Community Posts, Tips & Support on Breastfeeding

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Breastfeeding.

Pumping, BF & Formula

I started combi feeding my 3 week old formula and breastmilk as he wasn’t waking for food. I’ve been feeling really low with breastfeeding due to low supply and pain. I’d like to start pumping to ease the pain. Would it be okay to pump during the day while baby gets formula and breastfeed once in the morning, once ...


Milk Intolerance

We have just moved and my 5mo is running out of aptamil pepti 1 and I tried signing up with the doctors today and it takes up to 10 days we’re almost out of her milk and her old doctors said we needed to get another tub from the new docs but we can’t as we’re waiting to be signed up. After days of faffing around goi...


I’m panicking

I have inverted nipples and my colostrum just isn’t coming no matter how hard I try. I feel like a failure. Any tips 😢


Breast pumps

This is my 2nd pregnancy and I’m trying to find the best pump that’s preferably wearable as I don’t think I’ll be able to sit down to pump with 2 under 2 😅 best wearable pumps you all have liked?


Premie nicu baby and breastfeeding

Did your premie nicu baby transition to exclusively breastfeeding? I know when babies stay in the nicu they’re given bottles and/or tube feedings. Moms can also nurse ofc but I’m wondering if your baby transitioned to the breast with no issues.


How often do your breast fed babies feed?

My baby feeds every hour to 2 hours, only time she goes over two hours is usually if she’s asleep. I’ve read somewhere that at 2 months they’ll be feeding every 3-4 hours. I’m worried maybe she’s not getting full / enough milk at each feed so is feeding more frequently? Anyone else’s babies feeding all the time?


I have a lot of milk at 4weeks pp

Just wondering if anyone knows what all I can do with this breast milk my freezer is filled with milk for my daughter she was just born 9/15 she came 6 weeks early and spent a month in Nicu I’m pumping every 3hrs for 20 minutes and I get anywhere from 5-14oz total from both breast I need advice



Any tips for breastfeeding that’s handy to know? I formula fed my last but would love to breastfeed this time round 🥰


Introducing bottles

I EBF both my girls until they were both 1. They both refused to take a bottle. I’m currently EBF my son, who’s 3 weeks old and we would like to introduce a bottle so my husband and daughters can feed him too. Any tips on when is best to do this and any bottles that have been more successful for breastfed baby? I’...


Stopping breastfeeding, feeling depressed please help 😭

Hi ladies, after a very tricky emergency c section birth and struggling at first to get breast feeding established, 3 bouts of mastitis with the last one ending up with hospitalisation, I have made the decision to stop breastfeeding. My baby is one year old and I am returning to work. I feel so depressed about it bu...


Breastfeeding troubles in newborn

So… I gave birth to my first baby yesterday. Traumatic experience after failed induction, then another try and finally an emergency caesarean. I was so determined to have a vaginal birth but things were outside of my control and it ended up in requiring the caesarean…I’ve accepted that. But - I feel like I’m alre...


Hard breast

My breast felt engorged and I have since breastfed my baby about 2 to 3 times since. This didn't seem to help as I feel the tenderness getting harder! What should I do?


When to buy new bra

Hi! I am 31 weeks pregnant and up until now I was fine using my old bras with the extender. It is getting pretty tight now, not even overflowing but just itchy and red under boobs so I am guessing it is getting a bit tighter. I have large boobs anyway. My question is how long should I wait till I get another bra? Th...


Baby suddenly refuses formula but drinks breastmilk fine

👋 I have a 13 week old lil girl and she has been combi fed since she was maybe 1 month old (bottle fed with breastmilk and then have one bottle of formula a day). She recently refused to have the formula whilst she is happy to have the breastmilk. Anyone experience this please?


Pumped milk

Hi everyone, I’m BF and giving my Lo a bottle with breast milk in once or twice a day. I’ve been following the 6/6/6 method, but I’m finding that my milk after 2/3 days in the fridge isn’t smelling very nice, but I’m unsure if it’s spoiled or if just how it smells, she still takes it in the bottle without fuss and ...



My son is now 2 months and my right boob has been really sore to the touch since yesterday had this happened to anyone else? Any advice on how to get it to stop?


Periods during breastfeeding

Why does this happen? I thought breastfeeding meant no periods


Cluster feeding, first night at home

Baby boy joined us last night around 1am. I hadn't got more than 2 hours sleep.over 48hrs because of the birth and now I'm home, my newborn won't let me put him down, he has had 4feeds back to back and I'm exhausted. Help!


15m old breastfeeding

So we are still breastfeeding at 15m old… mainly to help go down for a nap and she still wakes up 1/2 a night to breastfeed but only for a min or two for comfort I guess. My question is how did you all stop breastfeeding because she is obsessed with my boobs and she screams her head off until she gets the boob when ...


How to get baby to take breastmilk in bottle?

Hey all, my LG is EBF. She is almost 7 months. Any tips on getting her to take breastmilk from a bottle. TIA


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