Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Scans

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Scans.

Guessing game

Does this look like male or female ultrasound any guesses !?????


Tips HD scan

So went for my second rescan today for the hd scan I'm 28 weeks will be 29 on Saturday and I only have one more chance for the scan on Friday any tips to get baby into the right position, I don't get a refund or another chance which I think is absolutely ridiculous so stressing out over the fact that £84 has gone do...


First Ultrasound - Due Date

I am pregnant with baby #2 and we had our first ultrasound yesterday. My due date is estimated to be May 20th. What is everyone else’s expected due date?


Have you ever had an MRI? Comment your experiences!

I’m having an MRI next week while pregnant. I’ve never had one before and they said it will take awhile. Can you share your experience? What to expect? Any tips?


Percentile - weight

How does it work because I see women who have had a scan on the same date(same weeks) as me but their babies are higher on the graph?


12 week scan

What are we guessing boy or girl ?


First midwife appointment

I am 9 weeks pregnant. Yesterday I had my first midwife appointment for an hour. I gave my urine sample and she took my blood samples. I am just wondering normal blood test report shows I am pregnant? Please help me if anyone knows


12 week scan what are we thinking boy or girl ?

Just had my 12 week scan and have heard of the nub theory do you think this is a boy or girl ? 🩷🩵


12week scan what’s guesses?

Just had by 12 week scan and have seen lots online about the nub theory! What would you say bit or girl ?



I’m currently 24+2 weeks with my boy and girl twins. We had our growth scan today and baby girl is measuring small (on the 9th percentile weighing 510g) and baby boy is measuring a little small but a good size (16th percentile weighing 629g). We have to be rescanned in 2 weeks time rather than 4 to check baby girls...


Audiology appointment

My baby has an audiology appointment tomorrow due to not having clear hearing in one ear when she was born. I’m very worried just wondering if anyone else has had this and what to expect ?


Baby Measuring Small at 32 Weeks

I’m 32 weeks pregnant with my first baby, and during my scan yesterday, I was told that the baby’s growth is measuring below average. While everything else, like the blood flow and oxygen from the placenta, looked fine, I can’t help but feel really anxious. The baby’s movements haven’t changed, but I have a follow-u...


Rough scan

I had my 20 weeks scan yesterday and I know it’s a more thorough scan but the guy was SO rough and pushed so hard I’m actually all bruised on my lower stomach ! Is that normal? It’s so bad I keep getting a stich like pain near my pelvic bone if move my leg to fast aswell, that’s where the bigger bruise is !


Growth scan anyone with previous dip in percentile measurement who can give me reassurance ? At 28 weeks midwife measured her at 90th centile at 32 weeks different midwife measured her as dropping to between 50th and 75th centile …

The baby was led on my right hand side when they measure me smaller today so I’m thinking maybe that has something to do with it just worried due to the dip I have a scan tmro ….


Is 35 weeks late?

I just had my obstetrics appointment (currently 29+5) and they want to wait till my scan in two weeks to determine if I need to have a c-section as I have large fibroids. I just got my next appointment and I’ll be 35 weeks?! I feel like this is so far away and I really need time to mentally prepare for what my birth...


Blood results

So yesterday at my 30 week midwife appointment I had my bloods redone due to being on iron tablets for 2 weeks and to get it checked again but results have come back borderline and to spk to go which they have booked me in for a weeks time 🙄 I’ve had a look on my nhs app at the results and a lot of it states it’s…


Early loss

So I found out I was pregnant at 4+4, at 5+3 I started cramping left side and then 5+4 I started bleeding. I went for a scan today at 5+5 and they can’t locate a pregnancy. The EPU said that I have to have BHCG tests 48 hours apart and then they’ll call me with the results. I just feel so upset, and want to know whe...


Low lying placenta

Hi everyone yesterday I was diagnosed with a posterior low lying placenta, has anyone else had this before? They've told me if it doesn't move vaginal birth will not be possible and I'll need a c-section. Booked in at 34 weeks for "placenta check" , and I have growth scans too anyway so I assume they'll check it qui...


Anterior placenta

So I had my 20 weeks scan yesterday and on the notes under placenta it says anterior but the midwife never said anything to me about it and told me everything was fine, does that mean I will have an anterior placenta the whole pregnancy? I’m just so confused


Booking appointment

Can someone explain what happens at the booking appointment (first midwife appointment) Like it seems strange to me that we have to wait until 12 week (unless pay for private scan) to get anything solid there’s an actually baby growing inside us 😭🤦🏻‍♀️


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