What do you think? Should I have called the police?!?!? 👀

OK so this is a lot of info. We currently live with my parents as it is super expensive to live on your own and we are trying to save up. My siblings also all still live at home and one of my siblings has his gf living with us as well. So my son is 19 months old. My bedroom is directly above my brothers bedroom and my baby sleeps in with us. He has issues getting to sleep and has for a little while now so when he is asleep I try everything to make sure he doesn't wake up because if he does he can then stay awake till like 2am. So it was about 9pm on a weekend and my brother had friends over to watch a fighting match. My mum had already gone in 2 times to ask them keep it down because they were being a little loud. Then I went down and asked and I got told "well the fight hasn't even started yet so we will get louder". I just left it and went back upstairs because I didn't want to start anything. Then again at closer to 10 they got louder because the fight was closer. Then about half 10 after my mum had gone in 3 times and I had already gone down 1 time. Literal screaming like the loudest you could probably get was heard from my brother and his mates and jumping up and down on the floor. Like I know it'd a match your pumped but your 31 yrs old do you need to act like that? Especially when your mother and sister have told you multiple times to keep it down. After this happened I am obviously extremely annoyed as it disturbed my son but luckily I acted quick and he didn't properly wake up. So when I go downstairs and knock and door opens I basically am like was the fuckin necessary to jump up and down and scream like that. And then I basically get same sorta back chat blah blah blah. Then I am fuming at this point because they have audacity to be pissed off at me so I legit turn around and say I will call the police on you coz your a fuckin druggie. (Which he is constantly smoking weed and doing other stuff). Then I get told that myself and my partner are bums and we do fuck all. When my partner runs his own business from home and works very hard, I look after our child who is SEN and I also have disabilities of my own which I struggle with. So that just pissed me right off and I slammed door (which I shouldn't have because it could of woken up my baby but as you can understand I was fuming). After this they didn't get as loud because fight was over but they were still pretty loud to where I could literally hear their conversations clearly. Next morning at like 10:30/11am. Very normal time to be awake on a Saturday. Me and my mother were in hallway talking about the cat just having normal conversation at a normal volume level and my brothers bedroom is about 2 feets away from where we are stood in hallway but it's the hallway everyone uses going to the stairs, sitting room, kitchen so it's not like we purposely went out our way to stand in front of it that's just where we were heading to kitchen. He decides to fling his door open give us the dirtiest stfu look and then closed door again. Like how dare he after last night and also you have a cheek to tell your mother who's house it is to keep it down??? Wow sorry ladies that's just the latest in a series of events at my house. I'm so pissed off FYI I'm not serious about asking if I should of called the police I just threatened them with it
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To your question I don’t think you should’ve called the police x

No I was just joking about whether I should of actually called police

I said that to them because they are always pissing me off and say really bad things to me so I know I can always just threat with that because they do illegal shit

No I don’t think you should have called the police because 1) the fact that he smokes week/does other stuff has nothing to do with the fact that you both were having a disagreement. 2) it’s really his business and as long as it doesn’t put you or your baby at risk I don’t see a reason for doing that. 3) calling the police is a serious matter and should not be taken lightly or done in situations where you don’t really have a reason and you are just pissed off. Yes I understand it was very inconsiderate of him and even disrespectful but since it’s your moms house she should be the one talking to him, cause you can really say all u want he won’t listen because in his head he is just entitled of living there as you are. And he won’t really have empathy for the fact that baby is asleep until he has a baby himself.

as entitled*

Yes I agree if you saw my message above you would see I was just joking about whether I should of actually called police or not

I would prob be cheeky and keep talking in the hallway and would not give two f**** about him or his ugly “stfu” face to let him know exactly how it feels, but that’s just me

Yeah legit like him and his gf think they run my mothers house

Like when they tell people stfu coz its early everyone shuts up and is look oops but when I say guys keep it down baby is asleep they just completely blank me. And then that's what gets me pissed off and to point of going back down multiple times and shouting at them

Like no matter what I get seen as bad guy coz its late they are all having fun drinking and doing whatever and then I come down and tell them to keep it down but coz its legit like all them against me I just get ignored and seen as the buzz kill/bad guy. But then in morning if I'm making some noise because I have a baby I get up early but they were partying it up night before and are now tired/hungover I get told to be quiet at like 10:30 when my child is awake and playing and I'm talking and making food/tidying etc

I'm so petty I would absolutely be loud as fuck as soon as my kid woke up in the morning

Yeah but then if I do that I'm seen as the bitch and the one with the problems and the one that's causing issues

