Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Sleep

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Sleep.

Baby sleeping

Are your baby’s sleeping throughout the night??


19 month sleep regression??

My LO will be 19 months on the 26th and she started to fight naps and wake between 3:30-4:30 am. Any one else experience this??? It legit came out of the blue. I thought I was past sleep regressions….they say sleep isn’t linear until 3. Ugh.


Not sleeping

Its 11 at night and my 5 month old doesn't want to sleep. She is tired and sleepy but keeps crying just to keep herself wide awake. She is exclusively BF and had poop a bit green today. What should i do? Should let her cry? Please suggest something to save my sanity!


If you used to rock/hold baby to sleep then transfer, how did you stop and what do you do now?

Apart from falling asleep in car we have always held her with dummy and she usually is asleep in 1-10 mins which is amazing and to be honesy I dont mind too much especially now its only twice per day plus bed time, as I do love the cuddles but will obviously need to stop at some point lol. If I lie her down in cot a...



My almost 4 week old baby will not sleep in his own bed at night I have just put him in his bed and he’s outters but as soon as I put the blanket on him he wakes up so I think that’s the problem anything I can do as he’s to small for any sleep sacks or swaddles and I honestly hate bed sharing


6 week feeding

Hi ladies! Was hoping for some advice. I am a FTM exclusively breastfeeding my LO. She is 6 weeks old and before now was managing to go a max of 2.5 hours between feeds overnight and sometimes longer during the day! Since last Tuesday she has not been back to this, sleeping for a max of 1.5 hours between feeds, cont...


Night light

Hi Ladies, this is abit of a strange question, but, which night lights do you use (if you use any) for your little one? There are so many, and some are quite pricey. I want one that's not too bright or distracting. My little girl is currently struggling to manage a full night in her cot and I think a nightlight migh...



My 8 month old won’t sleep in his cot. As soon as I put him down he wakes screaming and crying Any tips


Tips for naps in daytime

Any tips would be massively appreciated. My 6wo wont go down on her own for any naps in the day time. During the night she is fine in her next to me but as soon as I try to put her down in her moses basket or even the next to me during the day she’ll kick off, even if she’s in a deep sleep on me beforehand. I need t...


Introducing a comforter

How did everyone manage to introduce a comforter to their baby? We’re struggling with sleep, and I’ve gone back to work. Baby has absolutely no ability to self sooth and 9/10 needs to be fed to calm down, sleep etc (she’s breastfed) Even when breastfeeding she uses my hair as comfort, and I’m trying to wean her ...


Baby still awake

My LO has seemed really off today. Cranky, not eating much and only napped 40mins all day. My MIL gave her a few spoonfuls of jelly around 6pm. She went to bed and woke up after 30 mins in such a state. Been sick and now up playing but VERY irritated. She won’t settle, or take milk. Do you think it’s the sugar fro...


Any suggestions…

I have an extremely clingy 4 month old. Always been this way, never wants to be put down! We co-sleep because I feel like I have no choice since he wont sleep in his next to me! Husband has to sleep downstairs because co-sleeping with him in the bed would be dangerous . I MISS HIM 🥲 we get no time together. Have…


Sleep regression

Is there a 18/19 month sleep regression or something because this is a nightmare, going from sleeping 7-7/8 to refusing to nap or only cat napping, refusing to go to bed, waking up multiple times in the night and waking up 5am 😭 started a few weeks ago but it’s just getting worse and worse by the day, any advice…



Is anyone’s baby sleeping through the night? My little girl would happily sleep through the night if we allowed her but I’m conscious on her weight so we’re still feeding her every 4-5 hours in the night as I’m not sure if I can leave her to sleep


Transitioning to a toddler bed

Guys ! How do you do it? My 2 year old is currently still in a crib. I put one of the sides down just to test the waters and it was awful! Every second he was coming out 😭 We’re usually in a good routine at nighttime so I was surprised it was so hard. It’s not even a toddler bed yet. Any recommendations?


Sleep through the night

Hi 👋🏻 my little girl she is sleeping through the night and she’s going for 10 hours straight without a night fed, something 12 hours it’s ok/ normal or shall I wake up to give her one fed at night? She is gaining weight as usual and feeding often during the day. She is having 8/9 feeding in 24 hours. She is soon to…


11.5 month old ready to drop to one nap?

Hello! Just looking for some advice on whether it sounds like my little boy is ready to drop to one nap? Over the last few weeks he has been waking up at around 7am , taking his morning nap around 10.15/10.30 am for 35 mins and then afternoon nap around 3pm for 30-45 mins. If it’s a contact nap for either he will sl...


Floor bed night routine for breastfed babies

Hi ladies, just wondering what everyone’s bedtime routine is here. As I’m still breastfeeding it feels like the bedtime routine for us can take a couple of hours every night. I usually ready to my little one and lay with her until she falls asleep then roll away. I’d love to make this shorter as I’m not having any...


Nappy change during feeds (nighttime)

Hi everyone, More looking for people’s opinions/suggestions! LO is 8 weeks, doesn’t sleep through night yet. But we are lucky that she goes down around 20:00/20:30 when she’s had clean clothes, nappy change, bottle, cuddles & sleep. We didn’t use to to change her nappy and then I started doing it on the first feed...


Help with sleep!!!!

Has anyone done sleep training or got your baby to sleep longer than an hour a time or self settle if so please throw your advice my way. Im desperate ❤️


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