Community Posts, Tips & Support on Breastfeeding

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding covers???

I'm a breastfeeding European mum! I never use a cover and never bought one because I feel it's socially acceptable to just feed wherever needed here. I'm going to USA in December and wondering if I need to buy a cover and get my baby used to it?


CMPA milk ladder

My little boy has just turned 6 months, we have just started on food however he is already prescribed milk as he has a cow’s milk allergy. I have heard different ages for when you should start the milk ladder. Should i be starting this soon or is it best to wait until turning 1?



How is this for a first attempt at collecting colostrum?


Just found out I’m pregnant with Bub no.2 (total surprise pregnancy)

Our first bub is 18months old now, and have just found out we are pregnant with Bub no 2. And having a slight freak out, as I don’t think neither myself or our daughter are ready for another baby as she is still breastfeeding. Wanting to know other peoples experiences…. How did your first bub handle the arrival...


Breastfeeding yes or no

I'm a breastfeeding European mother! I know it is more popular in some counties than others so I'm intrigued if many mothers in their 20s have chosen to breastfeed or formula feed


Breastfeeding/nipple shields

Why is breastfeeding so hard 😭 like our bodies were supposed to be designed for this, why is it so hard and painful? The lactation consultant at the hospital gave me some silicone nipple shields to use while feeding bc his little mouth was excruciating after a few feeds. Anyone else use nipple shields successfully?…


Latching problems

My baby was taken straight to NICU when she was born and stayed there for 2 days where they introduced her to the bottle. She now refuses to latch so we’re using nipple shields! Any tips on weaning the shields off and getting her to latch? She is now 2 weeks old! Thanks in advance for any advice x



Just wondering if anyone’s in the same boat… my baby is 16 weeks and I’m yet to have a period. I’ve been formula feeding since day one, so it’s not being delayed by breastfeeding. Starting to worry! Had my third lot of blood tests yesterday to check thyroid levels etc but they all keep coming back clear!


Advice from mamas

I have an almost 6 wks old. I pump and produce breastmilk, but I only produce 4oz and she normally wants about 5 to 6 already. So I give her a little bit of formula bc I don’t know what else to do. But her stomach seems funky, like farting and spitting up quite a bit. Family tells me it could be what I’m eating And ...


Lactation Consultant

Ladies - if you’re having trouble/anxiety about breastfeeding, please look into finding a lactation consultant. My baby is 4 days old and breastfeeding has been stressing me out as I’ve struggled to get him to latch. After an awful night last night, I called a local lactation consultant who had a slot this aftern...


Feeding worries

Little man is 9 days old and has been cluster feeding like crazy since day 1, averaging about 3-4 hours of feeding a day. And today he’s fed significantly less, only about 1.5 hours so far. Done several wet and dirty nappies and still seems very happy and content. But I was just wondering when other ppls babies slow...


Boob preference??

So my baby is now 2 days old. She feeds really well, I’m so proud of us. She wakes up every 3ish hours for a feed that lasts anywhere from 10-40 mins. The only thing is she seems to struggle to latch on my left boob so I always end up giving her the right one. But I just got a ??blood blister?? on it I think. Just a...


First period postpartum at 7 weeks? isnt it too early? Please help!!

Hi, I am EBF my second child and just got my period at 7 weeks pp. With my first I didnt have it for 6 months so I am very confused...will my milk supply decrease? it is too early to have my period, please help!


Colostrum harvesting

Has anyone else harvested colostrum at 35+½ weeks? Google says not to before 36/37 weeks but just wondering if it has a negative impact or if it's safe? TIA x


Pump and alcohol help

Hi, never drank before whilst pumping so curious as to how it works. I’ve pumped at 5.30x, then had a small red wine with tea. If i was to finish the bottle with partner (so half each) what would I need to do with pumps. I normally would pump once before bed, once about 2/3am and then in the morning at 7am. Th...


Nursing to sleep

For mums who breastfeed their baby to sleep for naps and nighttime sleep. Do they sleep okay for other people when you’re not around?


Stomach bug, what to do!

I posted earlier about having a stomach bug and if it was safe to continue breastfeeding. Well now my little girl is poorly and has been sick about 5 times in the last two hours. I've tried putting her on the breast but she just keeps throwing it back up, but then she wants to go back on again (probs for comfort) ...


Baby milk

Has anybody used the Aldi own baby milk


Breastfeeding help

My baby is 7 days old today, I never breastfed my first so I’m really unsure but, it just feels like she’s constantly feeding, she’ll fall asleep I’ll put her down and she’s awake wanting a feed again. Am I doing something wrong or is this normal? On the verge of just giving it up and formula feeding



Idk if this is the correct group for this BUT busty ladies what are we wearing for bras? Before I got pregnant I was a 32 F/G natural, and my boobs are growing insanely big. My ribs haven’t spread that much so finding maternity bras/ nursing bras is my current hell. I have 3 little bralettes that I’m cycling through...


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