Community Posts, Tips & Support on Breastfeeding

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Breastfeeding.

Baby not feeding

My baby is 19 weeks old(15 weeks corrected), she has always been fussy with her feeds and drinks mostly when either sleepy or too hungry in the afternoon or evenings, morning feeds are very dificult as she hardly takes 30-60 ml only, her weight has always been on the low side, (2.1 kg birth weight) and 4.8 kg curren...



I used to get so much milk now I’m barely even getting half of this per pump only getting about 3-4oz each side if that . Can somebody please help i want my supply back up I haven’t changed anything so I don’t know what it could be


Breastfeeding mumma

So since starting breastfeeding ofc i’ve noticed the difference in my boobs. However both ofc ain’t the same size. and it’s extremely noticeable. I can’t wear a normal bra due to the size difference. Anyone able to offer advice on how to maybe increase breast size or just feel better about my boobs.


Wearable pump not working as well?

Hi moms! For those that are also pumping. I’m 6 months PP now and it seems like my wearable pumps don’t get as much milk out anymore as compared to my electric pump. Has anybody else noticed this? Do I just need to get new ones?


Night Feed Routine

I've been looking on Tik Tok on how different people do night feeds and how they set up their bedroom space. I plan to breastfeed & pump so my partner can night feed but I've seen a lot of people who seem to have quite complex routines. My thought process is ... surely I can pump my breastmilk in to bottles, kee...



When did everyone get their periods back 7months pp always exclusively breastfed however shes eating meals as well now and has down since 6 months just wanting to know as I’m not ready for them to come back !!


Collecting colostrum

Probably a silly question…for those of you who have started collecting some colostrum, I have done lots of homework into how to collect it and I was given those little purple syringe things from my midwife, but what do I collect it in? I know that sounds silly but does it just go into the syringe? Like drip in or do...


Advice needed!!

Help! I have a 3 year old, 2 year old and an almost 5 week old my first 2 girls were bottle fed and very content settled babies! I am breastfeeding this time, she feeds all day long and isn’t happy/content if she isn’t feeding does not settle much at all, she still has a shallow latch and mainly settles on 1 breast,...


Colostrum Struggles

Hi all, I am really struggling with colostrum harvesting! I’ve been trying for a few days, but have not gotten more than a few tiny drops on my nipples. Not enough for even 1ml in a syringe. Any tips or tricks that have worked for you would be appreciated! I’m 38 weeks.


Breast milk supply

I gave birth via c section over a week ago. My section was difficult and I was having difficulty breathing and very bad trembling afterwards so I had to formula feed my baby. I couldn't even do skin to skin. Now I want to breast feed but I don't seem to produce enough milk! I try to pump and can't get more than 20-...


Milk bleb

Oh. My. God. My nipple hurts!! Has anyone dealt with a milk bleb? What the heck do you do to fix it quickly? I am screaming and crying in pain trying to nurse my 2 week old baby and I don’t know what to doooo


Baby dropped centile - worried

My LG has maintained 75th percentile since birth but has now dropped to 50th - she is feeding less and very distracted on the boob - should I be concerned ?


Fussing when feeding

Does anyone else’s baby fuss with feeds only at certain times of the day? My bottle fed baby is awful to feed between 4-8. She crying kicking her legs squirming. The dr is trying us on formula for cmpa bit I’m starting to wonder if she just has a fussy feeding time. Xx


Harvesting Colostrum.

Hi guys ive started collecting colostrum and i was just wondering is this colour is right? every time ive seen someone post their it’s been yellow. so


Breast pump recommendations

My Medela has failed me! 😕 which hands free electric pump do you swear by?


breast/bottle feeding mums

hi there! bottle and breast feeding momma here- my baby is 3 1/2 months old, and within the past 3 days, my left side has become very swollen , sore, even my nipple has been causing discomfort as well. what should i do? any and all tips would be greatly appreciated!


Breast feeding mummas!! Are we feeding on demand or every 2-4 hours?

What's everyone doing for breast feeding schedules.?? Are we waking babies or just feeding on demand?


Reduced feedings

My baby girl is 10 weeks old and I'm noticing that she falls asleep right after taking milk from one breast. In the past she used to feed from both. What does this mean? Does it mean she is needing lesser? Should I wake her up to take from both??


Smaller nipples

I have a 3 month old. I've noticed my nipples are smaller than they used to be. Is this normal? Im wondering if there's a correlation with low supply.


Lip fillers / Botox whilst breastfeeding

Has anyone done this? Please share 🙏🏻 Is it an absolute no no?


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