Community Posts, Tips & Support on Parenting

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Parenting.

Reception Teacher

Yesterday my son was reenacting being a teacher at home after school. He told me that at his school if the teacher does not think you have done nice drawing, she scrunches the paper up. Do you think I should follow this up with the teacher? Its his 4th week at Reception so wondering how to ask this in a non accusato...


Negative relationship with children's father

He told me I have a negative attitude towards him, and he's right. I try to hold everything together for our 2 kids but he has hurt me alot. He had an affair before we had the kids that I forgave him for but the hurt never went away and despite all the work I did over that, it did taint my trust of him. And more so ...


What do you think? Should I have called the police?!?!? 👀

OK so this is a lot of info. We currently live with my parents as it is super expensive to live on your own and we are trying to save up. My siblings also all still live at home and one of my siblings has his gf living with us as well. So my son is 19 months old. My bedroom is directly above my brothers bedroom a...


Does a break save a relationship

Does taking some time apart ever save a relationship. Both my partner and I have realised that over the past year we thought we were going through a rough patch and when life got less busy we'd be fine. But we've come to realise that eventhough life is getting less stressful our relationship isn't really recovering....


Ever second guess if your partner is right for you?

I constantly question myself, whether my partner is right for me or not. We bicker so much, specially since living together and having a baby. It's very tiring and although I sometimes excuse him, because I know he's stressed out, since we are a one income household for now, but he has recently hurt my feeling by ho...


Am I a bad mum?

Hi ladies! I’ve returned back to work, & when I tell you I’ve missed it I really have. I’ve been at my work place 9 years, I’ve always enjoyed working. I have worked hard over the years before having my little boy and worked my way up. I’ve gone back, two days, & I’d love to do more but I jus have this guilt that ...


It’s rubs me the wrong way

When I buy things for our son and I’m the one that builds it. Or if it’s for the house we do it together but if it’s small things for example I got a shoe rack and I built it, partner did try to help but was doing it wrong because he wasn’t really looking at instructions but I’m grateful for him trying. Maybe it’...


messy mama

I’m not going to lie, i’m a bit messy. My clean clothes stay in the basket for way too long before getting put away, I rarely make my bed. Most of the time I dress like Adam sandler, my hair is mostly in a bun, however i’m not unclean. Since having my baby (8months) I have struggled with maintaining the house, but I...


Financial arguments.

Currently I’ve been getting more and more aggravated with my partner. There’s a list of reasons as to why but I feel like my biggest issue is his spending habits. I’m at SAHM and our son will be 2 at the end of this month. I depend on him for everything and while yes he provides all my needs I can’t help but get mad...



My son’s kindergarten teacher said today that she talked to the behavior analyst about him and that they may do some testing on my son. I have ADD & it wouldn’t surprise me if he has something as well. He’s such a great kid at home. He will have an attitude a little when he’s tired.. He is always not listening in sc...


My Husband and I are growing apart

My husband and I used to have a solid connection with each other. We were best friends and I fully trusted him. Now, we fight more often, he refuses to understand where I’m coming from, gets defensive when I share my feelings, and will sleep in a separate room when we have an argument. He doesn’t try. Days go by bef...


Idk how to for this but I need to change

I have a 1 year old son and I need to get my shit together bad I’ve been neglecting myself so badly. My days are literally waking up when my son does making him food taking him for a walk coming back home and just chilling waiting for him to take his nap I sleep with him and then force myself to make him lunch and t...


Honest Advice & Opinion

My child’s father is a Fireman he lives with me. I pay the full $1200/mo in rent + utilities and other bills. He pays me $500-$700/mo in child support. It varies. Do yall think that this monthly amount should cover his half of rent AND child support? I buy everything for our son and take care of his needs. He’s with...


Husband/partner stepping up

Does anyone else feel like their husband/partner could step up a bit more in terms of helping with the baby? I really thought my husband was going to be so hands on but it’s me that does every feed, nappy change etc. My husband works during the day so it’s understandable that I do more as I’m on maternity leave but ...


Separation anxiety.

Hi, desperately need some advice. Our family had just gone away on holiday for a week. I mean they left an hour ago. We’ve been asked to watch the dog. We live with him so he knows us and sees up so he’s not just been dumped with a complete stranger. Thing is he’s really attached to my brother in law who watches h...


New apartment missing bathroom door

So, I just received my keys to my new apartment. Everything looks good except they somehow forgot to install the bathroom door for whatever reason. Property manager has created a Workorder and said they will call me to come in and install it. I was hoping to finish moving in this weekend but I have a 20 month old. B...


Can anyone recommend a bathtub mop or something.

I'm breaking my back cleaning it so often I'm sure there's cleaning hacks or scrubbers on sticks!


Behavior 🙂‍↔️

Idk who needs to hear this but if your kids are EXTRAORDINARILY bad behaved it’s your fault. I’m tired of mothers not taking accountability for how terrible their kids act and raggin on their children for it. Like if you have no structure, no consistency, no set rules/boundaries & all you do is hit them or scream at...


As a manager how do I deal with a gaslighting employee

I work in a restaurant inside of a hotel, I have just started my position a month ago I have an employee who has been with us for 10 years. She constantly is rude to the staff and then plays victims denying everything and swearing up and down she’s being bullied and she didn’t do whatever it is they’re accusing her...


Nursery “concerns”

For context my daughter is 2 years, 4 months. She has been brought up as bilingual from the day she was born and her speech development is slightly delayed but health visitors have confirmed that’s likely due to her being taught 2 languages simultaneously. It’s clear she can understand everything and can follow basi...


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