Like for a good few days after it happened because he called my partner basically deadbeats we agreed that he can stay tf away from our son then and then few days later when he tried to come near him my partner picked him up and took him away and then said make sure to keep him away. (I was cooking my mum was chasing him up and down hallway in game so I didn't see my brother coming otherwise I would of taken him away myself) and then my mum got pissy saying you can't keep him away from his own nephew. Like excuse me he insulted his father and also me and basically just takes the piss out of us constantly by doing this multiple times a month I can keep my child away from whomever I want. And ofc my mum took his side and said that's not right that's his nephew he has every right to see him blah blah blah so me and my partner even tho we are fuming and disagree we were just like fine but when we move out they can go fuck themselves if they think they are ever seeing our children again

Oh sorry 😂 I’d be annoyed I would’ve gone down more times or been really petty the next morning and whacked some pots and pans outside his bedroom door however I must admit I don’t agree with you keeping him away from your little boy because you were offended by what he said, I get it because I’d be really offended and annoyed by a comment like x

You deffo need to speak to your mother and let her know they’re not respecting you or the baby the same way they demand to be respected in the morning. That’s not his house PERIOD.

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Yeah like it's a complete double standard 100% and it's been going on for a long time now

Ooh bruna I have my mum just says I know I know. She won't say anything to them! She has zero backbone for her own house

Like my parents went on holiday abroad earlier this year. They decided to drink and stayed drinking all night long till I actually got up at 7am they were still going in the kitchen. So I walk into kitchen and I see DRUGS on my mothers countertops and her plates just sat there on the plates I use to feed myself and my child and my parents eat off. And thing is the drugs were my brother but also other people's that aren't even related or live in the house. HOW DISRESPECTFUL and then they all go to bed leaving these plates on side (obviously taking the drugs) but then I had to go and clean all the drug residue off the countertops and plates when I don't touch the stuff one bit! It's disgusting. I told my mother. She said I know I will speak to them about it. She brought it up once. Was told. It won't happen again and just left it at that. And guess what a month later when they weren't there for the night it happened again I told her and again nothing happened!

So ok cool do your drugs in your space on your stuff DO NOT bring your drugs into the space where I prepare my child's food and the things I feed him from

And also I was in kitchen with my son that morning they were all there and my brothers gfs sister was there so like my brothers SIL we have known her a long time so she's comfortable in our home but she had a cheek to ask me to leave my own kitchen with my baby so she could snort her drugs cos she didn't want to do it with the baby seeing. Guess what your in my fuckin house. How about you take your trashy self and your nasty drugs to your own house where your child lives put the drugs on plates your child eats off and sniff it from that?

While I absolutely agree that him (and his friends) are being very disrespectful and immature, and totally understand your frustration with him, it's your mum's house and not yours. I fully get why you're staying there and it's a shitty situation for you, so I feel for you. Unfortunately, there's not a lot you can do. It's the same as being in a flat or house share situation 🤷🏻‍♀️ you're all grown adults, it's a case of move out, or deal. He's being inconsiderate, yes, but neither of you have more right to be there than the other, for as long as you're still welcome by your mum.

Yes I agree neither have more right then the other that's why until it hits like 10am (which is reasonable wake up time) I stay quite in morning and I expect the same respect as once it hits like 10pm for people to be quite because people are sleeping

And its complete disrespect for him to basically be telling my mum to stfu in her own home and for them to be doing drugs in her kitchen!!! Like I don't think I've done anything disrespectful apart from maybe be a bit mouthy once they had ignored my mothers and my requests multiple times. Whereas they have ignored my mother, told her be quite, done drugs in her kitchen while she was away. Like it's completely wrong

Like I try tell my mum constantly you need to speak to them but she just refuses because she thinks that if she just leaves it long enough then people will move on from the issue and she does this every single time there is an issue

And i remember 1 distinct issue as well my partner was drinking with them a long while back (hasn't since because of this situation) but my brothers have all had their opinions on our parenting and how good/bad we are with it and how much we do so wrong as parents (pisses me off) anyways my partner and (different) brother got onto topic about his daughter and my partner said my brother isn't a bad dad but he's not a good one either (context is my brother has been in and out of her life due to prison and so has missed a lot and he's 6 now) he is trying but ya know my partner said in order to be good you have to devote yourself to cleaning up your act and putting her first and not getting into trouble anymore and everyone in the room just took this as my partner said he's a bad dad. I heard his words clear as day as I'm the only sober one around and I was actually going to the toilet and heard the convo and he said your not a bad dad but your not good either. Now everyone else has always had their opinion on

Drugs and baby are a no go for me and in my opinion a risk regardless. He and his girlfriend are exposing you son to illegal drug use. Not okay. Personally, a baby's well bring comes before adults in my opinion. Someone on drugs to me is a dangerous risk and shouldn't be around a baby while actively using. Plan weed for relaxing, I can get it. I think of kinda like alcohol. Not the worst but hard drugs just, which it sounds like he uses, big NO. I would be hard press to moving out. But I agree with you and Hubs in keeping LO away. I would have a hard conversation with mom it's just not about the disrespect but his drug usage. It a risk.

