If you got mastitis, how did it happen?

If you got mastitis, how did it happen? Did you go like a day without pumping ? As long as you are pumping every few hours you won’t get it right? I’m honestly so terrified of getting it but not sure what 100% causes it. I think I have a clogged duct right now. I have a lump that won’t really go away. I’ve tried him eating on that side and it doesn’t help. Also tried a shower to express everything out because my pump isn’t working to get much out. Usually i get like 2 oz and i barely got half an ounce today. I’m just freaking out and don’t know what to do!!! Is this the first step or mastitis?!
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I got it when I was weaning. I was towards the end and I pumped twice and fed once a day. I took out both pumps because of pressure for my husband to wean off. I didn’t notice any lumps at first. But I suddenly felt feverish and at that point I did feel a limp and my breast was so sore. I was put on antibiotics. It was a while ago so I can’t remember whether it was the next day or a couple of days til it hit me.

Got when we got needles done & not so much feeding occurred. This was before I had a pump & was my 1st kid. With my 2nd I had a pump ready to go & just pumped when I felt full.

I got clogged duct which I thought was mastitis. Called lactation consultant and she told me to consume Lecitin. It was gone in 2 days, thank God! (This is not a medical advice. Consult with your dr what's the best for you)

@Pink Mommy I’ve been taking lecithin too!!! I really hope it’s gone tomorrow cause I’ve just been so upset about it. I know if i get mastitis I’ll want to quit :/ did your supply go down during it? It feels like nothing comes out when I pump.

When I got a clogged duct my midwife had me take a very warm shower, keep the water on it, and massage it with a vibrator! I did this maybe three times throughout the day and it was gone by the end of the day. Also not medical advice just what worked for me!

I was 3 weeks post partum and told it's very common at that point. Was exclusively breastfeeding and told to feed my daughter on that side more often. It turned it into a fever and intense pain in my breast but I got antibiotics onboard quickly and it was resolved in 2ish days

I got mastitis when I was breastfeeding my 3rd child. I only breastfed for 2 weeks as she had allergies and wasn't feeding well and it was causing me so much pain. I ended up finding out I had mastitis after giving up and I think it was caused by a clogged duct as I was the same had the lump and I tried to relive it by using the cool gel things. Ended up getting the fever and alot of pain got antibiotics can't remember how long it took to heal as this was 4 years ago

@Jeri do they just prescribe regular antibiotics like as in amoxicillin ?

A blocked duct is not mastitis. Mastitis is when you develop a bacterial infection in your boob. If your boob goes red and hot, or you get a fever, get antibiotics asap. I had mastitis once. It really wasn't that terrible. You want to catch it early. Yes your boob hurts but it isn't agony. you can still feed .

@Ella ok I was under the impression that a clogged duct if not resolved, turns into mastitis and I was freaking out for the last 24 hours lol but I think last night my clog resolved 🎉 That’s good to hear though because I’ve been really scared about it and have always thought to myself the second I get it for the first time that’s the end of my nursing journey if it really is that painful because I wouldn’t want to get it a second time

A clogged duct CAN develop into mastitis. But that's not a guarantee. It can take a few days for a clogged duct to resolve. You don't have to stop nursing if you get mastitis one time. The biggest risk factor for mastitis and clogged ducts is over supply. Do you have over supply?

I overslept and didn’t do my 2am pump. The only thing that helped me was sunflower lecithin and a warm compress

@Ella yeah i know I don’t have to stop I was just worried that I would 100% throw in the towel if I did ever get it haha since honestly due to mental health i debate quitting like everyday 😂 Pumping is just so hard and annoying. But nope no oversupply unfortunately. I think that’s why it causes me more stress since I am slightly under producing and having to supplement. But trying to increase my supply also caused me too much stress soo I have accepted I am just a under producer. Even tho I’m not a over supplier, I seem to still keep getting clogs! I’ve had 3 in the last like 2-3 weeks. Luckily they have all gone away in like a day or two so far but then my supply goes down each time too :/ I’m only really getting 2-3 oz each time I pump and he’s eating like 3-4 oz each bottle. Then during the shift that I sleep it always seems like that’s the time he cluster feeds for my husband and will eat like 6-9 oz so we use formula during that time

Ugh think I literally have another clog :( I’m just honestly soo freaking frustrated. I try so hard to keep BFing going and my supply just keeps turning to shit. I’ve tried to BF a little bit more today versus pumping thinking maybe he could increase my supply and he’s getting mad sometimes cause Im just empty and not refilling as quickly as he wants to eat so I had to supplement. The one time I did try to pump i pumped for like 40 mins and got like 1.5 oz. I just don’t know why my supply keeps going down when I AM pumping and feeding him. :/ plus ive always pumped at night too. I know plenty of ppl who skip their night pumping and kept a very good supply so idk why i can’t…I never get over like 2-3 oz the past few days..I thought it was suppose to be supply and demand. 😭

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@Keerthivasini 6 weeks

Babies quite often feed 2 hourly around the clock. And they also cluster feed in the evening so spend about 2 hours straight on the boob. It's pretty hard to maintain that with pumping tbh. You'd have to pump 12x per 24 hours including a whole bunch of night pumps. I would honestly recommend you ditch the pump and ditch the bottles and just feed on demand from the boob, all the time. Your supply will come up to match what bub is taking. It's totally normal for bub to go through a phase where they are impatient for the letdown. Both my kids did and they never took a bottle. Don't reach for a bottle just because bub is being frustrated. Just keep offering boob.

Okay so my baby is 5 weeks 5 days old. I pump only 6-7 times a day and never more. I can send you screenshots of my pumping timing. I try to be consistent with timings but not able to. I also nurse him 2-3 times a day. I had a under supply but now my supply is really good. I have have a mini freezer stash now. We can be in this journey together ❤️ Feel free to DM.

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