Community Posts, Tips & Support on Breastfeeding

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Breastfeeding.

Not producing breast milk while pumping

Hey mamas. I’m 6 days postpartum and pumping for the first time. Nothing is coming out. I use the Willow 360, a wearable pump. Could it be that my milk just isn’t fully in yet? What are your experiences with pumping?


Electric pump

Any recommendations for electric breast pump? I want to buy it so I have it for when I want to collect colostrum. Never used one before please give me all the advice 😂


When to stop breast feeding

Do y’all wait until the baby is ready to stop or do you stop them whenever you’re ready?


Breastfeeding fast let down!?

My baby is currently 5 weeks old and we got off to a rocky bf journey. I had to exclusively pump and bottle feed shortly after birth and now have supply issues too. We’re trying to reintroduce breastfeeding however sometimes my LO starts crying at the breast but when I compress there is still milk available (initia...


Bottles recommendations

With me getting ready to end my breastfeeding journey for my mental health what are some good bottles?


Pump doesn’t pump hind milk

Hi all I’ve noticed my pump doesn’t seem to collect any milk after 10 minute mark of pumping and it’s always watery fore milk that is collected. I keep pumping for another 20 mins to try to catch some hind milk but nothing else comes out. Is this normal? Anyone got any advice pls


Refusing milk

Is anyone else suddenly going through this? My LG is 16 months and every couple of days she has started to refuse her morning or bedtime milk. This isn’t just a pushing the bottle away, it’s a full on screaming, biting herself, punching me, arching her back tantrum!! This is sooo unlike her and I have no idea what’s...


Breastfeeding to go sleep

Those mums who breastfed your babies to sleep at night how did you manage to stop and how long did it take for your little one to get used to it.


Irregular periods

So I gave birth 13 months ago and everyone I know there period was back to normal before the 1 year mark but mine are not they are just over 2 months apart and it’s annoying but I never know if I’m pregnant again or if it’s my period being late so I wanted to know if anyone else period is still like this I don’t bre...


Feel like an absolute failure

I’ve been breast feeding for 6 weeks which although exhausting had been going well. My little one was also going down for naps in her bed sometimes long/sometimes short and sometimes liked to be held. My partner has gone back to work this week and works away and I have a 6 year old and a 2 year old so now need to do...


Engorgement and leaking

Hello! Our first baby we weren’t able to breastfeed so this is the first time I’ve been able to experience it. Because we have 2 under 2 I pump to give our newborn bottles at night or when I’m in more of a rush to do our older daughters routine (dinner, bath, etc) I have been having great output (usually 2-4oz pum...


Combo feeding?

Am 4 weeks pp and don’t think I’ll ever produce enough for my LO. Anyone else struggling to continue as they are not producing enough? Feel like a failure x 2 as breast feeding didn’t work out and am still having to feed formula. Thank you


Colostrum and Breastfeeding

Hey Mamas!! So I've seen a lot of posts asking about colostrum and mums-to-be worrying that they're not getting any colostrum which may make them worry about breastfeeding. While your baby is growing, your placenta is knocking out loads and loads of hormones. One of which is called Prolactin, which is what causes y...



Hey, are there any other breastfeeding mums that still haven’t had a period?


Breastfeeding struggles

So baby girl hit 4 weeks on Friday, my milk supply has been very low this entire time, I’m pumping, taking supplements but it isn’t keeping up with her 3oz formula she takes. I feel like such a bad mom because sometimes I think her stomach is growling (later I realized it’s a mixture of gas), as soon as she goes to ...



Has anyone started harvesting colosseum? I’m 37 weeks and I’m only getting small drops at a time (not enough to get into a syringe). I’ve tried hand expressing and using a hand pump but nothing helps 🫠


Ending breastfeeding

Just wondering if anyone else feels the way I do about giveming up breastfeeding. I've ebf for 4 months but have recently been worried about his latch and wether he's getting the right nutrients he needs. It's stressing me out. Over the last 2 weeks I've been expressing to bottles so I know he'll take the bottle. ...


Breast Pump Recommendation

Can anyone recommend a breast pump? It feels like a minefield and with everything being so expensive, I don’t want to buy the wrong thing! Breastfeeding is going well but I’d love to express so my husband can help with the night feeds!


Drying up breast milk tips?

I stopped breastfeeding my 15m old. It’s been about 40hours and I’m quite engorged and my chest hurts. I want to dry up my milk supply I’m wearing a tight sports bra but I need advice on how long it will take to dry up and when will the pain settle?


Pumping pain

Hi, I’m expressing due to my baby not wanting to attach so I want to give as much breast milk as I can, but these past couple of days I’ve been getting pains on my nipples. Does anyone else experience this or is it my pump that’s possibly causing it, any advise would be Amazing!


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