Community Posts, Tips & Support on Breastfeeding

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Breastfeeding.

Gunky eye - 10 days old

Little one has had a gunky eye getting gradually worse. I'm using cooled boiled water. Left over colostrum and breast milk and nothing seems to be working. How long do I leave it until I need to take drs or contact midwife?


Feeling overwhelmed by breast pumps?! 🤪

Hello all, not long to go now! I have decided I would like to try expressing milk (if possible) and I have been browsing through breast pump reviews online to help me choose which would be suitable for me. I would like a pump that is: - electric - discreet - not too expensive - relatively easy to dismantle and cle...


Exclusively Pumping

So I’ve been exclusively pumping for over 6 months now after baby wouldn’t latch etc and decided to start pumping and it kind of just worked out for me to pump full time however it’s really starting to take a toll on my mental health still worrying when I can next pump, is there enough milk etc etc basically I’m jus...


Big breasts and feeding

My LG is 7 weeks old and we are breast feeding. I have relatively large breast and find I have to make an oval shape with my boob in order to get her to latch but in the last week or so, if I don’t continuously hold my breast, she unlatches instantly. This hasn’t been a problem before. Is anyone else the same or hav...


night nurse while breastfeeding 14 month old

has anyone had night nurse or strong cold and flu med while BF my LO is 14 months so she will only feed before bedtime 8:30PM and maybe Naptime around 11:30AM other than that she’s drinking her water. Ive got a flu that i need gone asap night nurse usually work very quickly but it says on the box not whole BF, I’m ...



So I had case of mastitis and didn’t pump for about 24 hrs.. I then pumped and got a good amount of milk. Since then I haven’t been able to produce any milk! After pumping with a hospital grade pump I’m getting maybe a 1/2 an ounce out of my breast when I usually can produce 7-8 ounces at a time during my morning pu...


Breastfeeding while pregnant HELP

So I’m breastfeeding my first baby (almost 11 months old) and I’m 8w+6d now with no noticeable change in supply but I’ve heard that can be an issue. Any mamas with experience that can give tips etc? I’m worried about my daughter getting what she needs but also worried about the new baby and all that!! So many concer...


Bottle storage and organization

I’m planning to breastfeed but also pump for back up. But I’m also ok with exclusively pumping if I need to. I plan to also keep formula on hand for emergencies. We already have several different bottle options from gifts or freebies. We have no counter space and very little cabinet space. How the heck do other p...


Nipple care

Hello everyone I’m a ftm and breastfeeding/pumping. What are you ladies doing for nipple care? I have cream but they’ve gotten so sensitive and just feel exhausted. If that makes sense.



Hey all! I have a 9 almost 10 months old just like most of us here, I think. I recently switched from exclusively breastfeeding to pumping and feeding through a straw cup. Since I started pumping, I’m only getting about 3 ounces each session (1.5 per side every 2 hours). So in total my girl is only getting maybe ...


Exclusive Pumping

Hey. Maybe I'm just feeling sorry for myself, but does anyone who exclusively pumps feel that their partner and others don't quite get how time consuming it is? I feel it's just a 'oh, babys hungry. Let me just get milk from the fridge' situation, not thinking how it got there, the fact on the milk packets they see...


Introducing bottles to newborn

Hi mamas! I have to be away from my baby next week for a day, she is only 10 days old and EBF. I was wondering if any of you introduced bottles once in a while to their newborn so young and didn't have problems with breastfeeding later on. We were planning also on giving her 1 bottle a day when my husband comes home...


Question for breastfeeding mom

My little girl is 14 months now and I’m thinking about weaning her off. The whole thing is just making me feel anxious and I just wanted to ask other moms who have weaned their little ones How do you handle the night wake ups searching and crying for boobs (especially co sleeping moms)? Do you offer milk or water...


Refrigerated milk

Help!! My husband was cleaning out the fridge and left a 10+ oz bottle of milk out on the counter and forgot to put it back in the fridge 😭 It’s probably been an hour and a half sitting out, is it still good to put back in the refrigerator to store later or is it not good anymore? 😭


If you got mastitis, how did it happen?

If you got mastitis, how did it happen? Did you go like a day without pumping ? As long as you are pumping every few hours you won’t get it right? I’m honestly so terrified of getting it but not sure what 100% causes it. I think I have a clogged duct right now. I have a lump that won’t really go away. I’ve trie...


Not producing breast milk while pumping

Hey mamas. I’m 6 days postpartum and pumping for the first time. Nothing is coming out. I use the Willow 360, a wearable pump. Could it be that my milk just isn’t fully in yet? What are your experiences with pumping?


Electric pump

Any recommendations for electric breast pump? I want to buy it so I have it for when I want to collect colostrum. Never used one before please give me all the advice 😂


When to stop breast feeding

Do y’all wait until the baby is ready to stop or do you stop them whenever you’re ready?


Breastfeeding fast let down!?

My baby is currently 5 weeks old and we got off to a rocky bf journey. I had to exclusively pump and bottle feed shortly after birth and now have supply issues too. We’re trying to reintroduce breastfeeding however sometimes my LO starts crying at the breast but when I compress there is still milk available (initia...


Bottles recommendations

With me getting ready to end my breastfeeding journey for my mental health what are some good bottles?


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