Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.

Self soothing

Any tips my 7month old gets rocked to sleep every night - once asleep generally does sleep through the night but I really want to get into the habit of teaching her how to self soothe and go to sleep herself, however when I put her in her next to me to self soothe she just screams and gets so worked up to the point ...


Tongue tie

My little girl is getting her posterior tongue tie done tomorrow and I was wondering if anyone else has had this done and if you could share your experiences and whether it helped what a difference it made etc. thanks


Really not coping

I don’t know what I aim to gain from this but I guess I just need to open up a little bit. My little one is 12.5 weeks old and she has never been a very settled or happy baby. In all honesty, the last 13 weeks have been the absolute hardest of my life and I have PPD. She’s had reflux since 3 weeks old and colic,...


1 year jabs

Calpol - should I wake them to give them their second dose of calpol? No fever, but nurse said we should keep on top anyway


Breastfeeding low milk

Baby is 4 weeks old and I have tried to breast feed and baby isn’t latching to well however I am pumping and baby will have that, however I am not producing much milk and want baby to keep having breast milk but fear I’m not producing enough to do so. Does anyone know if there is anything I can do to help increase...


Supply when returning to work

I’m struggling to pump enough for my daughter to be fed by family when I return to work, so I need to start using formula too. I’m so confused about it though, how do I know how much she needs and when? She’s EBF, eats 3 meals a day and breast feeds at 6am, 9am, 12pm, 2pm, 4pm, bedtime and then twice through the n...



Hey mamas! I need help. i have been 90/10 ebf throughout babies first year and only used formula when we went out and she drank from a bottle (didn’t have good pump supply, she would hybrid drink) but towards the end of her first year i messed up and just stopped giving her the bottle as much and now she’s super att...



I am currently 30 weeks and still so unsure about what formula to use. I know some can be so expensive but I just want to get what’s best for my baby. Does anyone have any recommendations?


Milton cold water steriliser

After reading some reviews apparently there’s a clorine/bleach smell after taking the bottles out? Has anyone else experienced this? Surely it wouldn’t be used in maternity wards if this was the case and baby could taste/intergest chlorine tasting bottles


When does constantly crying ease off??

My 8 week old little boy is incredibly hard work at the moment. He kicks off constantly all day even when fed and changed. Sometimes he's smiley and happy and I live for those moments. But inevitably 5 mins later the crying starts again. He sleeps okay at night, goes back to sleep after feeds with no fuss but I worr...


Bipolar disorder

I have bipolar disorder my spouse is aware of it. he does notice when my moods switch. He’s very supportive but I don’t think he really understands how it works. It’s like he tries to cheer me up or do things to make me laugh which then makes it worse. Or either he thinks I’m upset with him and chooses not to talk t...


Sleep - help!

It’s just one big disaster. My LB is 6 months on Friday and his sleep is terrible. He’ll go down fine, but seems to be waking so much it’s draining me to the point where we end up cosleeping because I’ve not got the option of napping in the day with him as I’ve got a 2 year old. He’s not waking because he’s hungry -...


Swaddle Transition

Mamas! How did you transition your baby out of a swaddle? My LO is 4 months and showed no interest in rolling back to belly but all of a sudden did it on Sunday and can’t be stopped. We stopped swaddling Sunday night and tried just a sleep sack and it went awful. He ate his hands the entire night and when he wasn’t...


What time does your 2.5 year old go to bed?

Just curious what others bed times are and if they nap, when and how long? TIA beautiful ladies 🩷



My 8 month old has just went through an episode of being unwell which resulted in her breast feeding constantly. I need your tips/advice/best remedies for healing an extremely cracked and sore nipple 😩😩😩



My 3 year old girl is in size 8 nappies . She's not overweight. Just very solid and tall and I'm clueless as to what I do next when every shop I've been in doesn't go above an 8 very rarely a 9 . Is there a website that stocks larger nappies? Thank you xx


When did everyone's period come back?

I'm 12 weeks PP and ebf and my period is back already:( anyone else's period come back this quickly?


How much milk are your LOs having now?

My LO is having 7oz in the morning and before bed but I’m wondering if that’s too much. Considering maybe cutting out the morning feed?


How are you planning to introduce cows milk at 1 year?

I’m sure the HV will give advice…. But thought I’d ask the mums! How are you planning to move from formula bottles to alternative milk? Think we’re going to do full fat goats milk as my partner did that with his older boys (though assume full fat cows is fine!) Is it a case of transitioning a bottle a day over a ...


Help please!

My 3month old, cries every time I sit her up to burp her after a bottle, I know this could be due to reflux but is there any other reasons this might be happening? It also sounds like she is in lots of pain :(


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