their baby places . I can’t cuddle with him I can’t go anywhere out in public bc he cries the whole time I feel bad for him 😭 I just feel a little robbed of the newborn phase

My oldest has both it gets better and I promise it's just as hard on your baby the acid reflex pain is terrible

Hang in there mama it's gonna be ok

By around four months colic lightens up by six months acid reflex gets mostly better try a medicine called renitadine

Also if your baby doesn't like the mint flavor of the renitadine you can have pharmacy flavor it other things too

I get it. 😵‍💫 My firstborn was very calm and this baby fusses over everything. It’s impossible not to compare! Allow yourself to feel sad and look forward to the future! Babies change so much in a matter of months.

Understandable. All babies are different so, it’s normal for them to differ in how their bodies react to feedings, digestion and in general. You are not alone on the emotional rollercoaster. I have a colic baby who cries a lot at what seems to be for no reason so, I share a similar frustration with my babygirl at times because I lack a lot of sleep and the constant crying makes me feel irritable as well. It takes a lot of patience and it’s NOT easy. All we can do is take our time and try to keep in mind our babies don’t know any better and the only way they can express what they’re feeling is to cry especially being colic. Pay attention to all your baby’s cues and try to take note of all the methods that work to soothe them.

I know it’s hard not to compare but every baby’s journey is different. I have 3 month old twins and my cousin has a 2 month old and he cried and cried and cried. I was so shocked and a little worried. Then they saw my twins would eat and sleep the parents and grandparents started comparing. Her baby is exclusively breastfed while mine are formula fed. Babies change so quickly as well. Just talk to the pediatrician to see if there is anything that can be done

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