Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Symptoms

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Symptoms.

Achey Legs??

Hello! I’m 39 weeks tomorrow (eek) and have really sore and painful leg ache! I wondered if any one else is getting this? Is this normal 😂


Not too sure what to do!

I'm currently 33 weeks. Over the past 24 hours I've been experiencing a lot of sporadic Braxton hicks. A lot more than usual. Every so often, however, they are either followed or accompanied by period like pains. Not all the time, but enough for me to notice and feel anxious about it. I don't know if anyone else ...


Random lol

Has anyone else had issues with their wedding ring fitting post partum? I’m one of the weird ones who went up a whole shoe size lol and I’m wondering if the same applies to my wedding ring. Or is this all temporary and will resolve itself after some time?¿ 😅


Unstable lay

I've been in hospital since Monday (now 37+3) because baby was not head or bum down and moved around a lot into different positions. We are now over 24 hrs of her being head and the lowest she has been if we get to 48hrs of her staying there I can go home which will be tomorrow morning. I will then be back on Monday...


Feeling of needing to poop when out

It’s a bit weird but anytime I go shopping or walking anywhere i get a pressure down below and feel like I need to poop urgently (but I don’t). Only happens when I’m out. Has this happened to anyone else?


Stretching pains

Has anyone else experienced sharp stretching pains on one side of the lower abdomen alongside loose stools? I phoned the antenatal department and she told me to take paracetamol and if it doesn’t go away this evening to phone back. I can’t help but over worry after previous losses!


Sickness and diarrhea

Has anyone had this while pregnant? If so do I need to let the midwives know or the doctors or will I be ok?


Baby just wants to be held all the time

Anyone else’s LO hate being put down? My girl is only happy when I am holding her but with a toddler as well that’s not really possible.


Baby won't roll over!

My LB turned 5 months today and he still isn't rolling, he really wants to and really tries to but it's just not happening yet! How have you guys encouraged your babies to roll? We try and use toys and even ourselves and he makes the move to, gets about halfway and then either gets frustrated or just falls back into...


Period like pains 38+6

Anyone else had pains like that feel kinda like a period type contraction is the only way I can describe it. I’ve had them a few times over the last few weeks, but had them yesterday and this morning again. Trying to figure out if it’s just my toddler climbing all over me, or birth is soon? I’m due 25th X



I have really bad pain in my lower tummy/ pelvic area, my hips, my back and my knees. It’s not cramps or shooting pains, it’s really excruciating and hurts no matter what I’m doing unless I’m sitting or laying still. Even when I try to turn in bed the pain is so bad I could cry with the pain and when I am moving fro...


Anyone else totally switched off from work?

I feel like I’m on the countdown now, and I just can’t get into it. My productivity has slowed down and the motivation is gone. It doesn’t help I’ve extra appointments to monitor the baby which means I’m missing more work.



I am 18 weeks pregnant and had the tiniest bit of pink spotting, literally like a couple of dots when I wipe. I had it once yesterday and once this morning. Has anyone else had this?I am still getting flutters so can feel baby move.


Vagina Pressure

Hello, is anyone else experiencing vaginal pressure? I’m 8 weeks and 3 days pregnant, and the pressure and heaviness I feel in my vagina, especially at night, is quite intense. I had a scan, and the doctor said everything looks fine, but I can’t help feeling anxious because the pressure hasn’t lessened at all.


Anal Fissures

Anyone had problems with anal fissures? I'm 6 weeks PP and it everytime I think it's starting to get better there's more blood again when I wipe and it feels like pushing out glass. I'm not even constipated though..


Bad night

Anyone been experiencing heartburn, headaches and leg numbness? I had a bad night that started off with a headache and heartburn that gradually got worse. When it got so bad my legs were going numb😳


Pelvic girdle pain

Anyone else struggling with PGP I’m Currently 26 weeks and in agony 😭😭


Beginning of labour?

I’ve been getting mild mild period pain and downward pressure since about 5:30am this morning every 10 minutes. I’ve had cramps the past few days (im 40+4 now) but nothing that felt like this, or nothing that was regular. Could this be a fluke or the actual beginning of labour? Did anyone else’s start like this? Xx



Hey mamas. I’m 6 weeks and 3 days into my second pregnancy and morning sickness hit my like a freight train tonight while I was at work…I’ve been off all day but it hit BAD around 8pm until now (1 am). Any tips?



I’ve been eating a lot of fast food ; it seems to be the only thing I can hold down at 10 weeks.. when I try cooking healthier meals I tend to vomit ? Anyone experience this ?


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