Smaller nipples

I have a 3 month old. I've noticed my nipples are smaller than they used to be. Is this normal? Im wondering if there's a correlation with low supply.
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It's probably because your supply has regulated now that there's not as much swelling all the time

Yeah i’d say it’s because your supply has regulated too! Mine got huge post partum then went back down to their original size

@anon Thank you problem is my supply is too low.

What makes you think your supply is low x

@Lauryne Baby would latch fantastic, no swallowing noises, no milk in her mouth, and I could feel no milk flowing. Constantly had hand to her mouth and crying. Soother wouldn't do it either. Tried burping a diaper, still nothing. I would pump when she was sleeping to get a rough idea how much is coming out it's only 2oz from both sides. I gave her some formula, and she's much happier. Now, I'm taking steps to hopefully increase the amount.

Tbh that still sounds pretty normal. Breastmilk digests faster so they get hungry faster, they constantly have hands in mouth because that's just what babies do, they go through phases where there horribly fussy as well. Pumping doesn't indicate supply in any way as they aren't as good as babies and 0.5-2oz is very very normal. Even I could only get 1oz a pump during the day. You can't always feel milk flow either, I certainly can't feel a thing or notice a difference in my boobs, there's no swallowing noises either and I can't say I've ever noticed milk coming out aside from when she's dozed off and it's dribbled out. If you feel it is still low then try power pumping but you need to keep latching to mimic cluster feeding to boost it with lots of skin to skin and love

@anon Thank you Does your baby ever pull hard on the nipple? Latched and pulling as if to get milk? she'll latch, and it'll take up to 5 minutes before I can feel the milk letdown.(she's fussy the whole time waiting for the milk) It happens for only a moment, and then I can hear she's not drinking anymore and starts pulling on it. If I don't pump the other side while she's nursing, the milk on the other side will go away. It doesn't stay in the boob for her to have. She'll pull hard on the other nipple also. Is that normal?

@Amanda When supply regulates you no longer have the milk stored and ready to flow straight out so it can take a few minutes for it to start flowing and they get a bit irritated with it. Bit like whacking a ready meal in the microwave when you're famished and you have to stand and wait for ages watching the clock, you're gonna be grumpy and impatient too. I'm feeding now and she's fine for 5-10 seconds and then it's back to tugging and relatching. Easiest way for you to tell supply is to get her weighed every few weeks to make sure her weight is tracking on roughly the same centile and also monitor wet nappies to make sure she's weeing enough. Dirty nappies are harder because they can go multiple times a day or once a week.

@anon Thank you. Hard to know what's normal. I thought that meant my supply was gone. Wouldn't baby need more food if tugging and relatching. Screaming and wiggling on the boob? I spoke to a lactation consultant and she said it's low supply.

@Amanda It's hard to tell much except by weight and nappies because what you've described can be 100% normal supply in people. Tugging and relatching can be completely normal still and can even be due to baby just messing about because nipples get used just for comfort too. If your lactation consultant said low supply then I would probably suggest seeing another one as I've noticed a lot of people recently just being told to give formula straight away rather than looking into what's really happening. At the end of the day if your baby is taking formula well and thriving on that and whatever breastmilk you can give then you're doing a good enough job, if breastmilk is that important to you then you have no reason to stop trying to latch her or bottle feed pumped milk. Just gotta do what you feel comfortable with

@anon I hear you. Playing / comfort on the nipple I get. My gut said she's still hungry and I didn't have anymore. The consultant said to try herbal supplements and power pumping. Which I have started taking. I chose to give a little formula and she was so happy after but EBF is super important to me. Thanks for taking the time to reply

@Amanda I've seen a lot about fennel seed tea, don't buy the speciality breast feeding teas because they're just normal tea with extra high prices. Drinking lots and eating enough are very important to as you cant give what you don't have. I take vitamin D, folic acid, iron and a multivitamin each day just to make sure I have everything too. It's really hard but you sound like you're doing all the right things

I second every word anon said! I had the exact same issues and thought it was my supply and the lactation consultant told me everything anon has said here, I also found sometimes the fussiness meant wind and she was seeking boob for comfort but it was making her worse as the bf position was making the wind more uncomfortable so maybe have a look into that too, but as long as baby is gaining weight and having plenty of wet & dirty nappies I wouldn’t worry about your supply 🫶🏼

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