Community Posts, Tips & Support on Labor & Birth

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Labor & Birth.

C-section healing

I’m 5 weeks pp and my C-section seems open still in areas, is this normal. The outer edges are the worst especially where they tied my stitches off. Anyone else had similar or was yours fully closed at this point. I should also probably mention it has been infected for the past few weeks and none of the antibiotics ...


C Section Incision Open

Does this look normal or should I go back to hospital? I’m 12 days post C Section and have been taking antibiotics for 6 days Photo in comments


Early labour or is this normal

Hi I’m 32 weeks with my first and he’s been head down for a few weeks now but past few days i feel like baby dropped down a lot to my pelvis, going toilet every 20 mins, experiencing firm amount of braxton hicks but they are irregular, a lot of lighting pain in my crotch and since last week I’ve been loosing bits of...


Hospital bag

So starting to pack for my hospital bag. Is it too much to bring like a little carry on suitcase? I feel like even with that it’s gonna be a squeeze but also don’t want to look over the top 😂. What is everyone else using? TIA x


Post C section laxatives

Hi, did anyone here need laxatives or stool softeners after their C section and, if so, would you recommend any particular brand? Many thanks!


Another October Baba

Baby Edward joined us in the early hours of Saturday morning after 6 hours of induced labour on the drip 💧 For anyone getting induced I wanted to share that we had a really positive experience and that he was delivered completely naturally ♥️


Premature labor?

Not sure what to do.. Starting yesterday my underwear was wet all day with clear fluid that smelled very salty like semen - google says it could be amniotic fluid - however I’m only at 28 weeks as of tomorrow. I haven’t really felt any discomfort or pain for most of my pregnancy tbh it’s been fairly easier than I ex...


Birth prep

What to put in hospital bag ? Doctor said we’re planning for vaginal birth but what should I also pack in case of a c section


Induction at Kings Mill Hospital

Can anyone on here tell me about their experience being induced at Kings Mill? What methods to they use? How long did it take? Good or bad experience? Also can anyone compare it to a spontaneous Labour was it more painful? I don’t want to be induced but it’s either that or a c section :( TIA X


Am I going into labor ?

I’m 37+2. Since 5AM , I’ve been having contractions that are 5-10 minutes apart. Included with severe lightning crotch & lots of pressure in my butt ? Could this be labor ? Just don’t want to go to hospital to just get told that it’s normal and to drink more water.


Induction at Kings Mill Hospital

Can anyone on here tell me about their experience being induced at Kings Mill? What methods to they use? How long did it take? Good or bad experience? Also can anyone compare it to a spontaneous Labour was it more painful?


Honest recovery please

Our gorgeous little bundle was born 9/10/24 by elective c section which turned out slightly more difficult than expected. I’ve just got home after 3 days staying in due to complications and multiple blood transfusions I can’t quite help compare recovery to my first which was emergency c section but again it was ove...



Do you think it’s safer and “easier” to have visitors at the hospital or at home? We have a toddler at home so we think home will be chaotic with visitors and easier if we just say hospital visit but that time is so precious in the hospital too that I dont want to feel overwhelmed with visitors coming in and out.


Traumatic labor !

Anyone else have a traumatizing labor ! That still lingers your mind !


what does it feel like when your waters break (due today 13.10.24) (this is long so i’m sorry 😂😭)

hiii i got given the membrane sweep on thursday and ive been in rlly slow early labour since then (not actual contractions, just kinda light period like cramps?). i’ve just woken up and my cramps feel a bit stronger, my back keeps going from rlly painful to no pain at all and i’ve gone to the toilet and i’ve leaked ...


How long are y’all waiting to take baby to public places?

My husband and I are modeling after my parents photos (I was in daycare by three months of age and also at Dandy bear and things like that), but I really don’t know and online it just says doctors recommend waiting “ a few months.” My little one is two months old now and idk if I can take him to target or small st...


Premature labor??

33w3d and having contractions like crazy. Thinning cervix, dr said he’s ok to do my C-section as of 32 weeks, but I don’t wanna do it unless I know baby can come home or of course I have no choice. I’ve had 5 premature births already and just can’t do the NICU again.. What’s the earliest you delivered and baby was...


Baby Time?

So I got checked today a few hours ago and I'm 50% effaced and 1 cm dilated. I tried a warm shower a warm bath they gave my Tylenol but my back won't stop hurting. I also have a heating pad and not even that helps. How soon could I possibly go into labor? These contractions hurt so bad I want to cry.


I want 2nd baby so badly but I don’t know what to expect. I had a horrible ppd for my first but somehow I feel like I can manage with the second. My first is 24 months old and if I try now I can have a 3 years gap…

Opinions and experience sharing is very much appreciated


34 weeks 3 days , membranes visible?

So I went in for cervical check the other night , as I had a small bleed and lost mucus plug … Doctor said “oh I need a second opinion” Then came back and told me so ur about 1cm dilated , I’ve lost ur plug ….. and I can see the membranes ! Does this mean I can go into labor some time Soon ??? How are membranes v...


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