If we are good or bad. They have legit said my partner is lazy etc because he works and so doesn't do as much as I do with the baby. Ofc not he fuckin works! Anyways they have all the rights to say all this shit over and over about our parents over almost 2 years but the second one of us makes a comment We actually got attacked and it started this whole fight that lasted almost 2 weeks! And everyone saw us in the wrong and as the bad guys. Like seriously! How biased and unfair is that

Well I mean I don't know what your definition of hard drugs is because everyone's is different but I wanted to be clear and say the drugs are like weed, cocaine, I think ketamine sometimes and like they have done like pills etc before as well. And they have like valium etc all the time as well.

@Shelley thank you no one seems to see this as an issue like!!!! Legit we are trying so hard we can't get a place till all debt is paid and then we will be able to look and move ASAP

Sounds like tension is hi there. But I agree with your husband. A good dad needs to clean up there act and be there for their child. Everything I read, I wouldn't want my child in that environment. Too risky. . I would have been pissed too. Idk if I would have made that threat but your brother sounds selfish, entitled, and just an ass. 😒 He has no respect for anyone or anyone's well being.

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It's your Mums house so she needs to set some boundaries down and stick to them.

@Laurie I've told her this before and she agreed after that almost 2 week fight as it was pretty big and bad and then she came back from holiday said she would wait few days. That was like 4 months ago and she never spoke about the issues or made any rules/boundaries

All my siblings and my parents are going out tonight for my grandparents birthday to a pub (I'm not going. Not my thing) and I'm just waiting for when they get back and I get woken up from their screaming and shit starts. Legit the thought of it makes me physically feel sick. Like it stresses me out soo much

Sounds disrespectful regardless of being inconsiderate to your baby to me!

Why would you call the police?? Nothing they can do. You can’t call noise complaints on your own household 😂 Move. Sure it’s more pricy, but you are making the decision to be there. No one forcing you.

I’m not agreeing with the fact of what they did. But the police? No. That is not what the police are meant to be dealing with

Sorry but this is how my brother and his friends used to behave when they were like 18 years old. And that kind of behaviour stopped a long time ago. If I was your mum I’d kick him out the house. It sounds like she has no control over her own space

He sounds like a jerk. I thought you were talking about a teens. He is 31? Wow. I would have a talk with my mom because it's not ok. As your mom, I would have kick his disrespectful friends out of my house.

31 is way too old to be in Mama's house doing drugs, and being loud, childish mom should whoop his ass. I would never ever allow someone to live under my roof doing drugs. She needs to start threatening to kick him out if he doesn't and serve him a 30-day eviction notice. Your mother is a saint ! Because me I couldn't deal with the attitude the tv would be gone, the wifi would be turned off, the electric breaker to the room would be off. I, for one, am not a saint to a grown adult. The umbilical cord is cut homie now act right, or you are gone.

Move out or put up with it 🤷‍♀️

Wow 31 years old? While reading this, I was picturing him as a young teenager; maybe 15 lol.

Am I reading this right, your brother is a man in his 30s and he still lives with his parents?

@Lottie so does she….

I think your 31 year old brother needs to move out of his mummy’s house…..🤣 Do you work? I would maybe start earning and start saving so you too can move out. Sounds like an unhealthy dynamic and you and your husband need your own space as a family of 3.

@Lisa She has disabilities though. Most adults with disabilities live near or with their parents. Not to mention seems like her child has Austism. If im correct about what SEN stands for. And her husband doesn't make enough. So I think it's more realistic she lives with her mom then her brother.

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@Janni ❤️ exactly this. My brother has Asperger’s and would struggle on his own, he is awaiting support. He’s 32. I also live at home with my baby, I’m 24, I couldn’t afford to move out even if I wanted to, no baby or not, even though I work full time. My mum lived with her mum for a while too when we were kids. It so fround upon, my mum loves grandbaby there when the time is right we will have a place of our own but for now we are all happy under one roof, I don’t really see the issue!! Xx

Yes thank you Amy and janni if I could work I would because I don't like living on such short money

And @lisa I'm only 24...and I did live on my own and lost the place because they upped the rent and we couldn't afford it anymore so my partner and I decided best to try and save for a mortgage

And lara you didn't read the comments properly because if you had you would know I was joking about actually calling police.... and I actually could if I wanted to because of the drugs....

And my brother and his gf only give my mother £200 a month! I give her more then that and we have less money then they do! Like they make close to 2000 a month give my mother that and then pay maybe another 200 on their phone bills and a few subscriptions and the rest is legit to live off but yet they are constantly broke! I know why coz they spend like 200 a week on weed and other drugs! And are constantly buying takeaways! Like their tv broke last month and they didn't even have £150 to buy a new one they had to borrow it from my mother who only gets careers allowance for helping me out so she doesn't get a lot of money. It's ridiculous

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