No breast milk

Hi everyone, FTM here. My little boy was born on the 22.10, I have been giving him the colostrum I harvested, however, he doesn't get full anymore. I tried breastfeeding him, I don't have any milk yet...I have him a pre made bottle kendamil, he nearly drank all of it and the bottle is 70ml - I assume he drank just over half. Is this okay? With the left over can I rewarm it and give it to him later? Is it okay to feed him formula straight away? I don't want to but I haven't got any milk, more like a little bit of colostrum
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You’re NOT supposed to rewarm milk and give it later due to bacteria growth that can occur. Formula is fine. Your milk should start coming in the next day. Hang in there!

You still need to put him on your boob to drink the colostrum and encourage the milk to come. My midwife said our milk doesn’t become become until after day 5 pp. If you’ve already warmed that bottle you can’t rewarm it but you don’t need to warm it in the first please because those are already the ones ready to eat

Put the leftover in the fridge and then yes re warm it when he is hungry. It can last for 24hrs I think, it says it on the bottle. Back to your boobs, it will feel like you’re not producing enough but you are and you need to keep putting him on the boob, the more he sucks even if it’s empty the more your body learns to produce it. I know it’s shocking when they drink half or a whole bottle of formula compared to what they get from you but the first few days you just have to keep them sucking on your boobs, your boobs will within a few days produce more than enough. Most people’s boob milk takes a few days to come in, so you have to keep at it. If you don’t it will eventually come but will never be enough and you’ll always need formula. I’m saying this from experience. Just keep him sucking at your boob constantly, the milk will come. In the meantime invest in Lanisoh for your nipples 🩷

@Anna you think so? I'm am getting a little upset and feel very useless.. and thank you I will throw them away

@Asia yes because one of my nipples is bleeding now, he completely destroyed it and the other one is still hanging there, they are very sore and sensitive feeling.. I'm getting very discouraged, I am 2 days pp

@Asia this milk will last in fact 24 hours but she can’t use it for two reasons: she warmed it (you cannot rewarm milk) and the baby fed directly from the bottle by the looks of it

Get the Lanisoh balm and get some nipple shields. I promise a few weeks from now you’ll be in a different state and milk will be flowing and nipples won’t hurt. The first month is the hardest 😭

@Beatriz for these bottles it said to warm them up in hot bowl of water

Really? The Aptamil ones are ready to feed, no need to wake them. I thought this was the same. But you still can’t reuse it cause you’ve warmed it

@Beatriz true but if she warmed it in a bowl of warm water and covered the nipples after use it can be reused and re warmed.

Oh for the nipple pain what saved me in the beginning were nipple shields! My nipples were hurting so bad and were almost raw. Give them a try

Just keep putting baby on the boob, that's the way to get your milk to come in. Colostrum is like thicker milk so they don't need as much of it, it's still milk

@Asia “Repeatedly reheating formula milk can cause it to lose its nutritional quality and you should never reheat formula that your baby has already started drinking from. The reason for this is bacteria from your baby’s mouth can get into the bottle and multiply, even if the bottle is stored in the fridge” 🤷🏻‍♀️

I agree with the comments I know it’s frustrating and a bit scary but keep putting baby on boob and your milk will come. Make sure baby is latching well, ask for support from your midwives if you think they aren’t. For nipples make sure you put a cream that is safe for baby to nurse after, I use Weleda but people really recommend Lansinoh too. I also got silver nipple cups which are also amazing for healing.

If you keep putting your baby on your boob the milk will come in. It can take over a week to come in. If you want to keep trying then keeping letting your baby latch.. the more he latches and sucks the more your body will produce I’ve never used formula so I can’t comment on that but personally if I’ve had to heat up something I wouldn’t reheat it again, but check the bottle instructions Good luck x

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Don’t be discouraged hun it gets easier I promise!! If your boobs are sore it could be due to babies latch. Ask the midwife when they come and see you. Having hot showers and letting the water run on your boobs will stimulate milk, massaging them will help, pumping could help. Theres also no shame in given up and giving formula. It’s there for a reason. I’ve breastfed 3 kids for 6 years now and currently feeding my 2 year old and 10 week old so I know the struggle and if you want any advice just message xx

I had the EXACT same experience with my baby. So for the first few days you only produce colostrum and everyone tells you that baby will get enough as their stomach is small(size of a cherry pit). My son was latched to me for 4-5 hours when we came home from hospital and was hysterical when I de latched him due to sore nipples. I was sobbing and worried about falling asleep with him latched on the sofa and something bad happening. We made him a bottle of formula at 3am (we’d barely slept in 3 days as we were at the hospital giving birth) and he fell asleep and was finally happy. We combi fed for a bit but now, 10 weeks later, he is exclusively breastfed. Those bottles are ready to eat so you don’t necessarily need to warm them. Once baby has sucked at the teat, you have 2 hours use of it. After that you should bin it as it could be beginning to grow bacteria.

I wouldn’t re-warm it. Get some rest once they’re calm and try the breast again (not the cracked one, let that rest). Once he’s had the breast, if they’re still hungry, go for formula again. Always try putting to the breast first if you’re wanting to breastfeed 😊

Oh, turned out my baby also had a tongue tie (which they don’t check for at the hospital… or didn’t at mine, anyway 🙄) which was causing my nipples to be cracked and bleeding as well as him feeding inefficiently. We had it cut and it has helped massively, but I know cutting it doesn’t always solve the problem but just improve it. If your baby continues to have a poor latch or after your milk comes in if your nipples continuously get cracked then it’ll be worth mentioning to health visitor or going to feeding clinic 😊 sorry for the long comments, this topic is close to my heart because I felt so upset and guilty from it all and couldn’t understand why people just smiled and said ‘yes, baby will clusterfeed and he’ll only need a little colostrum’ when I’d be spending hours with a hysterical baby refusing to settle and hurting my breasts. The feeding clinic ladies were the first professionals to offer empathy and support.

You need to keep putting baby on the breast and not offer formula if you want to establish breastfeeding. Colostrum is all your baby needs for the first few days until it starts to change to mature milk.

Hiya, if you want to breastfeed you need to be putting baby to the boob and/or pumping regularly. Colostrum IS breastmilk and is really important for baby in those first few days. If baby had damaged your nipples and doesn't seem to be getting enough by breastfeeding, then there is likely an issue with your latch. An experienced breastfeeding counselor or lactation consultant will be able to help you with that. Here's some information on positioning and attachment that might help. Also how to tell if baby is getting enough milk.

Have lots of skin to skin with your baby. It will help regulate their temp, get your oxytocin flowing which in turn encourages your milk production xx you’ve got this 💪🏿

I had Aptamil with teats as baby's first feed, and what I understood at the hospital was that it was only good for an hour after opening - they wouldn't refrigerate it. I was told the ones that could be stored for a day in the fridge were those without teats - those you'd empty into a bottle, and whatever left in the original container was safe to store, and whatever left in the bottle was to toss afterwards. So like the comment earlier above, I thought the difference was the formula being used with a test already vs not. Best of luck with feeding, my milk came in on day 4.

It gets easier! Like everyone said, keep putting baby tonyour breast. Have your midwife prescribe some APNO cream if you can, it works wonders. It healed my cracked nipples in a few days and they never opened up again. Good luck, don't give up. It's worth it 💓

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