Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Symptoms

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Symptoms.

Is this like hiccups or baby moving

Okay so this feels like a pulse and it’s only on that spot that comes and goes not sure if it’s her kicking or is hiccups.


Is this the start of labour??

I am 37w today, never had braxton hicks so I don’t know if it’s this or the start of labour. I have had a dull cramp since 2pm today, with pains for the last 4h and getting more and more intense. They’re only around 30s long which is making me think it’s not the start of contractions? But equally I am doubling over ...


SCH at 5+2 and terrified (graphic content)

Hi all, I’m pregnant after an early MC last cycle. Started spotting brown Sunday evening and went to EPU for a scan on Monday and measured at 5+ 2 — they found a haematoma and said I can expect the discharge to become proper bleeding maybe with clots or string-y bits and cramping. Advised paracetamol for the pain. I...


Lighting crotch?

So I had lighting crotch with my single but it was like a sharp shooting pain. With the twins since hitting 3rd trimester and baby A being soooo low, I feel my vagina literally ripping. Does anyone else have this feeling? It happens if I open my legs too far or stretch a certain way.


Labour pains

has anyone who’s given birth before not had any signs of labour prior? i see loads of people having cramps before they actually go into labour but ive had nothing so far, i still have time im 37 weeks but i worry i will be late as loads of people have pains even weeks leading up to birth!


20 weeks

anyone else experienced blurry vision and feeling faint whilst a bit of a headache had it twice now was sick aswell the second time


Sorry if it’s TMI.. pooping & feeling sick

For the last 3-4 days now I have felt sick a lot through the day and pooing very frequently (3times or more a day). Is this a sign labour is near? anyone else had this experience then went into labour? And how long after? I’m getting sick of constantly feeling sick and pooping😭😭😭


Light spotting at 22 weeks

Hey, just after a bit of advice! In the loo this afternoon when I went to wipe I had 2 small spots of red blood. I was pretty shook up by this as this is the only bleeding I’ve had in my whole pregnancy. I called triage who told me to wear a pad and monitor for the next hour and call back if it got worse. Monitored ...


Holy moly someone tell this gets easier?!

I was LOVING 2 under but recently I'm finding it so hard I'm struggling to enjoy it as much. My first is 22 months and tantrums about so many things that are unavoidable like getting dressed and getting in the car. My baby is 3 months and sleeps well at night but hardly naps in the day and only if I'm standing holdi...



How are people staying sane? I don’t have nausea but food aversions, bloating, sore boobs, tiredness symptoms are strong. I worry every day that I’ve had an MMC and I pay a lot of money for a scan, feel reassured for 5 minutes and then anxiety comes over me again. Any advice?


How are we all monitoring baby's kicks?

Are any of you using a kick counter or just going based on pattern? My baby kicks several times randomly in a few seconds and it's too hard to count it and I don't always have my phone with me to log it but Im also not really noticing a pattern yet. I feel like trying to count them all would be stressful


Sciatic pain

Hi all, I’ve got awful shooting pains down my right butt/leg. How I imagine sciatica to feel. I called the midwife who brushed it off as “normal” and kinda gave me “get on with it and stop being dramatic" vibes. but I can barely walk! Sitting and lying also hurt a lot. Has anyone else had this, and what did you do/w...


painful pressure

35 weeks 2 days. no contractions that I know of but having intense pressure especially when I sat on the toilet it felt like she was gonna come out if I had started pushing to poo thankfully I was just peeing. I feel pressure and cramps down my legs and in my butt and obviously in front. It lasted a few minutes but ...


Sickness suddenly gone!

From about 5 weeks I’ve had horrendous sickness, where I had to be prescribed anti sickness tablets and then yesterday I woke up suddenly feeling a million times better! Has anyone else had this? I’m 9+4 so hoping this is the start of feeling more human 😅


Reflux formula

Hey all ! 😊 My LG has always suffered with slight reflux. It was bad at one point but has started to ease up. Shes 3months now and so far has been EBF. For a number of reasons we are in the process of switching to formula. So far I have tried her on the ready made Kendamil. She seems to spit up quite a bit on it…


32 weeks and on and off period like cramps

Has anyone else experienced this. Last an hour or so then subsides, happens mostly in the evening for the last few days


Ginger biscuits really work!

First time I haven’t felt sick in a solid week - highly recommend! I’m 7+2.



Hey mamas, what y’all taking, is been 4 days and I can’t 💩😩 I barely eat because of nausea and vomiting, it’s getting better but still so constipated. Anything I can eat to help with it…


Feeling unwell

Is it usual to start feeling unwell on day five? I’ve had my dressing off this morning and they’ve said it looks great and I’m resting/on top of my pain relief. This afternoon I feel really run down, generally unwell and having the uterus contracting pains - feels like hunger cramps too. Just not sure why I feel so ...


Extreme nausea

I'm 8 + 1 and have felt horredenous the past few days. I had bad nausea my 1st pregnancy but this feels next level! I have extreme nausea, fatugue, the worst headaches and really bad acne too! I am already signed off with HG and on Cyclizine but feel like I'm struggling massively. Has anyone else been through this, ...


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