Community Posts, Tips & Support on Breastfeeding

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Breastfeeding.

Breast milk before bed

Is anyone bottle feeding expressed milk before bed? If so, how much is your LO drinking?


Breast feeding

Any recommendations on breast feeding supplements?



This might be a funny question, but could somebody explain to me how to bring pumped milk with you for baby when out and about? My baby has been breastfed for 8 months with no use of bottles. I would now like to try to use pumped milk when going out because she gets too distracted to nurse. Do you bring the bottles ...


Baby refusing right boob

Never had a problem feeding on one side but today he’s decided he doesn’t like the right one, he won’t even try and latch 😢 but will take the left. He will also take the right after the left. Anyone know why this could be? He did have his 12wk jabs yesterday



For mamas with an oversupply what are you doing to decrease. I stopped pumping completely probably 3-4 weeks ago and just nurse and use a little collector. But I am so insanely full all the time and I keep getting clots. I want my supply to go down because I have to go back to work in a week and I'll only be able to...


Re-lactation question

Hi everyone I have a four month old baby. He was formula fed from day 1 at the hospital. I would try to latch him but my milk production was really slow and low. I mixed whatever I got with the formula for a few days. My baby would start crying after latching for a couple minutes and would only take bottle. I have...


Formula or breastfeeding

Just curious but at 6 months are you…


How many breastfeeds are you doing a day?

Also does your LO feed of both boobs or just one during a feed?


Won’t stop feeding

My baby boy is 6 weeks old and today it seems like he doesn’t stop feeding. He been feeding less then every 30mins, he will fall asleep on the breast so I transfer him to his chair he then wakes up 2mins later crying again and wanting a feed. It took 2hrs to go to the store and back again that’s 10mins away. Just ha...


Positive pregnancy test

Wondering if there are any moms on here that were still breastfeeding their firstborn when they found out they were pregnant with their 2nd, potentially twins? My son isn’t ready to wean off and I just had a positive pregnancy test and I just know it’s a twin pregnancy. With my son, I was an over producer and stil...


Nipple shields

Hiya! Just wondering if anyone would recommend the various silicone nipple shields available? I’ve read mixed reviews but am struggling with very sore nipples after a few fussy, cluster feeding days! Any thoughts?


Going back to work - BF / Bottles

Afternoon everyone! Wondering if I could get a bit of advice/experience here. Going back to work in 2 weeks, and not sure what to do with regards to feeding. We combi feed, so she gets 2 bottles a day and is BF the rest. She’s 9 months next week, and loves her food! She’ll be in daycare 2 full days and then with m...


How much milk does baby drink?

My baby is 5 months now, I exclusively pump and she roughly still has 120mls per feed - I’m not sure this is normal ? She’s been having the same amount of milk since she was a newborn. Growing well and is on her growth curve so no issues there. Also she doesn’t drink a full 120ml feed awake, she always takes like ...


Nipple shield weaning

My LO is 13 weeks and I’ve still not managed to wean him off the nipple shield. Can’t believe I managed to persevere this long with it but not sure how much longer I have it in me.


I hate to admit it but breastfeeding is taking the life of me. It has been 6 months, we started weaning, which hasn't been the easiest as baby is so into breast milk that even to sleep she relies in my breasts..

Plus she wakes up countless times during the night. Not sure if it's comfort or actually hunger. But I'm exhausted and desperate... my partner doesn't do any night feeding at all and I'm going crazy no sleep at all... I'm considering continuing with weaning as much as I can and change to formula. However, not sure w...


Nipple shield

Does anyone know of an effective way to wean LO (13 weeks) off the nipple shield?


Breast feeding

Hello, I'm looking for some advice. My son is 2 weeks old and was favouring my left side. And I was pumping more on the right to stop it being lopsided. I'm now offering the right side first but I have noticed a few things. My right side is a lot softer than my left And the right side is producing significantly le...


Breastfeeding/ expressing advice

Hi everyone Little lady decided to come early and arrived last Saturday! I have been exclusively breast feeding but was wondering when I can start to express now my milk has come in. Any advice? Thanks!


Good nursing bras for bigger boobs?

Need recommendations please I think I’m now a 34H and need some supportive/ flattering/ user friendly bras! TIA x


Brestfeeding pillows

Are feeding pillows actually helpful thinking of getting one


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