Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Symptoms

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Symptoms.

Beginning of labour?

I’ve been getting mild mild period pain and downward pressure since about 5:30am this morning every 10 minutes. I’ve had cramps the past few days (im 40+4 now) but nothing that felt like this, or nothing that was regular. Could this be a fluke or the actual beginning of labour? Did anyone else’s start like this? Xx



Hey mamas. I’m 6 weeks and 3 days into my second pregnancy and morning sickness hit my like a freight train tonight while I was at work…I’ve been off all day but it hit BAD around 8pm until now (1 am). Any tips?



I’ve been eating a lot of fast food ; it seems to be the only thing I can hold down at 10 weeks.. when I try cooking healthier meals I tend to vomit ? Anyone experience this ?


Insomnia anyone?

It takes me an hour or 2 to sleep lately and if I wake up by accident.. I really struggle to go back to sleep! Like tonight I woke up at 2am and still awake now. So gone downstairs for a cuppa and watching mafs uk lol


This has been on my mind all day, random thinking

Last night i had a dream about my ex from high school , i was liking how it was going, i felt myself blushing while sleeping . I thought about reaching out to see hows he doing, not sure if ill get a reply though, especially since we haven’t spoken since high school and last time seeing each other was high school g...


Postpartum bleeding

Has anyone else's pospartum bleeding stopped at 4weeks? Mine has been stopped for a few hours now and I'm just wondering if I should expect it to start again.


Abdominal pain that is not cramps

These days it seems everything I eat causes me stomach upset. I have really bad nausea so I haven’t been eating much to begin with, but whatever I do causes me extra gas and abdominal pain. I don’t know if this is an emergency because my regular periods beforehand only had very mild cramping and so sometimes I feel ...


Weak and tired

I'm 34 weeks and feeling weak and tired. Had an iron transfusion last Wednesday. Anyone else feeling like this and have any tips? I'm eating and drinking well. Trying to rest as much as I can but it's hard with a toddler 😔


Can’t sleep club

Anyone else can’t sleep?


Pain in Groin, have you experienced this?

In my second trimester I experienced pain in the groin as I was walking down steps from time to time and it would go away after I rested a bit. When I told the doctor they called it round ligaments pain. Today I make 32 weeks and 3 days and while I was at work I got up from my desk and all of a sudden I couldn’t wal...


Late period ?

Hi all- Random question for a situation I have never dealt with. My periods are regular- regular being 32-35 days. I have not been diagnosed with pcos or anything but I have hirusitism all my life (sensitive to testosterone.) my husband and I have been ttc for 4 years but he is the one with the issue to get pregnan...


Baby movement

Is it mostly the mindset or it’s our instincts cos u really can’t feel baby move like before? Do they sleep?? Is it what halts movement or what exactly or it’s my imagination??😂😂😂


Feeling kicks

Has anyone felt movement yet? I am 19 weeks and sometimes I feel weird sensations but I am not convinced these are movements. I’ve also never been pregnant so I have no idea what early movement feels like.


Eye drops for conjunctivitis , cant get it

Has anyone succcessfully got eye drops to help with their toddlers conjunctivitis . My dr is so anti giving me anything. Cant see another dr. They say no drops til over 2 yrs old. Yrs ago ( now teens ) we got drops for their eyes no dramas Seems rediculous to me. Shes got it from daycare and cant go unless ha...


Feral kicks

Anyone else’s sickness back? And why are the cute kicks now so brutal and painful?! 🤣🫣


Anyone else?

I’m just a couple days postpartum, but sometimes I swear I can still feel some kicks and movements in my belly. Maybe my baby had a secret twin that was left in there? lol


Need help

So I just got off my period that I had for two weeks and my Femia app says that I’m in ovulation but ion know how I am but my pelvic area hurts


Advice please

Hi all, I’m 33 weeks today and I went shopping today so did a bit of walking, but now I’m home I’m having extreme bladder pressure when I get up and walk about it’s so painful I can’t walk without holding onto something, it feels like pressure more than anything, I do currently have a UTI


Anyone else really struggling?

I felt like I was finally getting into the flow of maternity leave, finally enjoying it and gaining confidence. Every day was a delight! The last week or so has been SO HARD. My baby is refusing solids, crying constantly, so easily upset, has meltdowns and is pooing everywhere. I’m finding it really exhausting, ...


Pain Relief

Anyone else finding the pp pain relief an absolute minefield? My daughter was born by EC-section on Monday, we were discharged yesterday, and given dihydrocodeine to take alongside paracetamol and ibuprofen. All of them have different max doses for each 24 hour period and I know paracetamol especially is one it's i...


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