Community Posts, Tips & Support on Postpartum Care

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.

Postpartum essentials??

I’m 36 weeks and wondering if there’s anything that people would recommend I buy for recovery. Like a peri bottle, is it worth getting? I just don’t want to buy things I probably won’t end up using so just wondering what everyone has used and would recommend 😊


Plantar fasciitis

Anyone get plantar fasciitis or feet pain after having baby. I thought it would go away but 10 months and it’s still here. It developed a few weeks after baby was born and was on and off by now it’s back and worse.


PPA mixed with already having anxiety and PTSD

So I think I realized how much anxiety I really have. Last night I had a nightmare that a girl broke into my apartment, started stealing my car hauling all my baby stuff in the car and by the time I woke up in the nightmare she was putting my baby in her car seat. As soon as she put my baby down I started beating he...


Postpartum Anxiety

I’m almost 2 week postpartum and I just need some people to make me feel not so alone. I know I’m not but it really helps to talk about it and get other people’s experiences. I love my little guy, I can’t help but worry about everything when it comes to him. I google non stop just to make sure he’s okay. He’s been h...


Not healing after birth

I feel like im the only one who isnt fully healed after nearly 12 weeks and its making me feel a bit lonely My episiotomy stitches are fully healed however i got an infected stitch on my second degree tear at 6 weeks, then the infection didnt clear and ive been on 3 sets of antibiotics, now the infections cleared ...


Anyone else’s baby barely got any hair yet?

My son was born with very little hair and it’s still so fine and there’s barely any on top. He’s 11 months on Monday 🫣


Not wanting people round my baby

Just wondering if anyone else feels the same as me. My baby is 5 days old and it’s making me so anxious people coming round and holding her, I’m scared they have a cold and I’m scared they’re not holding her head properly. I’ve put a stop on all visits now it was causing so much anxiety!! Everyone keeps asking to se...


Did anyone else have ‘Post-weaning depression’??

For the last few weeks I’ve felt really low, tearful, can’t stand to look in the mirror 😔 Someone mentioned to me ‘post-weaning depression’ - when you cut down breastfeeding and your levels of oxytocin and prolactin stop which can some people depressed. Has anyone else heard of this, or had it themselves?? I’m not…


Is DMER linked to an overactive letdown or oversupply?

Is anyone who’s dealing with DMER also finding they have a forceful letdown and/or oversupply? I was reading that a forceful letdown could be due to a strong reaction to oxytocin, as oxytocin is the hormone that pushes the milk out. DMER is thought to be caused by a surge in oxytocin suppressing dopamine, so I wond...


Feeling Defeated

I could really use someone to talk to and vent to. I'm feeling low right now and I'm in literal tears. It's been a crappy day and I just need encouragement and kindness.


How do I deal with it?

I'm writing this post because I don't know how to deal with it anymore. It's mainly about my libido, or rather the lack of it. Since I gave birth to my son a year ago, I have no desire for sex at all. My relationship suffers because my partner also has his needs, and I am unable to satisfy them. I feel useless. No m...


Feeling depressed

8 weeks pregnant with my second and this is the worst I ever felt. My mental health is so fragile right now - I have been suffering with severe nausea and vomiting for a couple of weeks as well as complete exhaustion. I can’t take care of my toddler. I can’t do my job properly. All I want to do is be in bed and it i...


First night out after baby

Im currently 32 weeks pregnant yes ik it’s too soon to think about my first night out after having baby but I just wanted some advice as to when other moms had their first night without baby I’m due November so I was thinking around January but this is my first pregnancy and I’ve always been a night out party kind o...


We've done nothing today...

Feeling guilty. Its been a rainy and windy day and we've done nothing. We have taken a couple of big naps together, laid on her play mat for a bit - but other than that I haven't been in the mood to get all the toys out and be super engaging. I am every other day, just not today. The rest from entertaining the baby ...


2 babies

Anyone currently have a toddler and due soon with their second? I am absolutely shitting myself idk how im gonna cope what have i got myself into 😂😂😭i think my almost 3 year old must know changes are about to happen because he has become a demon child these past few weeks and gets a good laugh out of pushing my…


First time parents

As a first time mom i need to know… so my boyfriend and I have a 3 week old baby girl. Being postpartum is a lot, I had a difficult labor and afterbirth. Now being home I’ve noticed that dad gets irritated every now and then when our girl gets super fussy. I don’t think I’ve ever reached a point with her where I’m u...


Postnatal depression

I’m 3 weeks pp and my doctors told me today they want to have weekly appointments with me as they think I might be struggling with postnatal depression. Has anyone else dealt with this? I never had any of this with my first. I’m in such a shit place i don’t know what to do😭


Weird or overthinking it??

My husband thinks it's not a big deal to jerk off in front of our toddler and newborn. As soon as I'm napping or out of the house he's jerking off. I caught him once in the middle of the act while he was meant to be looking after our toddler. He sits on the couch under a blanket and does it while the 2 year old is p...


The guilt is real!!

Anyone else just feel constantly guilty? Had a rough day with tantrums yesterday and felt so overwhelmed and overstimulated…. Then felt guilty for feeling like this 👀 anyone else just feel guilty all the time? 😂🤦🏻‍♀️ help!


Emotional Support

My bf can be very nasty to me. During arguments he can be very overpowering, has the answer for everything and just always has to be right. When it comes to apologising he will do it via a nice gesture like send me money to get my nails done or clean up the house before I get out of bed. I know that’s his way of s...


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