Community Posts, Tips & Support on Second Trimester

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Second Trimester.

3 month baby suddenly anxious around family members

anyone else?


Has anyone else experienced repeated fainting?

I fainted and passed out last Sunday and ended up in hospital for 4 days, where they gave me no answers 🥲 A week later and I'm still having fainting episodes and low blood pressure!!! I'm still signed off and don't feel well enough to work, but literally cannot afford to live on SSP. I'm almost 30 weeks now, I…


Possible Placenta Previa

I’m just wondering if there’s any other Mama’s in the same position as me or who have been, I’m due my baby girl on 28th October so currently 31+6 and just trying to be as prepared as I can be. My placenta has been low lying or completely covering since 20 weeks and we’ve had 2 additional private scans to keep check...


Last baby blues

Guys I have 4 kids and all been c sections so I’ve been advised not to have anymore. I agree, I don’t think my body can handle another pregnancy and c section. But I get moments where I’m sooo sad! I look at my baby who is 5 months now and the time has flown by and I just love him soo much and all his siblings and ...


What happens on the glucose tolerance test day?

Do I need to bring food with me?


Comfortable Positions?

I’m 38+3 and SO uncomfortable. My back is killing me and that’s exacerbated by laying down or slouching, but when I sit up straight there’s no room for my massive stomach. Has anyone found a comfortable position?


Glucose Test

Ive been asked to have a glucose test, I didnt need one with my first baby, just wondered what they were like honestly so I can prepare myself abit as I suffer with anxiety Thankyou 🥰


Second trimester

Is anyone else feeling nauseous or actually vomiting in T2 or around 20 weeks?



Looking for some advice please- I’m 4 weeks 5 days pregnant and was half way through decorating my downstairs when I found out! There’s conflicting advice about the safety of decorating (mainly painting) when pregnant. Has anyone continued with it? Or do you safety precautions when doing it? Thanks!


2nd trimester ‘glow’

Is anyone else wondering when this ‘glow’ is going to happen🤣 I’m nearly 24 weeks and if I’m honest I don’t feel that much better than my first trimester. I feel so lethargic and still feeling pretty nauseous. Feel like my life has come to a halt, struggling to socialise at all, going out in the evenings is a no…


12w scan

What everyone thinks nub theory boy or girl


Low lying placenta

Has anyone flew with low lying placenta ? We were due to go go holiday and now concerned the advise seems suggest bleeds happen from 32 weeks but not sure if it can be before, has anyone has any issues before then? I haven't had so far xx


Does anyone else feel like their body is overcrowded?

I’ll be 17 weeks on Monday, and my bump popped in the last week which is cool! But i am physically so uncomfortable. It feels like there isn’t enough room for my organs in my body. I went from feeling second trimester energy to feeling SO uncomfortable. Can anyone else relate? What can we do to make this feel le...


toddler hitting pregnant belly

ik im not the only one but like should i be concerned that my toddler has hit or stepped on my belly? im 3 months currently just entering 2nd trimester and my toddler stepped on my stomach. its not the first time and im trying to teach him to be gentle with my belly. i cried out of frustration this time bc like it k...


Mom troubles

I'm curious if anyone else's mom or mil is being insensitive to your wishes. I know I have to have a c section already and I told everyone that we were planning no visitors for the first 24 hours but my mom is insisting that she be there right after my twins are born. Any advice from people who have gone through thi...



Despite only having positive scans and feedback so far … I am 21 weeks, but go through phases of pure anxiety thinking about all of the worst things that can happen. I cannot wait to just have the baby and know it’s safe and healthy!


Anyone else go 2/3 days without going for a number 2?

I used to be concerned about it in my last pregnancy but with a toddler I tend to forget and it’s not really causing any issues other than sometimes a bit of cramping when I all of a sudden need to go.


high heart rate

Did anyone else experience high heart rate during recovery…after delivery? What did you guys do? and did you worry about it? what did you guys look out for? First time momma, and i’m scared and worried


Over weight???

Hi Mums 🥺 I'm really conscious that my baby is over weight! When she was born she was 86 percentile, she is now 23 weeks and 98 percentile weighing a whopping 19lb 15 🫣 My HV is super judgy and just don't feel confident / comfortable in having this conversation with her if I'm honest. Is this something I…


Food aversions

Is anyone else just wanting to eat junk? I’m 9 weeks and I have such strong cravings and aversions with this pregnancy and I’ve gone off most healthy foods, they make me feel so disgustingly sick😭 I’m feeling so bad about it but just trying to survive this trimester! Anyone else not eating well?😅


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