Community Posts, Tips & Support on Postpartum Care

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.


My mom always talks shit when she’s alone with my bd. Today she told him I eat too much and drink too much. I have a feeling she told him worse but he didn’t tell me to avoid drama. The other day she told him that I’m a “pretty little liar” and irresponsible. He thinks I’m overreacting and that it’s normal but do ...


Did you find out the sex of your baby at 20 weeks?

In the comments explain pros and cons of each… I’m torn about finding out about my second after a traumatic birth first time round.


Finding recovery more difficult this time

With my first I had an elective C-section due to my heart condition, I was in almost no pain by day 2 and didn't need any pain medication. I went in for a growth scan last Friday and was told I had almost no amniotic fluid left so baby had to come out so I could be induced or have a section, I chose for a section ...


Anyone having postpartum hair fall? Remedy

Every 2 days my scalp feels so itchy, washing hair is such a chore n barely get time. And whenever I wash it, handful hair falls 😔😭 is anyone in same situation? Any idea when does less hair fall happens or what sorts of foods and vitamins to eat. Thank you


Increased Scar Pain

Hey loves, I’m about 6 months postpartum now and I have of course had the usual scar pain here and there as it’s healing. However, this past week I’ve had a lot of pain like going from laying to sitting hurts. It hurts when there’s any sort of tug or pressure on it. Very reminiscent of the early days yet I’m far pas...



So recently I lost my mom to a long illness. I’m 36 weeks pregnant and her funeral is this week. I have to travel 4 hours downstate with my toddler and husband. I’m so sad about this whole situation. I’m trying to be good though because I don’t want to cause early labor. Mostly because I’ll be 4 hours from my OB and...



I am now 34 weeks , and I’ve noticed that I’ve been feeling irritated lately. It wasn’t much of a problem at first, but now the most minor things are starting to tick me off. I’m not used to being so mean. 😩 Like, I went off on my little sister earlier, and now I feel bad. I apologize, but I hate that it happened…


10 months pp mental breakdown

I’m 10 months pp almost 11 and I’ve been doing fine.. I’m a “married single mother” because my husband is gone for work so much & then is emotionally drained when he is home so it’s been a real struggle.. today I had a full blown breakdown and I’m so tired and all I want to do is lay in bed and cry… what is happenin...


How bad is recovery from a vasectomy?

Basically we've decided after this baby we don't want anymore children. I can't go on birth control because it makes me a little crazy and I don't trust condoms at all, so my husband was gonna get the snip and he's more than happy to do it. Preferably I want it done as soon after I have this baby as possible, to ens...


Braxton hicks or?

37 weeks first time mom here. Woke up around 2am with period type cramping and some on and off tightening that had no real pattern. Kept me awake for around an hour until it eventually wore off and I fell asleep. Earlier today I had the same thing happen, but the “tightening” feels like it’s wrapping around my back ...


5 months separation anxiety

Please give suggestions to help - my babies 5 months old and is only happy when in the arms of me or dad. She never used to cry when other people hold her and now she screams with tears - how do I help this and will I ever be able to leave her with someone to look after?


Due in December and don't want visitors

When my daughter was born, I allowed visitors despite already saying no. In laws showed up anyway. I allowed it. My mil had "sniffles but just allergies". Long story short, we ended up with RSV. Last week my mil asked when we expected to deliver and what hospital. I told her we're unsure what exact date, but regard...


How soon did you feel better on Setraline?

GP said it takes six weeks to feel the full effects but can get worse before you get better. Wondering if that’s the case for everyone or if you started to feel better soon after taking


Feel pure resentment towards my husband

Over my postpartum I clearly realised that I hate being married I felt single but under the marriage umbrella where I had to maintain the home and do childcare mainly by myself,the husband helped but did nothing else in the house and would mainly drink the previous night so that he is hangover the next day almost so...


Membrane sweep

Did any other mums that got a membrane sweep after the 39th week manage to do anything for the rest of the day ? Or How did you manage the pain if you had any pain? I had a membrane sweep today 14th October at around 3pm and it’s currently almost 6pm and I’m in so much pain and uncomfortable. 😭😭😭😭


Away from Toddler for First Time

Anyone else struggling with being away from their toddlers for the first time when it’s time to give birth? I cried about it a lot at the beginning of my pregnancy but then forgot about it. But now that I’m almost 33 weeks it’s feeling more and more real. My daughter is 2 and I’ve never spent a night away from her. ...


Hair Loss

Postpartum hair loss, any tips?😭



I have a newborn and my mum keeps referring to her as ‘my little..’ or using the word my in front of what she’s saying about her and it makes me feel uncomfortable and I was wondering if anyone else is the same? Yesterday she said “ever since I had her” instead of ever since YOU had her and she constantly messages a...


Not leaving the house

Does anyone else get major anxiety about leaving the house? My LO hates the pram and if they wake up they will scream. So I just don’t dare to leave the house because I can’t deal with the stress of it. But then I’m getting depressed because I just don’t get out. Baby doesn’t sleep well at night at all and I just do...


I need to vent about MIL.

I am so frustrated. My MIL has been doing too much. Every time I’m with her and my 11 month old- for example we had a christening for my son recently- she is constantly taking the baby from everyone and expressing “he only wants his grandma.” She never lets my family spend time with my son & she only lives 15 minute...


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