Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Scans

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Scans.

Booking appointment

Can someone explain what happens at the booking appointment (first midwife appointment) Like it seems strange to me that we have to wait until 12 week (unless pay for private scan) to get anything solid there’s an actually baby growing inside us 😭🤦🏻‍♀️


16 Week Scan

Hey did anyone book a private gender reveal scan at 16 weeks that was told the wrong gender because it was too early?☺️



Will the NHS write down the gender of the baby at my 20 week scan for my gender reveal? Stressing 😂🥺


What is a SCH?

What actually *is* a sub chronic hematoma? Is that what I have? Like is that just the name for the bleed? There’s a bleed in my womb, outside of the pregnancy sac (I’m 9 weeks) bigger than the baby and they can see it on the scan and I have had quite a bit of heavy bleeding a few times. On the scan report it menti...


Gender guesses please ☺️

12+2 bubs with conflicting guesses from scans!


20 weeks rescan!

Hello everyone 🥰 I’ve just had my 20 week rescan as the first 20 week scan they couldn’t see all of the heart. Little one played up again, this time her hand was over her heart 🤭😳 so they couldn’t see it. They said a doctor now has to do my third scan to get it ticked off. Has anyone had this experience before? 🩷


16 Week Appointment

Anyone here get to hear the baby’s heartbeat at their 16 week appointment? I have mine tomorrow morning and I’m just curious, tried googling it but it seems to depend on your NHS trust. I’m north Wales so Betsi Cadwalader 😊


symptoms and worry

i had an internal scan last week and got to see it’s little heart beat,and now i’m always wanting to see the heart beat to check everything is okay,im just over six weeks pregnant and my symptoms are very little other than always hungry and have a lot of acne !!


Cervical length scan

Hi everyone I’m having to have a cervical length scan done internally and I’m so worried as I heard you shouldn’t mess with the cervix during pregnancy ? Has anyone had this done and it’s been okay?


Gender guesses please ☺️

All scan photos were 12+2 but very conflicting. Any guesses please? ❤️


Gender guesses please ❤️

I am now 14+1 but all scan photos are 12+2 but very conflicting. Any guesses appreciated! ☺️


Scan day at exactly 20 weeks!

We know it’s a boy already from a private scan, but so excited to see how little one is growing 💕 he’s been moving more and more and bump is bumping more every day! Anyone else having their scan today?


We're boy Mums too 🩵💙

Had our 20 week scan today and found out babyno2 is a boy 🥹🥹💙🩵


35/36 weeks baby weight

I had my 35 weeks 5 days ultrasound yesterday and baby is measuring around 6lbs 8. What we're others weights? Thankyou Xxx


Measuring big

Has anyone measured big then went in for a scan and baby turned out to be within normal range?


Growth scan 32+2

Went for our growth scan today and babys head is in the 97th percentile and abdomen is measuring larger in 87th. He is weighting in at 4 Ilb and 14oz!! Having a gestational diabetes test this week. But been down the google rabbit hole and i am completely worried that something is wrong as no one will tell me straigh...


Just for fun - 💓 or 💙

Our wee baby wasn’t playing ball at the anomaly scan, so we decided till the big day. Just for fun though; boy or girl? 😀


Low lying placenta

Just did my 20weeks scan and I got told my placenta is lying low, and so I got booked for a 36 weeks scan. Online it says by 32 weeks it should be checked again. So I have two concerns here.. for those who went through this.. 1. Did you have to wait until 36wks for your next scan? 2. Did you end up having vagin...


12+6 Any guesses?

Boy or girl? What do you think? Sonographer has said what they think. Private gender scan booked for a few weeks but interested to know your thoughts.


Baby #2! 8 weeks today

Just had my first ultrasound with baby #2, due May 27th. I swear this pregnancy everything is showing up so early. All the pregnancy symptoms, especially being tired and nauseous. I’m also showing already which is wild. When was the earliest you announced? Thinking I have to announce soon with how much I’m alrea...


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