Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.

Mam Bottles

Can anybody advise on which mam bottles I should be buying for newborn. Some say ignore newborn and go straight to bigger ones as they grow out so quickly. I've looked online ,I see newborn bottles, is it just the teat you change? xx


Creating bad habits by bed sharing?

We had strict rules to never bed share, mostly due to safety but also worried about her staying in our bed forever. Shes been waking up really early so we let her in our bed to sleep for another 1-2hrs. Last night she was sick and woke up twice before we went to bed so just let her sleep with us. I do love the c...


Need help!

I always breastfed my baby to sleep and when I stopped breastfeeding her at 1 year, I would just rock her to sleep. Then when she got a little bigger, I would just lay next to her, rub her back and stay with her until she falls asleep. Well that’s been going on for a while now and she’s 17 months. I can’t get her to...


Baby refusing formula

My 7 week old drink breastmilk regularly, and tonight I’ve had to supplement with formula due to one of my momcozy pumps randomly stop working. The other pump still works fine, and I am an over-supplier and usually have 2 extra bottle in the fridge but today my supply is lower for some reason plus it’s taking me lon...


Waking up earlier.

My 5 month old will sleep between 8-11 hours a night. She has 3 naps in the day and 4 10oz feeds. She use to have a bedtime between 10pm/11pm, I’ve started changing her bedtime to 8/9am-8am but she sometimes she will wake at 5 or 6. Do I give her an extra feed in the day and an extra nap? Or do I just give her a...


Sleep covers

My LO doesn’t like to be covered when sleeping tends to kick away blankets. I’ve tried swaddles and sleeping bags but she doesn’t like to be restricted in them. It’s getting colder and I don’t know what I can use for her to sleep in. Any suggestions?



I'm looking to upgrade my car now that my second is here. I want a car that I can ideally fit two car seats in the back and a passenger. I know the car will need 3 "full seats" at the back, but I was wondering if anyone can share experiences, etc. At the moment, it looks like I'm going to have to go with a 7 seat...


Why does no one talk about post partum discomfort?

Just a rant, I'm 5 days pp and I'm so unbelievably over the discomfort of down below, it feels worse than half the pregnancy symptoms we had. I just want to no longer be swollen or sore down there😂


Nighttime sleep and nap times

Just wondering how much everyone’s toddler is sleeping now? My daughters fights her nap in the day & is only sleeping 8-5 at the moment! 😫😫


Help respond to my MIL!

My mother in law recently (among a lot of other things) has called the fact that my baby sometimes sleeps on me ‘unhealthy’. For context, my LO is 12 weeks. She sleeps overnight in her bassinet (mostly unless it’s a particularly bad night), in the day she does her first two naps in her bassinet, but afternoon I str...


No breast milk

Hi everyone, FTM here. My little boy was born on the 22.10, I have been giving him the colostrum I harvested, however, he doesn't get full anymore. I tried breastfeeding him, I don't have any milk yet...I have him a pre made bottle kendamil, he nearly drank all of it and the bottle is 70ml - I assume he drank just...


Leaky Nappies

My baby is now 1 and a half weeks old but still tiny (6lbs 2) I can’t put her down flat on her back without the back of her nappy leaking so she keeps getting wet clothes. Has anyone got any advice?



Any tips on removing morning bottle please? I have tried everything!


Wth was that 🤯

My little one refused to nap alll day yesterday apart from 40 mins in the morning .. then had us up from 1:40-4ish. She was so tired but would not completely go back to sleep so when she was put back in her cot she stood up crying. Tried putting her in our bed, didn’t help. I’ve now got to try and work a full day ti...


Waking an hour before bottle

My LO is 6months old she always wakes at 4am then wil go back once she has her dummy but then will wake again at 5 for a bottle. I’m getting up at 4am everyday as there’s no point going back to sleep for an hour? She goes to bed at 6:30 and wil stir around 2ish just for her dummy . Any tips?



Can somebody tell me why this 4 month sleep regression has lasted a month and a half😭 it’s just getting worse.. what am I doing wrong???


Night feeds

What age do babies drop their night feed? I keep seeing if you sleep train you can have 0 wake ups but my boy still has a night feed. I'm just wondering when he will no longer need this and how to reduce/stop.


What am I doing wrong???!!

Cereal bottles, mashed potatoes, no late nap, no long nap, extra nap, co-sleep, crib sleep, rocking, not rocking, bath, no bath, white noise, silence…..It does not matter what I do my baby will not sleep through the night!! Sometimes the harder I try the earlier she wakes. WTH am I doing wrong??!!


Early waking

My 5 month old used to wake up around 6:30/7 every morning but lately it’s getting earlier and now it’s between 5&6, with the clocks changing soon this is going to end up being 4/5am and I’m not here for it. Does anyone have any tips?


I need some advice really struggling….

My LO is 3 months and 2 weeks and is EBF. He follows a routine during the day where he naps at least three times and is fed very well throughout the day*. Once given a bath and breast fed, he will sleep from 8:30pm to 10:30pm once fed again he will sleep for 4 hours (that’s the longest he’s ever done and not often) ...


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