Community Posts, Tips & Support on Children's Health & Nutrition

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Children's Health & Nutrition.

How do you work and qualify for food stamps

I work full time yes but the money isn't reaching for groceries... I can buy milk, water, eggs, bread, and cheese and chicken legs. I go to the food pantries and free food places, thank God for Wic. But right now we living on the bare minimum. Applied for food stamps and against my better judgement paid someone ther...


Baby not walking or crawling at 1years old, and fussy eater

Hey everyone 👋, Does anyone else have a 1year old that isn’t crawling or walking yet and very fussy with food/textures or experienced something similar? My son also doesn’t like anything put to his mouth, even when I feed him I have a struggle with the first spoon but once he’s tasted the flavour he happily opens…


Is this terrible parenting

Yesterday I was out alone in the car with my 4 week old. I was absolutely starving so I decided to park directly outside Tesco express and quickly grab a meal deal. I left him asleep in his car seat in a comfortable temperature car for probably less than 2 mins. Getting the pram system set up takes so long and invol...


Stressing about snacks and juice

So I've been worried about the damage i might be causing my daughter's teeth. I don't really limit snacks because she's always been a grazer and i give her fruit juice once a day because she isn't great with drinking water. But all advice surrounding teeth is to limit snacks to certain times and only offer fruit jui...


Weaning struggles

Anyone else struggling with weaning? My little boy is so fussy and barely eats anything unless it’s fruit or something out of a packet. Dinner time is always especially rubbish, he just shouts at us and doesn’t eat even if he is hungry. We did all the recommended things (started with veg, always eat together, wide v...


Solid Starts or other weaning app

Is it just me missing something or do you have to pay for Solid Starts to get the recipes section? Everyone I know is recommending it and I'm ready to start weaning my baby but it's actually quite expensive ☹ I also hoped I'd be able to track what foods my baby's eating but again I need a subscription for that ...



My twins started solids & my baby girl did so good! I was definitely scared to start with eggs but my boyfriend who’s an EMT was here so it definitely took some pressure off! My twins are 7 months, when did you start solids & what did you give?


Tomato gnocchi for my 9 month old

Tomato sauce gnocchi with bell peppers, cherry tomatoes, mozzarella, basil and kiwi. This one I think was actually a bit of a fail (a shame because it’s one of my faves 😅🙈). We ended up swapping out the kiwi for banana as our LO was finding the kiwi too slippery (also this is the first time we’ve done kiwi and I…



My partner and his ex had a child and she’s almost 2yo. For the past couple days her eating habits have changed, she doesn’t chew her food she sucks on it and swallows the big pieces. Me and my partner are at the point where we have to cut food into tiny pieces and monitor her chewing. Is anyone else dealing with it...


Feeding and coming off latch

Hi, my 16 week old has been doing this more recently, where he feeds for a a minute or so, then comes off. I then put him back on and he repeats this several times.. any advice?!


Shrimp Cakes

Tried these shrimp cakes with my 10 month old and he seems to like them. I really struggle with getting him to eat protein so I'm happy I can add this to the list.


Breastfeeding snacks?

What are your go to snacks during breastfeeding? I get hungry while nursing, especially at night, but have no clue what to eat that's not too unhealthy. Suggestions?



My baby is 5 months and one week! We tried oatmeal this morning for the first time. She loves it and kept wanting more but I didn’t wanna overdo it as I know we’re supposed to ease into it. But now what? Do I give her more later today? Or just a little everyday!? I can’t wait to introduce fruits and veggies but ever...


Buffet or no?

My 6 month old started solids two days ago. I am very confused about all the things around solids. How much do they eat? How many times in a day? Should I be on a lookout for anything like changing poop or something? Should I give her options in every meal or just put one thing in front of her each time like boiled ...


Daycare feeding schedules

What’s your babies daycare feeding schedule? Our sons at home daycare has complained that his feeding schedule isn’t something they can support. I get it as it’s difficult to try and fit in solids and bottles, coupled with naps for one kid, let alone multiple at different ages. We’ve been told that bottles are still...


Not interested in food

My baby is 8 months old next week and is just not that interested in food unless it’s weetabix, Greek yoghurt or a banana. I’ve tried a mix of puree and BLW. Sometimes she does pick up the food and will have a few mouthfuls but then loses interest. I know that food before one is just for fun and milk is their main n...


7 month old stopped eating

My little one is turning 8 month on the 1st he already has his 2 bottom teeth but he has reduced his food intake and milk supply drastically. Should I be concerned?


100 food by 1

Can anyone help me, I’ve gotten to 74 and I can’t think of any more food my little one can try! Blackberries 2Grapes 3Strawberries 4Banana 5Blueberries 6Cherries 7Raspberries 8Peaches 9Oranges 10Potatoes 11Peas 12Broccoli 13Carrots 14Peppers 15Courgette 16Aubergine 17Tomatoes 18Onions 19Pasta 20Quinoa 21Rice 22Cous...


My 1 1/2 year old

Hey mommas, my son has poor eating habits. All he wants is French fries, fruits, smoothies and pasta, Occasionally he’ll eat rice and beans sometimes chicken nuggets. But it’s so hard. Sometimes I give him what he wants just to make sure he eats. But I’m thinking of starting over with pures. Any thoughts ?


How would you handle this situation .?

Hey lady’s venting need advice.. So I’m currently staying at my BD parent house with our children and since Ive been here it’s been non stop pettiness my bd( father )haves locks on just about everything the refrigerator the oven and the washer & dryer etc.. And as of today I was told that I can no longer cook food ...


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