Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.

Baby won’t go to grandma

I live with my baby and baby’s grandma but struggling as my baby gets really upset whenever held by her. I don’t know what to do, nothing works. She could say hello to baby and that’s it, it just sets off the crying. Grandma is great with baby it breaks my heart and hers that my baby won’t settle with her. Baby is b...


Why does my baby scream and shout one night, then sleep through the next night?

I'm sick of constantly guessing what the hell is wrong. I keep wake windows consistent, yet somehow some nights he is literally screaming his head off, yet the night before he fell asleep soundly??? I'm so tired of it. I cannot explain how sick I am of the inconsistencies. Nothing makes sense. I try do it all perfec...


How much formula is your baby drinking?

My baby has just gone up to 210ml 6x a day (so 1260ml per day) while also breastfeeding a couple times per day. But I’ve just read that 5-6 month olds should be on around 1000ml a day so now I’m worried I’m overfeeding him?? He’s not a particularly big baby on the 5th centile


How do I get my 3yr old to go to bed earlier?

For the past 5 weeks we’ve had 9-10pm bedtimes. We just can’t get her back to her 8pm bedtime. Anyone else experiencing the same? Or have any advise? X


Help with naps!

My twins girls are only 10 weeks so I understand a routine isn’t going to happen but I’m worried I’m messing things up. Due to my anxiety and PPD, I have struggled from day one with being alone with my girls. I’ve made plans every day to go and be at someone else house so I know I have other hands. However this mea...



My autistic son can communicate very little and he's taken to screaming at everything. If he doesn't want something, when he's angry or frustrated, or if his toy falls over. Really any time hes misunderstood or doesn't get what he wants. Trying to help or comfort him just makes him scream more. Does anyone have a so...


Bottle feeding/breastfeedinfg

Any one else considering bottle feeding? Feel awful for giving up so soon but I’m really struggling with not knowing how much they’re getting 😭


Germs, germs, germs!

As a FTM, how do you not stress about germs??? Idk if I am or have become a germaphobe or if everyone else is just kinda gross 😣 I just can’t get down with shoes in the home, outside clothes on the bed, not washing your hands, etc. I’m trying to ease up since my soon-to-be 1 year old has to build up her immune…


Heating milk

When you give your little ones milk. Do you heat it and if so… how do you heat it up?


Nap advice

Hi ladies, Wondering if anyone has any advice. We’re currently on 2 naps for LO, 11:00 for an hour and 15:00 for an hour with a 20:15/20:30 bedtime and 07:30/08:00 wake up in the morning. It was working quite well and LG was waking up and bringing all sleeps to an end herself but lately I’m having to spend anywher...


How to put baby to sleep

My 4.5 month old has pretty much always breastfed to sleep but this hasn’t been working for us that well the past month. Sometimes she will feed and stay awake afterwards making her overtired. Rocking her only works sometimes too. I’m fed up of it now. It’s made our days so much harder. How do you put your baby to...


Car seat recommendations

Our LO is coming up to the limit of his current car seat, so we're looking to upgrade. Any recommendations for a rotating car seat?


Took me hours to get my little one to bed tonight had to lay with him and he kept moving and not being able to sleep

Anyone else have this sometimes


Which travel cot to get?

Hi. I want to buy my newborn to be due in December a travel cot as a bedside crib for now. I have a proper cot already but his older brother is currently in it. I'm thinking by the time my newborn is about 7/8 months, I'll transition it older brother into a floor bed and then newborn into wooden cotbed. So for now...


Mental Health

I’ve been for my 16 week midwife appointment today and come away feeling slightly unsettled. At my 8 week app I had a lovely midwife and we discussed my concerns about my feeling low and depressed - she offered to prescribe medication but I said I’d like to make it past 12 weeks to see if things improve naturally. ...


sex after birth

How long did use wait to have sex after episiotomy/ tearing


What do about toddler refusing nap

My son will be 2.5 in December but the last week he is having trouble napping. However if he gets a short nap in (30min ish) he is a terror the rest of the day. He used to sleep 1-2 hours and would be in a such a good mood. Now these short naps or just pretending to sleep for the nap time (i have a 7 month old as we...


Self soothing

Any tips my 7month old gets rocked to sleep every night - once asleep generally does sleep through the night but I really want to get into the habit of teaching her how to self soothe and go to sleep herself, however when I put her in her next to me to self soothe she just screams and gets so worked up to the point ...


Tongue tie

My little girl is getting her posterior tongue tie done tomorrow and I was wondering if anyone else has had this done and if you could share your experiences and whether it helped what a difference it made etc. thanks


Really not coping

I don’t know what I aim to gain from this but I guess I just need to open up a little bit. My little one is 12.5 weeks old and she has never been a very settled or happy baby. In all honesty, the last 13 weeks have been the absolute hardest of my life and I have PPD. She’s had reflux since 3 weeks old and colic,...


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