Weird or overthinking it??

My husband thinks it's not a big deal to jerk off in front of our toddler and newborn. As soon as I'm napping or out of the house he's jerking off. I caught him once in the middle of the act while he was meant to be looking after our toddler. He sits on the couch under a blanket and does it while the 2 year old is playing or watching TV. I confronted him and yelled when I caught him but I know he's still doing it. I find it so fricking wrong but he clearly doesn't take my feelings seriously because it's definitely still happening. Everytime I'm out of the house and he's at home with the kids I check his history and it's full of porn. Anytime I'm napping and he's watching the kids, I check his history and again same thing. I get that the toddler doesn't understand yet but I still feel very disgusted by him doing that. Thoughts and advice??
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What the fuck that’s soooooo fucking disgusting sooooo freaking weird around kids fuck no and what’s worse you told him to stop multiple times and he don’t that would be a big boundary and I would leave him no questions asked how does he feel comfortable jerking off while kids are around that makes me sick to my stomach

I agree with amber, very very strange behaviour

I'm disgusted at him just reading that. Wrong on so many levels, sounds like he has a porn addiction that really quickly needs addressing. I would absolutely not be sticking around if it were my husband and kids

He needs therapy, this is disgusting

Omg that’s awful, that’s literally illegal? So so gross 🤢

No this is red flag behavior sorry.

@Amber same

Girl wtf!! RUNNNNNN !!

I would leave someone like that in a heartbeat. You aren’t overthinking it

Oh my word, that's absolutely disgusting and I felt sick reading that. He obviously needs help, and asap. Personally, I couldn't be with or look at my husband again after that.

Honestly I wouldn't let him be alone with your kids - it's terrifying that he thinks that's okay and is perverted, wrong and sickening!

Girl, you really need to leave him because like that’s not OK I get it like if the newborn is napping and the toddlers taking a nap and he’s in a different room but it sounds like the kids are awake for that and absolutely not that’s gross. that’s weird and it’s pedophilic.

Some of the comments on here say that he needs help and honestly, I’m sure that he does but you need to leave him for the safety of your kids

You are under reacting to such an insane degree, this is psychotic behaviour

We room share with our baby, but the only time that we are sexually active or anything there is if the baby is asleep and we’re in the middle of sex or in the middle of masturbating and the baby wakes up we immediately stop everything as you should

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imagine if he continues to do it.. and your kids remember it when they grow up? man that’s such a strange thing to do it makes me feel sick. If he doesn’t stop girl. Leave him!

This is incredibly disgusting, even if he is hiding it under a blanket. Not excusing this behaviour at all but if he genuinely can't help himself and/or can't wait until he's alone/not watching the kids, sounds like he might have a porn addiction. I really wouldn't let him be alone with the children anymore.

I completely agree with everyone. I don't know how to proceed though. Do I wait till i catch him again or bring up the issue now even though it happened a few days ago last? This is so stressful. I'm meant to be leaving our toddler with him on Sunday for my birthday dinner.. I might cancel or take the kids with me..

I would definitely bring it up with him now. How would he feel if anyone else was watching porn/wanking Infront of his children? I'd hope he wouldn't be happy with it. From what you've said above, I doubt you'll get anywhere with him if you go in angry (although justified)/accusing him. I would try to figure out/ask why he's doing it when with the children. Do you have a good sex life? Does he have time to masturbate at any other time? Is it something more serious like an addiction? - again, not that any of this makes this excusable. Also, if you can't trust him around your children or believe he will continue to do it, you need to figure out your long term plans and where your relationship with him stands - I would at a minimum, get it from him in writing (text etc) that he's doing it, so you have the proof if ever needed.

I wouldn’t leave the kids with him anymore. Anyone who is comfortable doing that with kids around isn’t okay in the head and therefore a potential danger to them.

@Alex I gave birth 2 months ago so our sex life is slowly getting back to normal but I do believe he has an addiction because it's every time I'm not around he does it. He used to say no to me and go do that instead the second I fell asleep. I don't think the kids are unsafe but I grew up with an adult figure that used to do that and I'm still traumatised by it now at 25 years old. I was older than my toddler though. I'm definitely bringing it up to him tomorrow when I feel he's calm and can handle the conversation.

