When does constantly crying ease off??

My 8 week old little boy is incredibly hard work at the moment. He kicks off constantly all day even when fed and changed. Sometimes he's smiley and happy and I live for those moments. But inevitably 5 mins later the crying starts again. He sleeps okay at night, goes back to sleep after feeds with no fuss but I worry every evening now. We're constantly expecting or trying to manage a crying episode
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Yeah... it's going to be a while. Especially if you end up having more than one child. This week, I keep thinking, "Why can't I leave the room without someone bursting into tears...?" I mean, it's nice to feel needed, but Mama also needs a break. 🤪

It will ease up a little at a time. You won't even necessarily notice it till later. But 3, 6, 9 month etc are where you will notice big changes in their interaction with you and the world. That being said, maybe other moms can chime in with things that have helped at this early stage: For us, our little one has tummy trouble. Gas or constipation often. So trying different techniques to help with gas helped us. Check temperature. Maybe an extra later or socks might help. Or maybe they are too warm. Baby wearing can be really helpful at this stage too. A carrier or ring sling or something. It just might be comfort. Being next to mama and being carried around can be incredibly soothing. Things for baby wearing can let you get up and move around so you aren't stuck sitting on the couch. Good luck!

Oof hugs to you momma! Have you talked to his pediatrician about it? If it's tummy or bowel issues you may need to change his "diet" or do stretches to work out gas that could be making him uncomfortable. Unfortunately, some babies just cry. I was lucky to have one that only cried when they needed food or to be changed, so maybe 5 minutes out of every 2-3 hours, but my best friend had a very colicy baby who cried all the time. Google Colic and read up on the recommendations.

If he's anything like my son he will keep going like this until 3/4 months. I guess it's a lot going on for them in the first few months. What helped sometimes with our son was when my husband held him on his arm tummy down, and walked with him around the house. Baby wearing was also helpful sometimes and taking him for a walk outside or shopping if it was raining. For now try to rest and relax as much as you can when bab naps.

Sounds like you're in the witching hour season. I think this stopped for me about 10/11 weeks. Gas can be a factor. For us it was mainly cluster feeding. It was the hardest period for me but i promise it gets easier. Keep an eye on possible reflux or discomfort but it is very possible just cluster feeding and their nervous system. Cuddle, bounce, sing, move and take turns with your partner. Remember to take breaks. It will pass.

My heart goes out to you. You’re doing such a great job! We went through this too, and like most everyone already said, time will help! For us, outdoor time also helped as well as making sure we got to bed early enough, and a pacifier. God bless the pacifier, especially for babies with colic. Idk if you’re nursing but I also ended up going dairy free and things got so much better. Of all the things, that helped the most. Online it will tell you it’s rare that it’s a food allergy, but now talking to many mom friends, it seems so much more common. Might be worth a shot if you’re nursing. (Of note, we saw a change in days, and when I accidentally had dairy one day, I noticed he was extremely fussy again that day and for the next few days. It takes about 4 weeks to completely remove the dairy from both of your systems.)

I feel you I’m definitely going through the same thing with my 8 week old! You should talk to your doctor about the 3 rule which is if your baby cries for up to 3 hours 3x a week. My baby is colicky so that all rung true. He is on hypoallergenic formula and I had to stop breastfeeding because my diet but if you consume dairy try taking a lactase pill before so you can still breastfeed. I also took him to a chiropractor today ..trying everything I can. Prayers for you and your little one I know how hard it is!

Are you already holding or wearing bub 24/7? Or at least during the day? Babies want to be held. Often they cry the second you put them down. Or they give you hunger cues but it's cause they associate food with being held and they want to be held

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