Community Posts, Tips & Support on Second Trimester

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Second Trimester.

Gestational diabetes test?

This might sound silly but does everyone have to do the GD test? I’m currently 24 weeks, have no risk factors and nothing has been mentioned regarding it. Only asking as I’m awful with blood tests, especially fasting ones and I’ve heard some really awful experiences with this test, if I did have to do the test i...


At home GTT test?

I’ve been booked to take a glucose tolerance test at home and was just wondering if anyone else has had to do this at home rather than at the hospital? With my first I went to the hospital to have it done. Quite nervous to have to do it myself tbh.


Help working out how far along I am

NHS website says 8 weeks, Flo app says 5 weeks. Date of last period 1/7/2024-7/7/2024 thank you


Overwhelming FTM

Just wondering if anyone else is or has felt like this. I had my baby shower recently, and I'm around 33 weeks now and I just feel really overwhelmed with having a baby now, I obvs knew it was coming, I go to weekly classes about antenatal etc and I've done hypno birthing as well but I'm all of a sudden feeling a bi...


Acne while pregnant

Both of my pregnancies now I have suffered with horrendous acne! I never had it as a teen but it’s so painful right now! Please does anyone have any recommendations I feel like I have tried everything! I’m getting more and more insecure about it, photo is of this morning when I woke up.


Pre eccplamsia

Hiya can anyone tell me exactly what preeclampsia is? I’m high risk, protein in wee so waiting for it to be tested . I’m 36 weeks and stopped taking aspirin now. I know what to look out for symptom wise but what actually does it do to me and baby if I have it? Thanks


Repeat sample NIPT

Anyone get results from your NIPT and it could not yield results?? 🥺 Ugh now I’m just nervous somethings not right. Anyone have this happen?


Emma/Alice test feedback

I’m considering Emma/Alice tests. I’d like to learn from people who did it whether it was worth it? Did you have to have further treatment? Did it make a difference in your journey?


For any other anxious mamas ✨

Just wanted to share - bit of a scary morning as reduced movements (25+1) and although I’m fully aware patterns aren’t particularly set at this time, I was fully spiralling with worry… Got onto triage at our hospital - Whiston - and was being listened to within 2 minutes of arriving, being talked through every step...


Anyone know a way to bring blood pressure down asap

I’m ready to leave the hospital with my baby this is really hurting my heart🥺


Just found out I’m pregnant again

I just turned 21 a couple days ago, I have a three month old and just today found out im pregnant. Has anyone else gone through this? How hard is it truthfully please, I’m terrified


Pregnant, again

I’ve just found out I’m pregnant, my baby is 3 months old. I just turned 21 literally a couple days ago. I’m scared, my pregnancy was awful I was bad HG was in hospital a few times and couldn’t get out of bed or go anywhere for so long! My family doesn’t live close, my partner works. How am I going to do this? Has a...


2 months pregnant

Thoughts on dying my hair, thinking about black or just dark in general


Blood test results

I know every area is different but wondering if anyone has had a allergy blood test and how long results took? My girl had hers on 17th August so over 2 weeks ago now and results still not at gp or in a letter in the post I still have time but we are meant to have a dietician call in October but I need to cancel it ...



Hi, I hope you are all okay? I know people post this stuff all the time, but just recently I feel so anxious about my pregnancy at the moment and what’s going on. I’m 30 weeks now, and I’m just finding it really hard having no proper updates because we don’t get scans after 20 weeks (unless there is a specific re...


Confused by weeks

I'm 12+4 today. Is this classed as the 12th week of pregnant or the 13th? Some places say it's the first trimester some are saying it's the second 🫠


Post partum anxiety

I have been having panic attacks and anxiety on and off since having my baby 5 months ago, I become hot and dizzy and my heart starts to race and I feel scared that I will faint or something bad will happen. I have just been prescribed sertraline and on day 2 of taking it and had a bad panic attack this evening whic...


Braxton hicks advice

Currently 39 weeks. Been getting intense BH for about 4 days now, not really painful but uncomfortable and they make my chest go very tight. They come very regularly, not really been tracking too closely but probably every 10 mins ish. Anyone else got the same or does anyone know if it normal to have them this regul...


2nd trimester…

Does anyone else keep getting told that you will start feeling energised and wonderful in the second trimester but still feel absolutely awful? Not sleeping, not much appetite, headaches etc…


3 month baby suddenly anxious around family members

anyone else?


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