Wow this is disgusting. Id no longer allow any alone time with him and the kids. This is major red flags and needs checking asap cos u cant play with no p*do 🙅‍♀️

Grooming can start at an extraordinarily young age

Please get your kids away from this man

This made me feel sick🤢🤢🤢 that’s not normal, it is very weird, strange and disgusting. You’re not over thinking it!! Huge red flag

@Steph it is a form of sexual abuse

That is creepy and not ok! You think kids that young don’t remember but they definitely can

That is lewd acts in front of a minor and is at the least a misdemeanor.

The fact that he can even get aroused around a newborn and a toddler is concerning

In all honesty, he needs to be reported to the police like and I know that you probably don’t want to because he is their father, but that’s precisely why he needs to be reported one of the many many many reasons he needs to be reported

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He’s 1000% addicted and a possible predator

Where I grew up a family lived a few doors down from me with two young daughters. I rang the doorbell one day (can’t remember why) and the Dad answered, I saw he had porn on tv in the front room with the curtains closed while watching the kids and the Mom was out. Maybe he thought they wouldn’t pick up on it as they were so young but they obviously did as one day their 2 year old stood in the garden pulling up her shirt and down her trousers touching herself in a sexual way in front of a crowd of young boys who were playing on the street. They were shouting trying to get her to stop. After it clicked with me she must have been repeating what she had seen her Dad watching. It was so disturbing. Kids are like sponges and exposing them to sexual things like this at a young age is totally inappropriate.

Omg 😳 What the actual F… 😡 He would be gone

This would be enough for me to leave. He's unsafe to be around your kids, and I think you need to make sure he's not left alone with them from now on.

Why haven’t you left him already?

Performing sexual acts infront of a child is sexual abuse. They might not “understand” what he is doing but they will pick up on it and it will become normalised. I would not want my child exposed so that or anything of a sexual nature and this is extremely disturbing the fact he would even be “in the mood” whilst he’s got the children in his care. That is seriously disturbing and if I were you’d I’d be packing his bags and he would be leaving, if he didn’t leave willingly I’d be throwing him out. As someone who was SA as a child masturbation was the beginning of it. Keep those babies safe before you can’t and their little lives are changed forever (I’m sorry that’s awful to say but I can’t not)

This is really disgusting and disturbing. It’s hard but I think you only have one choice, to leave for the sake of your children. If he needs to masturbate that often that he does it in front of children then he has a serious addiction to it, and if he’s not willing to address that then he won’t stop, so what happens when your child is 6,7,8 years old? That’s traumatising for a child and if they told anyone that could have serious consequences.

If he’s jerking off around kids there is a big issue here. Some people create habits and what if over time the only way he can masterbate is with children being around because he got used to it?

also please don’t become those people who don’t think someone can be a predator or hurt your children because you love them..


Fucking gross. I’d leave.

I would never leave my children alone with someone who does sexual acts out in the open. That's so disturbing on so many levels. Anyone who can do that with little ones running around is way off.

He might have a porn addiction

Umm, that's disgusting, and I'd be leaving his arse. 2 fold, he clearly has an addiction that has become unhealthy for him and your family, and he is participating in sexual acts in view of 2 minors. Lay down the law, tell him he stops or you are out because of how inappropriate his behaviour is, his lack of care for your kids, and his lack of care for your feelings. I'm also incredibly concerned why his first thought while caring for his children is to jerk off. I'm so sorry you are dealing with this.

I hope that all of these ladies helped you focus your mind and realize you were right to think this is wrong. I'm sure he tried to gaslight it all away with a million excuses... oh they don't see anything. They aren't paying attention. The blanket. Ect. Ect ect. No. It doesn't matter. It's not okay. And even if it was which it is NOT your opinion is still top priority here, these are your babies and your mama instincts are saying no way this is wrong. Trust yourself! 🙏 It's red flag city, and caring for the man or not. You can't trust him now. Maybe it is "harmless" or he can make his excuses for it, that doesn't matter, it's wrong end of discussion period. Even if he's not like a weirdo necessarily. Like is he that bored? Does he have a problem paying attention to his kids in a family setting and teaching them and playing games and doing fun kid activities. I'm sure you wish he would step up and focus on the kids when he has them. You can't ignore the fact that he's not tho. This is next level wrong 😬

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.. but even if it was something else he was up to. That's still ignoring the children and that's not cool either. Just please don't let him convince you otherwise

Ew. That is all.

Don’t leave your child alone with him anymore and leave . He is a predator

Umm that’s awful. And I really hope you stop leaving your children in his care. If he’s willing to do that in front of them what else is he willing to do.. Also how could u get it up with a child around.. I’m sorry you’re going through that but please please don’t leave your babies alone with him

Have you left him ?

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