Constantly Crying Baby!

Hello, I’m sure people are going to say it’s normal but here goes anyway. I have a 5.5 week old little girl who cries and whinges ALL DAY with little sleep and when she does sleep, it’s for 30 mins at a time. It’s making me not want to be near her and I dread spending all day with her when my husband goes to work, which I’m sure makes me sound awful! I’m losing the will. The lack of sleep and the constant crying is genuinely making me delusional and unwell. Is this normal for a baby to constantly and I mean constantly whinge and cry even though I’m doing everything she needs?
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Is she breast fed or formula fed? I know some babies can cry but from friends who have had babies which cry all day, they've found out their little ones have an intolerance or allergy.

My daughter is like this at the moment and it’s so hard! I’m unsure what is wrong with her but she’s so unsettled!

@Claire she’s breastfed. And I even gave up cows milk/dairy a few weeks ago because I wondered if that was maybe contributing to it. I just feel like I’m reaching a point where I’ve got literally nothing left to give.

Have a look into colic and purple crying, babies go through a big brain development/ growth spurt around this age so it could be to do with that. Your doing amazing and it can 100% be super tough and stressful so you should be so proud of yourself and how hard you are working x

@Ellesse how old is she? I’m glad I’m not alone, I feel like I’m going crazy with the constant crying!

@Tate Oceans I will have a look at those, thank you. It all feels impossible!

Do you have a baby a baby carrier? My baby cries constantly if she isn’t being held but will sleep for hours in the carrier. Might be worth a try x

I’m sorry You’re having such a hard time, it really isn’t easy. Our girl only cries in the evening so I don’t even know what it’s like, but it sounds like you’re in need of some support. If you haven’t discovered it for you, I highly recommend getting a good carrier, without that I think our girl would be crying all day too. That’s where she takes 90% of her day naps too. Always remember it’s just a phase. My midwife said it gets easier after 6 weeks most of the time, so you could literally be done very soon. Just make sure you look after your physical and mental health, the lack of sleep and the responsibility of being a mother is really a lot. Wishing you all the best x

I tried breastfeeding, but my little girl would cry after feeding for a while as she wasn't getting much milk so was still hungry. When I then expressed there wasn't much. I gave her formula and she settled, so I assume she wasn't getting much when I breastfed. She is now on formula as my supply was low. I'm not saying this is the case with your little girl as you may have good supply, but maybe something to consider. X

@Charlotte yeah, I use a sling which helps in the day sometimes.

@Mieke thank you - really appreciate that and the words of encouragement! X

My first was like this, literally nothing helped. And I mean Nothing. We tried it all. He had really bad reflux and I guess colic, and we Struggled. I dreaded the days as well. Made myself get out to classes but I was the mum pacing the back of the room all class trying to get him to stop crying. In the end he naturally grew out of it around 6 months (when we introduced solids), but to be honest he’s still been ‘difficult’ ever since in comparison to others. I really hope yours gets better more quickly than that and it isn’t just their temperament like it is for mine!

I feel like this with my bubba. I think it’s all the growth spurts. I felt like we had a week of progress and now he’s back too it. White noise seems to help most of the time. I like keeping him in the sling as well xx if he doesn’t have long stretches on sleep in the morning. He’s miserable all day. So I really try to get him down for a long nap in the morning xxx

Yes my girl somtimes does this il feed her change her an then she will start screaming for ages sometimes maybe she has trapped wind she will be 9 weeks on Tuesday. How old is ur babygirl and is she bottle fed? I find sitting her in the baby bouncer for short periods if im busy helps i put the tv on peppa pig lol and gently rocking the baby bouncer an she gets calm x

Or a nice warm bubberly bath soothers her x

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My girl was like that for 2 days. I’m making sure she burps after 5min of feeding then I start again and make her burp again. I wasn’t doing it enough and now it’s totally different she sleeps more easily

I’m so sorry to hear that you’re going through this. Honestly you are not alone, I’ve been through the same with our little girl. She would scream/ cry for hours on end and it would make me feel the same as it’s making you feel. I know people say that it won’t last forever but it doesn’t help much when you’re in the thick of it does it? Our little one has reflux as it turns out. She’s been started on gaviscon and omeprazole and she appears to have turned a corner. Have you taken her to the GP or looked up the symptoms? I breastfed for two weeks but the lack of sleep almost broke me. Me and my partner take turns now at night so we both get some rest. If you need someone to vent to feel free to message me directly. Also gripe water was our friend from 4 weeks as she had so much gas!

@Sarah thank you, it really helps when you know people have been through it or are going through it because otherwise it feels like a very lonely place. I’ve got a call with the health visitor in the morning to discuss so I’m really hoping they don’t just say ‘that’s babies for you’ The lack of sleeping is killing me, we’ve just started trying my husband giving her a bottle of expressed milk in the evening so I can miss a feed and get some extra sleep. We’re thinking of moving to combo-feeding anyway so if this affects my milk supply (which I’m told it could), then that’s fine.

@Allie oh god, I’m sorry you had that. I realllyyyy hope this isn’t it for 6 months, it will actually kill me if it is 🙈

It really is a lonely place, it just feels like it will never end and then there’s the guilt for feeling that way even though it’s natural when you’re being constantly pushed to the limit. Just mention it all to the health visitor but just be mindful they may tell you to contact the GP anyway (that’s what mine did). I’m not sure the health visitor can prescribe anything. Honestly it was the lack of sleep that pushed me to switch to formula feeding, my other half could see I was becoming depressed and basically took it into his own hands to give her a bottle. Honestly it was the best thing we did, getting better sleep makes it a lot easier to deal with the crying. Have you tried infacol and/ or gripe water for trapped wind? Also baby massage for trying to get some of the wind up really helped our little girl. If you ever want to just chat I’m always here with a listening ear. I 100% understand how hard it is

She’s 5 weeks and it’s tough I feel like I’m constantly crying I try getting outside with her so she sleeps x

I really feel for you - my first was like this. I was too anxious to take him out to cafes/baby groups as he was too unsettled when he was awake. Would only sleep max 45 mins day and night. I thought it would never end. But between 8 and 12 weeks things started to get better - we had first smiles and he started to relax a little. By 6 months he was pretty much sleeping through the night and happy! I am so sure it’ll get better for you, it just takes time. But I remember how desperate I felt at times, so I really sympathise. Take care of yourself and ask for as much help from family and friends as you can

@Ems that’s exactly where I’m at - don’t want to take her out to places because she is just so unsettled every time she’s awake so good to hear it changed for you. I keep being told between 8 and 12 weeks is where I’ll likely see a shift. We don’t have any family nearby which is one our big problems as we’ve got no support. Thank you!

@Sarah I don’t know how I missed this message. We’ve been using intact and spoke with the health visitor this morning and they’ve suggested the GP, so that will be the next thing I think. And we’re potentially going to move to some formula feeding because it is making me unwell not being able to get any sleep which obviously also makes the crying worse because I’m so tired!! Thank you so much, appreciate it. Xx

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