Community Posts, Tips & Support on Breastfeeding

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Breastfeeding.

Breast feeding

Hello, I'm looking for some advice. My son is 2 weeks old and was favouring my left side. And I was pumping more on the right to stop it being lopsided. I'm now offering the right side first but I have noticed a few things. My right side is a lot softer than my left And the right side is producing significantly le...


Breastfeeding/ expressing advice

Hi everyone Little lady decided to come early and arrived last Saturday! I have been exclusively breast feeding but was wondering when I can start to express now my milk has come in. Any advice? Thanks!


Good nursing bras for bigger boobs?

Need recommendations please I think I’m now a 34H and need some supportive/ flattering/ user friendly bras! TIA x


Brestfeeding pillows

Are feeding pillows actually helpful thinking of getting one


Choking on milk

My little girly chokes/coughs so much when I’m breastfeeding her but only on my left boob, never on my right one. Does this mean my milk comes out too fast for her or what could this be? It’s so scary when this happens as she’s literally gasping for air and it terrifies the life out of me 🥲


My baby will not switch to whole milk

I've been trying everything to switch her and she literally starts crying at a sip of milk. What do I do 😭


Breastmilk times it’s good.

When you take breastmilk out of freezer and warm up and the don’t finish how long till it has to be used?


Formula to take to hospital if breastfeeding doesn’t work?

I am planning to try breastfeeding but due to having breast uplift surgery last year I won’t know if I am able until my milk comes in. What formula are people taking to hospital in case breastfeeding doesn’t work?


Is it ok for my 13 month old to have a full bottle of milk or should he only be drinking 1/2 a bottle of milk at a time.

I have a 13 month old, and he has been drinking about 3-4 full bottles of milk a day. I sent him to my grandparents for a few days and get told by my grandmother that he only needs 1/2 a bottle every time he has milk.


Breast feeding troubles

Anyone else struggling with breast feeding? Today my baby has been so fussy and I’m just not sure he’s really getting much from me. He’s literally sucking and swallowing for about a minute each time. I’m so worried my supply is rubbish!


How to use frozen breast milk

If I wanted to take it out or away with me even (trip 2 hours away) how do I do it?! Only ever use fresh milk in fridge 4 days


Almost 2 year old breastfeeding weaning? Can’t stop..plz help

pro breastfeeding and everything but I had a question my daughter will be 2 on the 27th this month and I think it’s time to stop breast-feeding I have been trying to wean her off. Nothing really seems to work. She does sleep with me and she kind of uses it more for comfort. I honestly have no idea how to wean her of...


Bottle of formula- EBF

My little one just turned 8 months and before bed they have been getting a bottle of my expressed milk before bed . However, over the last few weeks my body doesn’t seem to be responding to pumping and I’ve used my freezer stash . I’m thinking to buy some goats milk formula today and do this for the bottle instead w...


Breastfeeding a snotty baby

My little girl is EBF and has woken up with a really snotty nose today and struggled to have her morning feed and still breathe. Any tips for other EBF mamas would be appreciated. Should I pump and bottle feed while she's struggling? Should I keep going with feeding like normal?



My second baby I breastfed for 6 months . I plan to try longer this time around . How long did you all breast feed?


Help please! Really low supply :-(

Hi ladies! Does anyone have any tips, gems of advice or any weird and wonderful ideas to increase milk supply. I will pretty much try anything. I’m desperate to get baby back to the boob and I know I’m not getting enough milk at the min. Baby had her first 4 feeds from me but a split pubis, sepsis, strep and menin...


Breast pump advice

So babies due date is drawing ever closer and I really need to start thinking about a breast pump. It feels hard to buy such a thing in advance when you don't know how feeding/milk supply is going to be! I plan to attempt breast feeding from the start, and although expressing is not advised until around 6 weeks, I ...


Suddenly refusing milk :(

Hey mamas, my little one has refused milk for 2 days. This is really unlike her. Please tell me it's just teething again???? P.s. she barely drinks any water :(


Considering stopping bf as 3 week old doesn’t stay full for long with it and doesn’t sleep well during the day with it. Also always falls asleep whilst feeding which probably doesn’t help

Those who formula feed, how do you stay connected to your baby? Breastfeeding is so special and personal and every time she feeds, although it’s difficult for me mentally, I feel connected with her if you get what I mean. And I’m finding it hard to come to terms with the fact that formula may be better for her and m...


Breast pump

A good breast pump but nothing too expensive just average one as don’t know how long I will breast feed for?


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