Community Posts, Tips & Support on Children's Health & Nutrition

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Children's Health & Nutrition.


I’ve recently started weaning with my 6 month old, we are trialing a mixture of BLW (finger foods) alongside purées. Initially she seemed interested and actually enjoyed some of the foods but in the last few days she seems really disinterested/annoyed about the whole process, throws herself back in the high chair, d...



My baby started eating purée at 4m he’s now 9m and after 3 scoops of it he starts gagging like he doesn’t like it. I’ve tried sweet potato, carrot, mashed potatoes, broccoli, fruits literally everything and he keeps doing it with all of them. But I’m eating or his father is eating he wants to get whatever we’re eati...


Using cutlery

My little girl is struggling to use her spoon at almost 17 months, nursery made a comment about it and it has me worrying. We use a doodl short block handle fork and spoon and she’s ok with the fork but can’t grasp the spoon I’ve tried all sorts of different ones. Is it normal for babies of this age to not be able t...



So I’m cooking a roast today and I’m wanting to give my little girl some, at the minute I have been giving her the Ella’s kitchen pouches and an Ella’s kitchen crisp here and there, so with the carrots I’m cooking with the roast do I make them soft for her? Or should I give them quite hard? I have no idea how to giv...



My husband gave my 7 week old son some cheese. I asked him to watch him whilst i was in the shower and when I came out he told me that he gave him some cheese. What should I do?


1 year old isn’t eating

My daughters turned really fussy she went from eating absolutely everything to barely eating anything. She won’t eat anything from a spoon anymore she likes to feed herself so I have to give her things she can hold. She no longer likes toast, eggs, yoghurt or pancakes which she used to have for breakfast regularly. ...


Food over bottles

My son is 6.5 months old and seems to recently be unbothered by his bottles, even when offered water. Hes more than happy to take his food. He seems fine in himself, just choosing food over a bottle. Is anyone else experiencing this?


Allergic reaction

My son has never tried nuts before but just grabbed some of my toast with Nutella and ate it. How long would you wait to rule out an allergy? He’s not displaying any signs of an allergic reaction but I don’t know how long to wait until he’s in the clear😅


How often does your 18mo get snacks throughout the day

When we're on the go my kids wants snacks all the time and I'm pissed that grandma has given him food like constantly at home to quiet him. I'm pissed because now I see he constantly wants snacks when we are on the go and out at events. So is this normal or did I totally condition my kid to look to food all the time...


Meal ideas

Has anyone got any website/book recommendations for meal ideas? Always stuck on what to make the baby for lunch!


Rejecting food/Aggression

My LO has been rejecting food since a while now, at first I thought maybe its because of teething or a phase but it has been consistent now. She would just take a bite and done! If given more, she would spit it out. I tried variety of food, including those that she likes but no success. I am worried about her nutrit...


18 months old stopped eating

My son just stopped eating since Friday morning until today Sunday except milk from me as he is still breastfeed. No fever no pain or anything just stops eating. Should I ring GP tomorrow? Is it a phase ?


BLW and fussy eating

Hello mamas, Baby is almost 6months old and we have tried to start purées (preloaded spoon) and finger foods with him but even though he shows all the signs of redness (good neck support, sitting with Assitance, swiping at food we eat) he still doesn’t want to eat when I try and give him foods. He will fuss and fus...


What vitamins do you provide for your toddler?

I’m worried my toddler isn’t getting enough nutrients and won’t grow tall, she has become fussy eater. Used to eat anything, can’t even force her as I don’t want to associate bad relationship with the food. What sorts of vitamins do you provide to your child? Please, how do I increase her intake.



What are you all feeding your 6 month Olds? I can't seem to keep mine full. She has started solids. What foods do you feed, how much, how often? How often are you doing milk?


Not much appetite

My 17 weeks old baby has never been the best eater. He used to have 150ml x5-6 times a day but lately he is been having a hard time finishing his bottle and just having 120-140ml every 4-5 hours. He sleeps through the night The paediatrician is not concerned about his weight but I’m a little anxious about it so he ...


Lunch vs Dinner

I’m just about to move up to 3 meals a day for our LG (8 months old) and am confused (and probably overthinking) what to serve at lunch vs dinner… please could you share some examples of what your babies are having at each meal?


How to ween my baby of formula

I try to ween him off formula with baby food but he doesn’t like most of them and i dont know what to actually give give him that he would like


Truly Solid Foods?!

My ten month old was a late bloomer where solids were involved. His pediatrician told us to start giving him purées at 4 months, but he had a difficult time with the spoon (throwing a fit out of sheer frustration). At 7 months, we tried again, and he was way more receptive. So, I’ve been puréing ever since, slowly a...


Baby still on puréed food

I feel so bad but my LO is still eating purées. I try so hard. I make all sorts of meals and offer finger food every day but he throws EVERYTHING. He knows how to eat - I have seen him eat toast and pasta and fruit veg when he wants to buy 95% of the time he doesn’t eat


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