Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Scans

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Scans.


I’ve had my dating scan today. Everything looked really good and I’m measuring ahead of what I thought but I found out I have a hematoma. The midwife reassured me not to worry but I have come home and googled it stupidly! And now I’m worrying. Does anyone else have a hematoma/had one in a previous pregnancy?


Just had the scariest shower

I was just trying to relax and look down as see red water immediately panic get out and sit down on the toilet and wipe and there is more bright red blood. Currently hanging out in l&d on the nst monitor and baby looks good and there wasn’t any in the pad from the house to the hospital. I’m just so anxious and reall...


Follow up after 20 week scan

I have my 20 week scan on Monday but also have a telephone call booked with midwife on Wednesday(2days after) is this normal procedure to speak tona midwife after?


Asking for extra scan

Hey all, my anxiety had kicked in knowing i wont have another scan after me 20week until the baby is born. Except if high risk, what/how else can i ask for at least another scan?


Early scan

I had an early scan but it didn't line up with my period dates. I thought I was 6 weeks 5 days but the lady said I was 5 weeks 5 days so a week off. I didn't have that with my other 2 pregnancies. I heard a heartbeat and baby doing well couldn't see much. Has anyone else had that?


32 week growth scan

Do you have to have a full bladder for the scan does anyone know?


Reassurance please ✨✨

Had an early scan today they could see a very small foetus with the 2 saks but no heartbeat, they said it could be too early so I’m going back in a week. Has anyone else experienced the same?


High bmi private scan

Anyone with bmi over 40 who's had a private scan? Just wondering if it's worth it in term if better view and scans etc? My recent scans on nhs has been awful or blurry


Gender scan

Those of you who will… at what week are you booking for gender scan? I waited for my 20 week scan with my first but I am so impatient this time around. I will be 15 weeks on Friday so I was thinking to book for next Friday when I will be 16. Is it to early? Will we have a clear view?


20 week scan

Did any of you have your 20 week scan and baby wasn’t in right position so you have to come back in 4 weeks for another anatomy scan? They saw about 75% of things and everything was good but I’m sad I have to wait another 4 weeks :(


My little Jelleybean

So the midwives are telling me I'm 11 weeks tomorrow. But I had an early scan from a cash in hand private scan company who only measured me at 8 weeks. But did say she couldn't get an accurate reading. But I've got my first NHS scan in a week and half so hopefully I find out my actual date. Anyone else have this s...


Blood testing

Soooo I’m 15 weeks and I went to my appointment and my doctor wasn’t there his nurse was and they said I needed to do blood work but my last pregnancy it was an option to do genetic testing and find out the gender but here in Dallas they’re saying I have to do it before 20 weeks but I rather not be poked again. Do t...


Growth scan, 36weeks 2 days.

Hey everyone! Just wondering if anyone is around the same time as me and had a growth scan, just being curious and nosey. Our baby measured at 6pound 5 estimated. What’s yours? 🥰


Baby MRI

My LG is due to have an MRI and they’ve told me they’ll need to do light sedation and put her to sleep for it. Anyone else’s LO had an MRI? How did it go? How were they? I’m feeling so sad and anxious for her 😢


Are early gender scans / heartbeat bears worth it?

I’m 15+3 and considering booking a gender scan for this weekend at 15/16 weeks. My thought was to get the clinic to choose either a pink or blue bear for the heartbeat and to place it in a box that we can open privately. My question is to those who have done either of these things or both and if you think they are...


4D scans.

Heyyy, what week would you all recommend me booking in a 4D scan for? 🩶


Midwife Appt

So I've been to see the midwife today & she's told me she can feel excessive fluid around baby. Baby girl seems healthy (heart rate, etc), and my meausurement for my bump is now off the chart. Has anyone else had this? Polyhydramnios? Or a similar situation? Midwife is referring me for a growth scan. I really want...


Baby measuring small

Hi All, I just had my 26 week midwife appointment where they measured my bump for the first time. I am quite petite and have a small bump but only measured in the 12th percentile. The midwife said she would only be concerned if my next measurement does not follow the graph and goes below the 10th percentile which w...



had my 20 week scan and the nuchal fold on the baby is measuring at 7.6mm but everything else with the baby is absolutely perfect. It’s came quite as shock to me and I’m also worrying about it. Has anyone had similar to this and all has been ok? They’ve booked me in for a re scan in 3 weeks time. I was also low ri...


Growth Scan

I had a growth scan last week (36 weeks) and babies growth has dropped slightly. They want me back in next week (38 weeks). If there’s no improvement or she’s dropped again what happens? Do they induce? Has anyone experienced this?


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